- Refactored zrep_list_installed_packages function to display package status (Active/Inactive).

- Updated zrep_remove_package function to remove package from installed.json after successful removal.
- Added zrep_install_package function to download and install packages from a remote server.
- Minor code cleanup and formatting improvements. - Mon, 04 Mar 2024 20:20:33 +0100
This commit is contained in:
Stig-Ørjan Smelror 2024-03-04 20:20:33 +01:00
parent 720fc65095
commit ad7ef3d777

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@ -176,52 +176,8 @@ function zrep_update_installed_json() {
# Function to install a package by unzipping it to ${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}
function zrep_install_package() {
zrep_parse_remote "https://kekepower.com/zrep/packages.json"
# Construct the download URL
local dlurl="https://kekepower.com/zrep/download.php?a=${author}&s=${script}&v=${version}"
echo "${dlurl}"
# exit
# Get the base directory where the package will be installed
local baseDir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/"
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$baseDir"
# Download the package zip file
local zipFile="/tmp/${author}_${package}_${version}.zip"
curl -s -o "$zipFile" "$dlurl"
# Check if the download was successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to download the package."
return 1
# Unzip the package to the installation directory
unzip -q "$zipFile" -d "$baseDir"
# Check if the unzip operation was successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to unzip the package."
return 1
zrep_update_installed_json "$author" "$script" "$version"
# Clean up: Remove the downloaded zip file
rm "$zipFile"
# Function to list installed packages from installed.json
function zrep_list_installed_packages() {
local installed_json="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/installed.json"
# Check if installed.json exists
@ -231,9 +187,24 @@ function zrep_list_installed_packages() {
# Parse installed.json and list packages
zrep_msg main "\nInstalled packages:"
zrep_msg other " - $(jq -r '.[] | "\(.author)/\(.script) (\(.version))"' "$installed_json")"
zrep_msg sub "\nInstalled packages:"
# Iterate through each package (read lines from jq output)
while IFS= read -r package_info; do
local package_name=$(echo "$package_info" | awk '{print $1}') # Extract package name
local is_active="${white}(${end}${red}Inactive${end}${white})${end}" # Set default to Inactive
# echo "DEBUG 1: is_active=${is_active}"
# Check if the package is active (only modify if active)
if grep -q "$package_name" ~/.zrep_addons; then
# echo "DEBUG 2: is_active=${is_active}"
# echo "$package_info $is_active"
zrep_msg other " - $package_info $is_active"
done < <(jq -r '.[] | "\(.author)/\(.script) (\(.version))"' "$installed_json")
function zrep_list_package() {
@ -329,10 +300,6 @@ function zrep_remove_package() {
# Extract first letter of package_name
local first_letter=${package_name:0:1}
# Remove the package from installed.json
jq "map(select(.author + \"/\" + .script != \"$package_name\"))" "$installed_json" > "$installed_json.tmp"
mv "$installed_json.tmp" "$installed_json"
# Remove the package directory from disk
local package_dir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/${first_letter}/${package_name}"
if [[ -d "$package_dir" ]]; then
@ -341,7 +308,7 @@ function zrep_remove_package() {
# Check if the author directory is empty and delete it if so
local author_dir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/${first_letter}/$author"
if [[ $(($#author_dir/*)) -eq 0 ]]; then
if [[ -d "$author_dir" && ! -f "$author_dir/*" ]]; then
rm -rf "$author_dir"
echo "Author directory '$author_dir' removed successfully."
@ -351,6 +318,10 @@ function zrep_remove_package() {
echo "First letter directory '${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/$first_letter' removed successfully."
# Remove the package from installed.json (if everything else was successful)
jq "map(select(.author + \"/\" + .script != \"$package_name\"))" "$installed_json" > "$installed_json.tmp"
mv "$installed_json.tmp" "$installed_json"
echo "Package '$package_name' removed successfully."
echo "Warning: Package directory '$package_dir' not found."
@ -362,8 +333,47 @@ function zrep_remove_package() {
# Function to install a package by unzipping it to ${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}
function zrep_install_package() {
zrep_parse_remote "https://kekepower.com/zrep/packages.json"
# Construct the download URL
local dlurl="https://kekepower.com/zrep/download.php?a=${author}&s=${script}&v=${version}"
echo "${dlurl}"
# exit
# Get the base directory where the package will be installed
local baseDir="${config[main_zrep_install_dir]}/"
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$baseDir"
# Download the package zip file
local zipFile="/tmp/${author}_${package}_${version}.zip"
curl -s -o "$zipFile" "$dlurl"
# Check if the download was successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to download the package."
return 1
# Unzip the package to the installation directory
unzip -q "$zipFile" -d "$baseDir"
# Check if the unzip operation was successful
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to unzip the package."
return 1
zrep_update_installed_json "$author" "$script" "$version"
# Clean up: Remove the downloaded zip file
rm "$zipFile"
# Function to parse installed.json
function zrep_parse_installed_json() {