#!/usr/bin/zsh setopt extendedglob VERSION="0.0.1" # Sat-2024-02-24 ZREP="Zsh Repository Tool" # Define the path to .zreprc ZREP_CONFIG="$HOME/.zreprc" # echo "START: $fpath" function zrep_fpath() { local base_dir="$1" # Check if the base directory exists if [[ ! -d "$base_dir" ]]; then echo "Error: Base directory '$base_dir' does not exist." return 1 fi # Add directories containing at least one file to fpath for dir in $base_dir/**/*(/N); do if [[ -n $(ls -A "$dir/") ]]; then fpath=($dir $fpath) fi done } zrep_fpath ${HOME}/.zrep/functions autoload -Uz zini # List of colors available typeset -A colors colors=( black "\033[0;30m" red "\033[0;31m" green "\033[0;32m" yellow "\033[0;33m" blue "\033[0;34m" magenta "\033[0;35m" cyan "\033[0;36m" white "\033[0;37m" bold_black "\033[1;30m" bold_red "\033[1;31m" bold_green "\033[1;32m" bold_yellow "\033[1;33m" bold_blue "\033[1;34m" bold_magenta "\033[1;35m" bold_cyan "\033[1;36m" bold_white "\033[1;37m" black_bg "\033[40m" red_bg "\033[41m" green_bg "\033[42m" yellow_bg "\033[43m" blue_bg "\033[44m" magenta_bg "\033[45m" cyan_bg "\033[46m" white_bg "\033[47m" end "\033[0m" ) function zrep_main_version_string() { echo "${colors[bold_black]}${colors[white_bg]} ${ZREP} ${colors[end]}${colors[white]}${colors[black_bg]} ${VERSION} ${colors[end]}" } function zrep_version() { zrep_msg info "\nCreated by kekePower - 2024" zrep_msg info "License: MIT" zrep_msg info "https://git.kekepower.com/kekePower/zrep/" zrep_msg info "Please see '${colors[green]}${ZSH_SCRIPT:t} help${colors[end]}'${colors[yellow]} for more info" exit } function zrep_msg() { local color=${colors[end]} # Default to no color if type is unrecognized case ${1} in std) color=${colors[green]} ;; info) color=${colors[yellow]} ;; debug) color=${colors[red]} ;; other) color=${colors[bold_yellow]} ;; sub) color=${colors[magenta]} ;; main) color="${colors[white]} ${colors[green_bg]}" ;; esac printf "${color}%b${colors[end]}\n" "${2}" } function zrep_init() { local config_file="$HOME/.zreprc" local zshrc_file="$HOME/.zshrc" local install_dir # Check if .zreprc exists if [[ ! -f $config_file ]]; then echo "$config_file not found. Creating it..." # Prompt user for install directory read "?Enter zrep installation directory [$HOME/.zrep]: " install_dir install_dir=${install_dir:-$HOME/.zrep} # Write to .zreprc echo "[main]" > $config_file echo "zrep_install_dir = $install_dir" >> $config_file else echo "Running zini $config_file" zini $config_file echo "Setting install_dir" install_dir=${config[zrep_install_dir]} echo "install_dir=${install_dir}" fi # Ensure zrep_install_dir exists mkdir -p "$install_dir" # Update or add fpath in .zshrc, ensuring no duplicate or empty entries if ! grep -q "fpath=(.*$install_dir)" "$zshrc_file"; then echo "Adding zrep installation directory to fpath in .zshrc..." echo "fpath=('$install_dir' \$fpath)" >> "$zshrc_file" if ! grep -q "^export fpath" "$zshrc_file"; then echo "export fpath" >> "$zshrc_file" fi else echo "zrep installation directory ($install_dir) is already included in fpath." fi source ${zshrc_file} echo "zrep initialization complete." } # Function to parse remote JSON data and extract author, script, and version function zrep_parse_remote() { local url="$1" local json_data # Fetch JSON data from the URL json_data=$(curl -s "$url") # Extract author, script, and version using jq author=$(echo "$json_data" | jq -r '.authors[0].name') script=$(echo "$json_data" | jq -r '.authors[0].scripts[0].name') version=$(echo "$json_data" | jq -r '.authors[0].scripts[0].version') # Set the variables as global export author export script export version # local dlurl="https://kekepower.com/zrep/download.php?a=${author}&s=${script}&v=${version}" # echo "zrep_parse_remote: ${dlurl}" } # Function to write to installed.json after successful install function zrep_update_installed_json() { local author="$1" local script="$2" local version="$3" local json_file="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json" # Check if the JSON file exists and create it if not if [[ ! -f "$json_file" ]]; then echo "{}" > "$json_file" # Initialize with an empty object fi # Proper jq command to update the JSON jq --arg author "$author" --arg script "$script" --arg version "$version" \ 'if .[$author] then .[$author] += [{"script": $script, "version": $version}] else .[$author] = [{"script": $script, "version": $version}] end' "$json_file" > "$json_file.tmp" && mv "$json_file.tmp" "$json_file" zrep_msg info "Package '$script' by '$author' version $version installed successfully." } # Function to list installed packages from installed.json function zrep_list_installed_packages() { local installed_json="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json" # Check if installed.json exists if [[ ! -f "$installed_json" ]]; then zrep_msg debug "No installed packages found." return 0 fi # Parse installed.json and list packages zrep_msg sub "\nInstalled packages:" # Iterate through each author and their packages jq -r 'to_entries | .[] | .key as $author | .value[] | "\($author)/\(.script) (\(.version))"' "$installed_json" | while IFS= read -r package_info; do local package_name=$(echo "$package_info" | cut -d ' ' -f1) # Extract package name before the version local is_active="${colors[white]}(${colors[end]}${colors[red]}Inactive${colors[end]}${colors[white]})${colors[end]}" # Set default to Inactive # Check if the package is active (only modify if active) if grep -q "$package_name" ~/.zrep_addons; then is_active="${colors[white]}(${colors[end]}${colors[bold_green]}Active${colors[end]}${colors[white]})${colors[end]}" fi zrep_msg other " - $package_info $is_active" done } function zrep_list_package() { local installed_json="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json" local package_names="" # Check if installed.json exists if [[ ! -f "$installed_json" ]]; then echo "No installed packages found." return 0 fi # Parse installed.json and concatenate package names jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key as $author | .value[] | "\($author)/\(.script) (\(.version))"' "$installed_json" | while IFS= read -r package_info; do package_names+="$package_info " done # Assuming you want to print out the concatenated package names if [[ -n "$package_names" ]]; then echo "Installed packages: $package_names" else echo "No packages found." fi } # Function to load configuration # shellcheck disable=SC2120 function load_config() { # Check if jq is available if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then echo "Error: 'jq' is not installed. Please install jq to continue." exit 1 fi if [[ -f "$ZREP_CONFIG" ]]; then zini "$ZREP_CONFIG" zrep_fpath ${config[main_zrep_install_dir]} else if [[ "$1" == "init" ]]; then echo "$ZREP_CONFIG not found. Proceeding with 'zrep init'..." zrep_init else echo "$ZREP_CONFIG not found." # Ask the user if they want to run 'zrep init' read "response?Would you like to run 'zrep init' to set up? (y/n): " if [[ "$response" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then zrep_init else echo "Initialization canceled. Please run 'zrep init' manually to set up." exit 1 fi fi fi } function zrep_remove_package() { local package_name="$1" local installed_json="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json" # Check if installed.json exists if [[ ! -f "$installed_json" ]]; then echo "Error: installed.json not found." return 1 fi # Get package information from installed.json local package_info package_info=$(zrep_parse_installed_json | jq ".[] | select(.author + \"/\" + .script == \"$package_name\")") # Check if the package is installed if [[ -z "$package_info" ]]; then echo "Error: Package '$package_name' is not installed." return 1 fi local author=$(echo "$package_info" | jq -r '.author') local script=$(echo "$package_info" | jq -r '.script') local first_letter=$(echo "$author" | cut -c 1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') local package_dir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter/$author/$script" echo "Package information:" echo "$package_info" | jq . # Ask user for confirmation with default response "Y" read "REPLY?Are you sure you want to remove this package? (y/n) [Y]: " REPLY=${REPLY:-Y} echo if [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Remove the package directory from disk if [[ -d "$package_dir" ]]; then rm -rf "$package_dir" echo "Package directory '$package_dir' removed successfully." else echo "Warning: Package directory '$package_dir' not found." fi # Safely check and remove author and first letter directories if empty local author_dir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter/$author" if [[ -d "$author_dir" && ! "$(ls -A "$author_dir")" ]]; then rmdir "$author_dir" echo "Author directory '$author_dir' removed successfully." fi if [[ -d "${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter" && ! "$(ls -A "${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter")" ]]; then rmdir "${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter" echo "First letter directory '${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter' removed successfully." fi # Remove the package from installed.json jq "del(.[] | select(.author == \"$author\" and .script == \"$script\"))" "$installed_json" > "$installed_json.tmp" && mv "$installed_json.tmp" "$installed_json" echo "Package '$package_name' removed successfully from installed.json." else echo "Removal canceled." fi } # Function to install a package by unzipping it to ${config[main_zrep_install_dir]} function zrep_install_package() { zrep_parse_remote "https://kekepower.com/zrep/packages.json" # Construct the download URL local dlurl="https://kekepower.com/zrep/download.php?a=${author}&s=${script}&v=${version}" # echo "${dlurl}" # exit # Get the base directory where the package will be installed local baseDir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/" local tmpDir="${baseDir}/tmp" # Create the directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$tmpDir" # Download the package zip file local zipFile="${tmpDir}/${author}_${package}_${version}.zip" curl -s -o "$zipFile" "$dlurl" # Check if the download was successful if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error: Failed to download the package." return 1 fi # Unzip the package to the installation directory unzip -q "$zipFile" -d "$baseDir" # Check if the unzip operation was successful if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error: Failed to unzip the package." return 1 else zrep_update_installed_json "$author" "$script" "$version" fi # Clean up: Remove the downloaded zip file rm "$zipFile" } # Function to parse installed.json function zrep_parse_installed_json() { local installed_json="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json" jq -c '.' "$installed_json" } function zrep_parse_package_name() { echo "Looking for package ${1}" package_name="$1" installed_json="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json" author="${package_name%/*}" script="${package_name#*/}" first_letter=$(echo "$author" | cut -c 1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') addon_path="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter/$author/$script" # Check if the package is installed if [[ ! -f "$installed_json" ]] || ! jq -e --arg author "$author" --arg script "$script" '.[$author] | any(.script == $script)' "$installed_json" &>/dev/null; then echo "Error: Package '$package_name' is not installed." return 1 fi } function zrep_enable() { local package_name="$1" zrep_parse_package_name "$package_name" # Assuming zrep_parse_package_name sets 'addon_path' correctly # and 'package_name' is in 'author/script' format # Load existing addons from .zrep_addons source ~/.zrep_addons # Check if the addon is already enabled local addon_exists=0 for addon in "${addons[@]}"; do if [[ "$addon" == "$addon_path" ]]; then addon_exists=1 break fi done if ((addon_exists)); then echo "Package '$package_name' is already enabled." return 0 fi # Add addon path to the array addons+=("$addon_path") # Reconstruct .zrep_addons file with the updated addons array { echo "addons=(" for addon in "${addons[@]}"; do echo " '$addon'" done echo ")" echo echo 'if [[ -n ${addons[@]} ]]; then' echo ' local unique_addons=()' echo ' for addon in "${addons[@]}"; do' echo ' if [[ ! " ${fpath[@]} " =~ " ${addon} " ]]; then' echo ' unique_addons+=("$addon")' echo ' fi' echo ' done' echo ' if [[ ${#unique_addons[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then' echo ' fpath=("${unique_addons[@]}" $fpath)' echo ' fi' echo ' export fpath' echo 'else' echo ' echo "zrep: No addons enabled."' echo 'fi' } > ${HOME}/.zrep_addons # Source the updated .zrep_addons to apply changes source ${HOME}/.zrep_addons echo "Package '$package_name' has been enabled and added to fpath." } function zrep_disable() { local package_name="$1" zrep_parse_package_name "$package_name" # Assuming zrep_parse_package_name sets 'addon_path' correctly # and 'package_name' is in 'author/script' format # Load existing addons from .zrep_addons source ${HOME}/.zrep_addons # Initialize a new array for addons local new_addons=() # Flag to check if addon was found and removed local found=0 # Iterate through existing addons for addon in "${addons[@]}"; do if [[ "$addon" == "$addon_path" ]]; then found=1 else new_addons+=("$addon") fi done if ((found == 0)); then echo "Package '$package_name' is not currently enabled." return 0 fi # Reconstruct .zrep_addons file with the new addons array { echo "addons=(" for addon in "${new_addons[@]}"; do echo " '$addon'" done echo ")" echo echo 'if [[ -n ${addons[@]} ]]; then' echo ' local unique_addons=()' echo ' for addon in "${addons[@]}"; do' echo ' if [[ ! " ${fpath[@]} " =~ " ${addon} " ]]; then' echo ' unique_addons+=("$addon")' echo ' fi' echo ' done' echo ' if [[ ${#unique_addons[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then' echo ' fpath=("${unique_addons[@]}" $fpath)' echo ' fi' echo ' export fpath' echo 'else' echo ' echo "zrep: No addons enabled."' echo 'fi' } > ${HOME}/.zrep_addons # Source the updated .zrep_addons to apply changes source ${HOME}/.zrep_addons echo "Package '$package_name' has been disabled and removed from fpath." } # Help function to display available options function zrep_help() { zrep_msg sub "\nUsage: zrep [arguments]" zrep_msg other "Available commands:" zrep_msg other " init: Initialize zrep" zrep_msg other " install (i) : Install a package" zrep_msg other " remove (rm, delete) : Remove a package" zrep_msg other " update (u) : Update zrep package" zrep_msg other " enable : Enable zrep package" zrep_msg other " disable : Disable zrep package" zrep_msg other " version: Display zrep version" zrep_msg other " list: List installed packages" zrep_msg other " help: Display help for pacakage" } function zrep_read_usage() { local package_name="$1" # Parse the package name to extract author and script local author="${package_name%/*}" local script="${package_name#*/}" local first_letter=$(echo "$author" | cut -c 1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # Construct the path to the USAGE file local usage_file="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter/$author/$script/USAGE" # Check if the USAGE file exists if [[ -f "$usage_file" ]]; then # Display the content of the USAGE file zrep_msg sub "\n$package_name:" local usage_buffer=$(<${usage_file}) zrep_msg other "$usage_buffer" else zrep_msg debug "No USAGE file found for package '$package_name'." fi } function main() { zrep_main_version_string load_config # Check if the second argument is "help" and the first argument is not empty if [[ "${2}" == "help" && -n "${1}" ]]; then zrep_read_usage "${1}" exit fi # Example command handling structure case "${1}" in init) zrep_init zrep_fpath ${config[main_zrep_install_dir]} exit ;; install | i) zrep_msg info "Install function here" zrep_install_package ${1} ;; remove | delete | rm) # Parse the command argument to extract the package name zrep_remove_package_name="${2:-}" if [[ -z "$zrep_remove_package_name" ]]; then echo "Usage: zrep remove package_name" else zrep_remove_package "$zrep_remove_package_name" fi ;; update | u) zrep_msg info "Update function here" ;; version | -v | --version) zrep_version ;; list) zrep_list_installed_packages ;; help | -h | --help) zrep_help ;; enable) zrep_enable ${2} ;; disable) zrep_disable ${2} ;; *) zrep_help ;; esac } # Call main with all passed arguments main "$@"