Lots of things.
* New function: _msg * Replaced echo with _msg * First try to insert blog into front page * Add option in config to enable or disable sitemap
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ export www_root=/path/to/output/directory
export blog_in_index=false
# Expected values are 'native' or 'markdown'
export generator=native
# Do you want to generate a sitemap.xml file?
export sitemap=true
@ -113,6 +113,29 @@ if (${debug}); then
echo "${yellow} - generator=${generator}${end}"
function _msg() {
# Use this function to write out messages based on their type
# Types are: std=green - info=yellow - debug=red other=bold_yellow
# Usage: _msg <type> "<message>"
case ${1} in
echo "${green}${2}${end}"
echo "${yellow}${2}${end}"
echo "${red}${2}${end}"
echo "${bold_yellow}${2}${end}"
# Nothing
# Let's check if qsgen2 can generate this site by checking if 'generator' is available
if [[ ! ${generator} ]] || [[ -d ${project_dir}/.git ]]; then
echo "${0:t} cannot parse this site. Exiting."
@ -139,7 +162,7 @@ elif [[ ${generator} == "markdown" ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "${red}Using the ${generator} engine${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "Using the ${generator} engine"
# Define cache files for blogs and pages
@ -179,7 +202,7 @@ function _blog_cache() {
if [[ -f $blog_cache_file ]]; then
while IFS=':' read -r name hash; do
if (${debug}) echo "${red}HASH VALUE: ${blog_cache[${name}]}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "HASH VALUE: ${blog_cache[${name}]}"
done < "$blog_cache_file"
@ -191,13 +214,13 @@ function _blog_cache() {
# Compute the current blog file hash
current_hash=$(md5sum "$blog_file" | awk '{print $1}')
if (${debug}) echo "${red}1. blog_cache: ${blog_file}${end}"
if (${debug}) echo "${red}2. current_cache: ${current_hash}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "1. blog_cache: ${blog_file}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "2. current_cache: ${current_hash}"
# Check if the blog file is new or has changed
if [[ ${blog_cache[$blog_file]} != "$current_hash" ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "${red}3. new_cache_file: ${blog_file}${end}"
if (${debug}) echo "${red}4. new_current_cache: ${current_hash}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "3. new_cache_file: ${blog_file}$"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "4. new_current_cache: ${current_hash}"
# Blog file is new or has changed; add it to the processing array
@ -225,7 +248,7 @@ function _pages_cache() {
if [[ -f $pages_cache_file ]]; then
while IFS=':' read -r name hash; do
if (${debug}) echo "${red}PAGES HASH VALUE: ${pages_cache[${name}]}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "PAGES HASH VALUE: ${pages_cache[${name}]}"
done < "$pages_cache_file"
@ -237,13 +260,13 @@ function _pages_cache() {
# Compute the current blog file hash
current_hash=$(md5sum "$file" | awk '{print $1}')
if (${debug}) echo "${red}1. pages_cache: ${pages_cache[$file]}${end}"
if (${debug}) echo "${red}1. current_cache: ${current_hash}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "1. pages_cache: ${pages_cache[$file]}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "1. current_cache: ${current_hash}"
# Check if the pages file is new or has changed
if [[ ${pages_cache[$file]} != "$current_hash" ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "${red}2. pages_file: ${pages_cache[$file]}${end}"
if (${debug}) echo "${red}2. current_cache: ${current_hash}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "2. pages_file: ${pages_cache[$file]}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "$2. current_cache: ${current_hash}"
# Pages file is new or has changed; add it to the processing array
@ -265,7 +288,7 @@ function _last_updated() {
local content="${1}"
local debug=false
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_last_updated: Setting date and version in footer${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_last_updated: Setting date and version in footer"
# Perform the replacements
local updated_content=$(echo "${content}" | sed \
@ -282,7 +305,7 @@ function _f_last_updated() {
local content="${1}"
local debug=false
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_f_last_updated: Setting date and version in footer of file ${1}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_f_last_updated: Setting date and version in footer of file ${1}"
# Perform the replacements
tee < ${content} | sed \
@ -313,97 +336,103 @@ function _pages() {
local debug=false
# Load the cache for Pages
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Running function _pages_cache"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Running function _pages_cache"
if (( ${#pages_array[@]} > 0 )); then
# If pages_array is not empty, we do work
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: pages_array is not empty"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: pages_array is not empty"
for pages_in_array in ${pages_array[@]}
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Setting Pages template"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Setting Pages template"
local pages=${project_dir}/themes/${theme}/pages.tpl
# Let's check if we can access the pages.tpl file.
# It not, exit script.
if [[ ! -f ${pages} ]]; then
echo "Unable to find the Pages template: ${pages}"
_msg info "Unable to find the Pages template: ${pages}"
# Read template once
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Reading Pages template into pages_tpl"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Reading Pages template into pages_tpl"
echo "${green}Generating Page: ${pages_in_array}${end}"
_msg std "Generating Page: ${pages_in_array}"
# Read the file once
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Loading page_content once - ${pages_in_array}"
local page_content="$(<${pages_in_array})"
# Grab the title from the Page
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Grepping for page_title"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Grepping for page_title"
local page_title=$( echo ${page_content} | head -2 | grep \#title | cut -d= -f2 )
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: ${page_title}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: ${page_title}"
# Remove the #title line from the buffer. No longer needed.
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Removing #title line from page_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Removing #title line from page_content"
local page_content=$( echo ${page_content} | grep -v \#title )
# HTML'ify the page content
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Running engine on ${pages_in_array}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Running engine on ${pages_in_array}"
local page_content=$( ${engine} ${page_content} )
# Look for links, images and videos and convert them if present.
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Checking for #link, #showimg and #ytvideo in page_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Checking for #link, #showimg and #ytvideo in page_content"
if [[ $( echo ${page_content} | grep \#link ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: #link is present, run _link: page_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: #link is present, run _link: page_content"
local page_content=$( _link "${page_content}" )
if [[ $( echo ${page_content} | grep \#showimg ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: #showimg is present, run _image: page_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: #showimg is present, run _image: page_content"
local page_content=$( _image "${page_content}" )
if [[ $( echo ${page_content} | grep \#ytvideo ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: #ytvideo is present, run _youtube: page_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: #ytvideo is present, run _youtube: page_content"
local page_content=$( _youtube "${page_content}" )
# Let's find the file 'index.tpl' and add the blog if blog_in_index is true
if [[ ${pages_in_array} == "index.tpl" ]] && [[ ${blog_in_index} == "true" ]]; then
local blog_index_list=$(<${project_dir}/blog/index.tmp.html)
echo ${blog_index_list} >> ${page_content}
# Insert page_content into pages_tpl by replacing the BODY tag present there
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Replacing BODY with page_content in pages_tpl using Perl"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Replacing BODY with page_content in pages_tpl using Perl"
# Use Perl for multi-line and special character handling
local pages_tpl=$( echo "${pages_tpl}" | perl -pe "s|BODY|${page_content}|gs" )
# Replace every #pagetitle in pages_tpl
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Replacing #pagetitle in pages_tpl"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Replacing #pagetitle in pages_tpl"
local pages_tpl=$( echo ${pages_tpl} | perl -pe "s|#pagetitle|${page_title}|gs" )
# Replace every #tagline in pages_tpl
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Replacing tagline"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Replacing tagline"
local pages_tpl=$( echo ${pages_tpl} | perl -pe "s|#tagline|${site_tagline}|gs" )
# Replace #updated with today's date and #version with Name and Version to footer
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: _last_updated in pages_tpl"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: _last_updated in pages_tpl"
local pages_tpl=$( _last_updated ${pages_tpl} )
# Clean up unused tags, if any
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Running _cleanup"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Running _cleanup"
local pages_tpl=$( _cleanup "${pages_tpl}" )
# Always use lowercase for file names
if (${debug}) echo "_pages: Lowercase filnames, always"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Lowercase filnames, always"
local pages_title_lower=$( _file_to_lower "${pages_in_array}" )
# Write pages_tpl to disk
echo "${green}Writing ${www_root}/${pages_title_lower%.*}.html to disk.${end}"
_msg std "Writing ${www_root}/${pages_title_lower%.*}.html to disk."
echo "${pages_tpl}" > ${www_root}/${pages_title_lower%.*}.html
echo "${yellow}No new or updated Pages${end}"
_msg warn "No new or updated Pages"
@ -416,10 +445,10 @@ function _blogs() {
local debug=false
# Running function _list_blog
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Running function _list_blog"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Running function _list_blog"
# Running function _blog_cache
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Running function _blog_cache"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Running function _blog_cache"
if (( ${#make_blog_array[@]} > 0 )); then
@ -433,13 +462,13 @@ function _blogs() {
if [[ -f ${project_dir}/themes/${theme}/blogs.tpl ]]; then
local blog_tpl=$(<"${project_dir}/themes/${theme}/blogs.tpl")
echo "Unable to find theme template for Blogs."
_msg warn "Unable to find theme template for Blogs."
for blog in "${make_blog_array[@]}"; do
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Processing pre-data for ${blog}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Processing pre-data for ${blog}"
local content="$(<"${blog}")"
local sdate btitle ingress body blog_index blog_dir blog_url
@ -457,19 +486,19 @@ function _blogs() {
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Adding data for ${blog} to array to export"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Adding data for ${blog} to array to export"
# Concatenate all metadata into a single string for the current blog
local metadata_str="SDATE: ${sdate[@]}||BTITLE: ${btitle}||INGRESS: ${ingress}||URL: ${blog_url}"
# Append this metadata string to the array
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Processing ${blog}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Processing ${blog}"
echo "${green}Generating blog ${blog_index}.html${end}"
_msg std "Generating blog ${blog_index}.html"
# Prepare the blog template
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Processing substitutes in ${blog}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Processing substitutes in ${blog}"
local blog_content=$(echo "${blog_tpl}" | perl -pe "s|BLOGTITLE|${btitle}|g")
blog_content=$(echo "${blog_content}" | perl -pe "s|CALADAY|${sdate[1]}|g")
blog_content=$(echo "${blog_content}" | perl -pe "s|CALNDAY|${sdate[4]}|g")
@ -480,32 +509,32 @@ function _blogs() {
blog_content=$(echo "${blog_content}" | perl -pe "s|\QBODY\E|${body}|g")
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Running function _html for ${blog}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Running function _html for ${blog}"
# Apply transformations
blog_content="$(_html "${blog_content}")"
# Look for links, images and videos and convert them if present.
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Checking for #link, #showimg and #ytvideo in blog_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Checking for #link, #showimg and #ytvideo in blog_content"
if [[ $( echo ${blog_content} | grep \#link ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: If #link is present, run _link: blog_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: If #link is present, run _link: blog_content"
blog_content="$(_link "${blog_content}")"
if [[ $( echo ${blog_content} | grep \#showimg ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: If #showimg is present, run _link: blog_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: If #showimg is present, run _link: blog_content"
blog_content="$(_image "${blog_content}")"
if [[ $( echo ${blog_content} | grep \#ytvideo ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: If #ytvideo is present, run _link: blog_content"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: If #ytvideo is present, run _link: blog_content"
blog_content="$(_youtube "${blog_content}")"
blog_content="$(_cleanup "${blog_content}")"
blog_content="$(_last_updated "${blog_content}")"
# Create directory if it doesn't exist
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Creating directoty ${www_root}/${blog_dir}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Creating directoty ${www_root}/${blog_dir}"
[[ ! -d "${www_root}/${blog_dir}" ]] && mkdir -p "${www_root}/${blog_dir}"
# Write to file
if (${debug}) echo "_blogs: Writing ${blog} to disk: ${www_root}${blog_url}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blogs: Writing ${blog} to disk: ${www_root}${blog_url}"
echo "${blog_content}" > "${www_root}${blog_url}"
@ -513,7 +542,7 @@ function _blogs() {
echo "${yellow}No new or updated Blogs detected.${end}"
_msg warn "No new or updated Blogs detected."
@ -522,19 +551,19 @@ function _blog_idx_for_index() {
local debug=false
if (${debug}) echo "${yellow}_blog_idx_for_index: Initiating function${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blog_idx_for_index: Initiating function"
local blog_list_tpl=$(<${project_dir}/themes/${theme}/blog_list.tpl)
# Truncate file before writing new one
: >| "${project_dir}/blog/index.tmp.html"
if (${debug}) echo "${red}:: _blog_idx_for_index: BLOG_META_STR_ARRAY: ${BLOG_META_STR_ARRAY[@]}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug ":: _blog_idx_for_index: BLOG_META_STR_ARRAY: ${BLOG_META_STR_ARRAY[@]}"
for meta_str in ${BLOG_META_STR_ARRAY[@]}
if (${debug}) echo "${yellow}_blog_idx_for_index: meta_str from BLOG_META_STR_ARRAY from _blogs${end}"
if (${debug}) echo "${yellow}:: _blog_idx_for_index: ${meta_str}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blog_idx_for_index: meta_str from BLOG_META_STR_ARRAY from _blogs"
if (${debug}) _msg debug ":: _blog_idx_for_index: ${meta_str}"
local debug=false
# Split meta_str into individual metadata components
local -a meta_array=("${(@s/||/)meta_str}")
@ -546,7 +575,7 @@ function _blog_idx_for_index() {
local url=""
# Iterate over each component and extract information
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_blog_idx_for_index: Iterate over each component and extract information${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blog_idx_for_index: Iterate over each component and extract information"
for component in "${meta_array[@]}"; do
local debug=false
case "${component}" in
@ -565,8 +594,8 @@ function _blog_idx_for_index() {
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_blog_idx_for_index: Writing _blog_idx_for_index to file: ${project_dir}/blog/index.tmp.html${end}"
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_blog_idx_for_index: blog_list_content = ${blog_list_content}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blog_idx_for_index: Writing _blog_idx_for_index to file: ${project_dir}/blog/index.tmp.html"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blog_idx_for_index: blog_list_content = ${blog_list_content}"
echo ${blog_list_content} >> ${project_dir}/blog/index.tmp.html
@ -574,14 +603,18 @@ function _blog_idx_for_index() {
function _blog_index() {
echo "${cyan}_blog_index: blog_in_index = ${blog_in_index}${end}"
# This function generates the /blog/index.html file that gets its data from _blog_list_for_index()
if [[ ${blog_in_index} == "false" ]]; then
if [[ ${blog_in_index} == "false" ]]; then
_msg info "Running function _blog_index"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_blog_index: blog_in_index = ${blog_in_index}"
local debug=false
local blog_index=$(<${project_dir}/themes/${theme}/blog_index.tpl)
local blog_index_list=$(<${project_dir}/blog/index.tmp.html)
echo "${green}Updating the Blog Index file${end}"
_msg std "Updating the Blog Index file"
# blog_index_content=$(echo "${blog_index}" | perl -pe "s|BODY|${blog_index_list}|g")
echo echo "${blog_index}" | perl -pe "s|BODY|${blog_index_list}|g" > ${www_root}/blog/index.html
_f_last_updated ${www_root}/blog/index.html
@ -593,7 +626,9 @@ function _blog_index() {
function _sitemap() {
echo "${bold_yellow}Generating sitemap.xml${end}"
if [[ ${sitemap} == "true" ]]; then
_msg info "Generating sitemap.xml"
local sitemap_file="${www_root}/sitemap.xml"
@ -627,7 +662,9 @@ function _sitemap() {
# End of the XML file
echo '</urlset>' >> "${sitemap_file}"
if (${debug}) echo "${red}Sitemap generated at ${sitemap_file}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "Sitemap generated at ${sitemap_file}"
@ -641,15 +678,15 @@ function _link() {
# Process the content line by line
echo "${content}" | while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ ${line} == *"#link"* ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "${red}URL_MAIN(line): ${line}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_link: URL_MAIN(line): ${line}"
# Extract the URL and the link text
local url_full=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'#link ' '{print $2}' | awk -F'¤' '{print $1 "¤" $2}')
local url_dest=$(echo "${url_full}" | awk -F'¤' '{print $1}')
local url_txt=$(echo "${url_full}" | awk -F'¤' '{print $2}')
if (${debug}) echo "${red}URL: ${url_dest}${end}"
if (${debug}) echo "${red}Text: ${url_txt}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_link_ URL: ${url_dest}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_link: Text: ${url_txt}"
# Form the replacement HTML link
local modified_link="<a href=\"${url_dest}\">${url_txt}"
@ -677,7 +714,7 @@ function _image() {
# Process the content line by line
echo "${content}" | while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ ${line} == *"#showimg"* ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_image: Processing line: ${line}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_image: Processing line: ${line}"
# Extract image link and alt text
local img_link=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'#showimg ' '{print $2}')
@ -715,7 +752,7 @@ function _youtube() {
# Process the content line by line
echo "${content}" | while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ ${line} == *"#ytvideo"* ]]; then
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_youtube: Processing line: ${line}${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_youtube: Processing line: ${line}"
# Extract YouTube video ID
local yt_id=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'#ytvideo ' '{print $2}')
@ -737,7 +774,7 @@ function _cleanup() {
local content="${1}"
local debug=false
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_cleanup: Cleaning up tags in content${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_cleanup: Cleaning up tags in content"
# Perform the cleanup
local cleaned_content=$(echo "${content}" | sed \
@ -756,7 +793,7 @@ function _html() {
local content="${1}"
local debug=false
if (${debug}) echo "${red}_html: Generating HTML from content${end}"
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_html: Generating HTML from content"
# Perform HTML tag substitutions
local html_content=$(echo "${content}" | sed \
@ -805,13 +842,12 @@ function _html() {
# Time to test the first function
echo "1. ${green}Running function _blogs${end}"
_msg std "Running function _blogs"
echo "2. ${green}Running function _blog_idx_for_index${end}"
_msg std "Running function _blog_idx_for_index"
echo "3. ${green}Running function _blog_index"
echo "4. ${green}Running function _pages${end}"
_msg std "Running function _pages"
echo "4. ${green}Running function _sitemap${end}"
_msg std "Running function _sitemap"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user