Updated zrep script to include functions for checking updates, updating specific packages, and installing packages. Added logic to handle package installation, removal, and updating. Improved error handling and messaging for better user experience. Enhanced functionality for managing zrep packages efficiently.
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function zrep_version() {
zrep_msg info "\nCreated by kekePower - 2024"
zrep_msg info "License: MIT"
zrep_msg info "https://git.kekepower.com/kekePower/zrep/"
zrep_msg info "Please see '${colors[green]}${ZSH_SCRIPT:t} help${colors[end]}'${colors[yellow]} for more info"
zrep_msg info "Please see '${colors[bold_green]}${ZSH_SCRIPT:t} help${colors[end]}'${colors[yellow]} for more info"
@ -142,24 +142,34 @@ EOF
# Function to parse remote JSON data and extract author, script, and version
# and return the correct download url
function zrep_parse_remote() {
local url="${1}"
local package="${2}"
local author_name="${package%%/*}"
local script_name="${package#*/}"
local json_data
# Fetch JSON data from the URL
json_data=$(curl -s "${url}")
# Extract author, script, and version using jq
author=$(echo "${json_data}" | jq -r '.authors[0].name')
script=$(echo "${json_data}" | jq -r '.authors[0].scripts[0].name')
version=$(echo "${json_data}" | jq -r '.authors[0].scripts[0].version')
# Set the variables as global
export author
export script
export version
# Directly extract the details based on author_name and script_name
dlurl=$(echo "${json_data}" | jq -r --arg author_name "$author_name" --arg script_name "$script_name" '.authors[] | select(.name==$author_name) | .scripts[] | select(.name==$script_name) | .dlurl')
version=$(echo "${json_data}" | jq -r --arg author_name "$author_name" --arg script_name "$script_name" '.authors[] | select(.name==$author_name) | .scripts[] | select(.name==$script_name) | .version')
# Check if the dlurl and version are found
if [[ -n "$dlurl" && -n "$version" ]]; then
# Set the details as global
export author="$author_name"
export script="$script_name"
export version
export dlurl
#echo "Download URL: ${dlurl}"
#echo "Author: ${author}, Script: ${script}, Version: ${version}"
echo "Package ${package} not found."
# Function to write to installed.json after successful install
@ -169,20 +179,22 @@ function zrep_update_installed_json() {
local version="${3}"
local json_file="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json"
# Check if the JSON file exists and create it if not
# Ensure the JSON file exists, creating an empty object if not
if [[ ! -f "${json_file}" ]]; then
echo "{}" > "${json_file}" # Initialize with an empty object
echo "{}" > "${json_file}"
# Proper jq command to update the JSON
jq --arg author "${author}" --arg script "${script}" --arg version "${version}" \
'if .[${author}] then
.[${author}] += [{"script": ${script}, "version": ${version}}]
.[${author}] = [{"script": ${script}, "version": ${version}}]
end' "${json_file}" > "${json_file}.tmp" && mv "${json_file}.tmp" "${json_file}"
# Correctly handle updating or adding script entries within the nested array
jq --arg author "$author" --arg script "$script" --arg version "$version" \
'if has($author) then
.[$author] |= map(if .script == $script then .version = $version else . end) |
if .[$author] | all(.script != $script) then .[$author] += [{"script": $script, "version": $version}] else . end
.[$author] = [{"script": $script, "version": $version}]
end' "$json_file" > "$json_file.tmp" && mv "$json_file.tmp" "$json_file"
zrep_msg info "Package '${script}' by '${author}' version ${version} installed successfully."
zrep_msg info " - Package '$script' by '$author' version $version installed/updated successfully."
# Function to list installed packages from installed.json
@ -199,7 +211,7 @@ function zrep_list_installed_packages() {
zrep_msg sub "\nInstalled packages:"
# Iterate through each author and their packages
jq -r 'to_entries | .[] | .key as ${author} | .value[] | "\(${author})/\(.script) (\(.version))"' "${installed_json}" | while IFS= read -r package_info; do
jq -r 'to_entries | .[] | .key as $author | .value[] | "\($author)/\(.script) (\(.version))"' "${installed_json}" | while IFS= read -r package_info; do
local package_name=$(echo "${package_info}" | cut -d ' ' -f1) # Extract package name before the version
local is_active="${colors[white]}(${colors[end]}${colors[bold_red]}Inactive${colors[end]}${colors[white]})${colors[end]}" # Set default to Inactive
@ -223,7 +235,7 @@ function zrep_list_package() {
# Parse installed.json and concatenate package names
jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key as ${author} | .value[] | "\(${author})/\(.script) (\(.version))"' "${installed_json}" | while IFS= read -r package_info; do
jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key as $author | .value[] | "\($author)/\(.script) (\(.version))"' "${installed_json}" | while IFS= read -r package_info; do
package_names+="${package_info} "
@ -272,27 +284,27 @@ function zrep_remove_package() {
# Check if installed.json exists
if [[ ! -f "${installed_json}" ]]; then
echo "Error: installed.json not found."
zrep_msg debug "\nError: installed.json not found."
return 1
# Get package information from installed.json
local package_info
package_info=$(zrep_parse_installed_json | jq ".[] | select(.author + \"/\" + .script == \"${package_name}\")")
local author="${package_name%%/*}"
local script="${package_name#*/}"
# Check if the package is installed
if [[ -z "${package_info}" ]]; then
echo "Error: Package '${package_name}' is not installed."
# Verify if the package is installed and get its version (if any)
local installed_version=$(jq -r --arg author "$author" --arg script "$script" \
'.[$author][] | select(.script == $script) | .version' "$installed_json")
if [[ -z "$installed_version" || "$installed_version" == "null" ]]; then
zrep_msg debug "\nError: Package '${package_name}' is not installed."
zrep_msg info "Please see 'zrep list' for installed packages."
return 1
local author=$(echo "${package_info}" | jq -r '.author')
local script=$(echo "${package_info}" | jq -r '.script')
local first_letter=$(echo "${author}" | cut -c 1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
local first_letter=$(echo "${author:0:1}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
local package_dir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/${first_letter}/${author}/${script}"
echo "Package information:"
echo "${package_info}" | jq .
zrep_msg info "\nFound installed package: $package_name, version: $installed_version"
# Ask user for confirmation with default response "Y"
read "REPLY?Are you sure you want to remove this package? (y/n) [Y]: "
@ -303,60 +315,149 @@ function zrep_remove_package() {
# Remove the package directory from disk
if [[ -d "${package_dir}" ]]; then
rm -rf "${package_dir}"
echo "Package directory '${package_dir}' removed successfully."
zrep_msg sub "Package directory '${package_dir}' removed successfully."
echo "Warning: Package directory '${package_dir}' not found."
# Safely check and remove author and first letter directories if empty
local author_dir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/${first_letter}/${author}"
if [[ -d "${author_dir}" && ! "$(ls -A "${author_dir}")" ]]; then
rmdir "${author_dir}"
echo "Author directory '${author_dir}' removed successfully."
if [[ -d "${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/${first_letter}" && ! "$(ls -A "${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/${first_letter}")" ]]; then
rmdir "${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/${first_letter}"
echo "First letter directory '${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/${first_letter}' removed successfully."
zrep_msg debug "Warning: Package directory '${package_dir}' not found."
# Remove the package from installed.json
jq "del(.[] | select(.author == \"${author}\" and .script == \"${script}\"))" "${installed_json}" > "${installed_json}.tmp" && mv "${installed_json}.tmp" "${installed_json}"
echo "Package '${package_name}' removed successfully from installed.json."
jq --arg author "$author" --arg script "$script" \
'(.[$author] |= map(select(.script != $script))) |
if .[$author] == [] then del(.[$author]) else . end' \
"$installed_json" > "$installed_json.tmp" && mv "$installed_json.tmp" "$installed_json"
zrep_msg sub "Package '${package_name}' removed successfully from installed.json."
echo "Removal canceled."
zrep_msg info "Removal canceled."
function zrep_check_if_installed() {
local package="${1}"
local installedJson="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json"
local author_name="${package%%/*}"
local script_name="${package#*/}"
# Initialize version to an empty string
typeset -g installed_version=""
# Check if the package is already installed and retrieve its version
installed_version=$(jq -r --arg author "$author_name" --arg script "$script_name" \
'.[$author][] | select(.script == $script) | .version' "$installedJson")
if [[ -n "$installed_version" && "$installed_version" != "null" ]]; then
# Package is installed, and version is stored in installed_version
# echo "Package $package is installed with version $installed_version."
return 0 # Package is installed
# echo "Package $package is not installed."
return 1 # Package is not installed
typeset -A updatesAvailable
function zrep_check_for_updates() {
local remoteFile="${config[global_repo_url]}/packages.json"
local localFile="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json"
local remotePackages=$(curl -s "$remoteFile")
# Reset global variables
typeset -g updates=false # Global declaration, initializes to false
# Process updates
local authorsScripts=$(jq -r '. | to_entries[] | .key as $author | .value[] | "\($author)/\(.script):\(.version)"' "$localFile")
for entry in ${(f)authorsScripts}; do
local author="${entry%%/*}"
local rest="${entry#*/}"
local script_name="${rest%%:*}"
local installed_version="${rest##*:}"
local remote_version=$(jq -r --arg author "$author" --arg script "$script_name" \
'.authors[] | select(.name==$author) | .scripts[] | select(.name==$script) | .version' <<<"$remotePackages")
if [[ "$remote_version" > "$installed_version" ]]; then
zrep_msg info "\n$author/$script_name can be updated from $installed_version to $remote_version"
updates=true # Mark that updates are available
function zrep_update_package() {
local specificPackage=${1}
# Check if in update mode or specific package update
if [[ -n "$specificPackage" ]]; then
# Logic for updating a specific package
# Assuming specificPackage format is "author/script"
local version=${updatesAvailable[$specificPackage]}
if [[ -n "$version" ]]; then
local author="${specificPackage%%/*}"
local script="${specificPackage#*/}"
local dlurl="${config[global_repo_url]}/download.php?a=${author}&s=${script}&v=${version}"
# echo "Updating $specificPackage to version $version..."
zrep_install_package u $author/$script
echo "No update available for $specificPackage."
# General update mode: update all packages listed in updatesAvailable
for package in ${(k)updatesAvailable}; do
local author=${package%%/*}
local script=${package#*/}
local version=${updatesAvailable[$package]}
# local dlurl="${config[global_repo_url]}/download.php?a=${author}&s=${script}&v=${version}"
# echo "Preparing to update $package to version $version..."
local install_pkg="$author/$script"
zrep_install_package u $install_pkg
# Function to install a package by unzipping it to ${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}
function zrep_install_package() {
zrep_parse_remote "https://kekepower.com/zrep/packages.json"
if [[ ${1} == "u" ]]; then
local package=${2}
# echo "zrep_install_package: package=$package"
local package="${1}"
# Call zrep_check_if_installed to check if the package is already installed
if zrep_check_if_installed "$package"; then
zrep_msg info "Package ${package} is already installed."
zrep_msg info "Use 'zrep list' to see installed packages."
return 0
# Construct the download URL
local dlurl="https://kekepower.com/zrep/download.php?a=${author}&s=${script}&v=${version}"
# If not installed, proceed with fetching the package information
zrep_parse_remote "${config[global_repo_url]}/packages.json" "${package}"
# echo "zrep_install_package: $dlurl"
# Get the base directory where the package will be installed
local baseDir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/"
local tmpDir="${baseDir}/tmp"
#local baseDir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}"
local tmpDir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/tmp"
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "${tmpDir}"
# Download the package zip file
local zipFile="${tmpDir}/${author}_${package}_${version}.zip"
local zipFile="${tmpDir}/${author}-${script_name}-${version}.zip"
curl -s -o "${zipFile}" "${dlurl}"
# Check if the download was successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to download the package."
return 1
# Unzip the package to the installation directory
unzip -q "${zipFile}" -d "${baseDir}"
unzip -q -o "${zipFile}" -d "${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}"
# Check if the unzip operation was successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to unzip the package."
return 1
@ -364,9 +465,7 @@ function zrep_install_package() {
zrep_update_installed_json "${author}" "${script}" "${version}"
# Clean up: Remove the downloaded zip file
rm "${zipFile}"
#rm "${zipFile}"
# Function to parse installed.json
@ -387,7 +486,7 @@ function zrep_parse_package_name() {
# Check if the package is installed
if [[ ! -f "${installed_json}" ]] || ! jq -e --arg author "${author}" --arg script "${script}" '.[${author}] | any(.script == ${script})' "${installed_json}" &>/dev/null; then
if [[ ! -f "${installed_json}" ]] || ! jq -e --arg author "$author" --arg script "$script" '.[$author] | any(.script == $script)' "${installed_json}" &>/dev/null; then
echo "Error: Package '${package_name}' is not installed."
return 1
@ -500,6 +599,7 @@ function zrep_help() {
zrep_msg sub "\nUsage: zrep <command> [arguments]"
zrep_msg info "Available commands:"
zrep_msg info " init: Initialize zrep"
zrep_msg info " check: Check for updates"
zrep_msg info " install (i) <author/package>: Install a package"
zrep_msg info " remove (rm, delete) <author/package>: Remove a package"
zrep_msg info " update (u) <author/package>: Update zrep package"
@ -551,8 +651,11 @@ function main() {
# zrep_fpath ${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}
install | i)
zrep_install_package ${1}
zrep_install_package ${2}
remove | delete | rm)
# Parse the command argument to extract the package name
@ -564,7 +667,7 @@ function main() {
update | u)
zrep_msg info "Update function here"
zrep_update_package ${2}
version | -v | --version)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user