/* rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client. RDP licensing negotiation Copyright (C) Matthew Chapman 1999-2001 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "rdesktop.h" #include "crypto/rc4.h" extern char username[16]; extern char hostname[16]; extern BOOL licence; static uint8 licence_key[16]; static uint8 licence_sign_key[16]; BOOL licence_issued = False; /* Generate a session key and RC4 keys, given client and server randoms */ void licence_generate_keys(uint8 *client_key, uint8 *server_key, uint8 *client_rsa) { uint8 session_key[48]; uint8 temp_hash[48]; /* Generate session key - two rounds of sec_hash_48 */ sec_hash_48(temp_hash, client_rsa, client_key, server_key, 65); sec_hash_48(session_key, temp_hash, server_key, client_key, 65); /* Store first 16 bytes of session key, for generating signatures */ memcpy(licence_sign_key, session_key, 16); /* Generate RC4 key */ sec_hash_16(licence_key, &session_key[16], client_key, server_key); } /* Send a licence request packet */ static void licence_send_request(uint8 *client_random, uint8 *rsa_data, char *user, char *host) { uint32 sec_flags = SEC_LICENCE_NEG; uint16 userlen = strlen(user) + 1; uint16 hostlen = strlen(host) + 1; uint16 length = 120 + userlen + hostlen; STREAM s; s = sec_init(sec_flags, length + 2); out_uint16_le(s, LICENCE_TAG_REQUEST); out_uint16_le(s, length); out_uint32_le(s, 1); out_uint32_le(s, 0xff010000); out_uint8p(s, client_random, SEC_RANDOM_SIZE); out_uint16(s, 0); out_uint16_le(s, (SEC_MODULUS_SIZE + SEC_PADDING_SIZE)); out_uint8p(s, rsa_data, SEC_MODULUS_SIZE); out_uint8s(s, SEC_PADDING_SIZE); out_uint16(s, LICENCE_TAG_USER); out_uint16(s, userlen); out_uint8p(s, user, userlen); out_uint16(s, LICENCE_TAG_HOST); out_uint16(s, hostlen); out_uint8p(s, host, hostlen); s_mark_end(s); sec_send(s, sec_flags); } /* Process a licence demand packet */ static void licence_process_demand(STREAM s) { uint8 null_data[SEC_MODULUS_SIZE]; uint8 *server_random; /* Retrieve the server random from the incoming packet */ in_uint8p(s, server_random, SEC_RANDOM_SIZE); /* We currently use null client keys. This is a bit naughty but, hey, the security of licence negotiation isn't exactly paramount. */ memset(null_data, 0, sizeof(null_data)); licence_generate_keys(null_data, server_random, null_data); /* Send a certificate request back to the server */ licence_send_request(null_data, null_data, username, hostname); } /* Send an authentication response packet */ static void licence_send_authresp(uint8 *token, uint8 *crypt_hwid, uint8 *signature) { uint32 sec_flags = SEC_LICENCE_NEG; uint16 length = 58; STREAM s; s = sec_init(sec_flags, length + 2); out_uint16_le(s, LICENCE_TAG_AUTHRESP); out_uint16_le(s, length); out_uint16_le(s, 1); out_uint16_le(s, LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE); out_uint8p(s, token, LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE); out_uint16_le(s, 1); out_uint16_le(s, LICENCE_HWID_SIZE); out_uint8p(s, crypt_hwid, LICENCE_HWID_SIZE); out_uint8p(s, signature, LICENCE_SIGNATURE_SIZE); s_mark_end(s); sec_send(s, sec_flags); } /* Parse an authentication request packet */ static BOOL licence_parse_authreq(STREAM s, uint8 **token, uint8 **signature) { uint16 tokenlen; in_uint8s(s, 6); /* unknown: f8 3d 15 00 04 f6 */ in_uint16_le(s, tokenlen); if (tokenlen != LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE) { error("token len %d\n", tokenlen); return False; } in_uint8p(s, *token, tokenlen); in_uint8p(s, *signature, LICENCE_SIGNATURE_SIZE); return s_check_end(s); } /* Process an authentication request packet */ static void licence_process_authreq(STREAM s) { uint8 *in_token, *in_sig; uint8 out_token[LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE], decrypt_token[LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE]; uint8 hwid[LICENCE_HWID_SIZE], crypt_hwid[LICENCE_HWID_SIZE]; uint8 sealed_buffer[LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE + LICENCE_HWID_SIZE]; uint8 out_sig[LICENCE_SIGNATURE_SIZE]; RC4_KEY crypt_key; /* Parse incoming packet and save the encrypted token */ licence_parse_authreq(s, &in_token, &in_sig); memcpy(out_token, in_token, LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE); /* Decrypt the token. It should read TEST in Unicode. */ RC4_set_key(&crypt_key, 16, licence_key); RC4(&crypt_key, LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE, in_token, decrypt_token); /* Construct HWID */ buf_out_uint32(hwid, 2); strncpy(hwid + 4, hostname, LICENCE_HWID_SIZE - 4); /* Generate a signature for a buffer of token and HWID */ memcpy(sealed_buffer, decrypt_token, LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE); memcpy(sealed_buffer + LICENCE_TOKEN_SIZE, hwid, LICENCE_HWID_SIZE); sec_sign(out_sig, licence_sign_key, 16, sealed_buffer, sizeof(sealed_buffer)); /* Deliberately break signature if licencing disabled */ if (!licence) memset(out_sig, 0, sizeof(out_sig)); /* Now encrypt the HWID */ RC4_set_key(&crypt_key, 16, licence_key); RC4(&crypt_key, LICENCE_HWID_SIZE, hwid, crypt_hwid); licence_send_authresp(out_token, crypt_hwid, out_sig); } /* Process an licence issue packet */ static void licence_process_issue(STREAM s) { RC4_KEY crypt_key; uint32 length; uint16 check; in_uint8s(s, 2); /* 3d 45 - unknown */ in_uint16_le(s, length); if (!s_check_rem(s, length)) return; RC4_set_key(&crypt_key, 16, licence_key); RC4(&crypt_key, length, s->p, s->p); in_uint16(s, check); if (check != 0) return; licence_issued = True; /* We should save the licence here */ } /* Process a licence packet */ void licence_process(STREAM s) { uint16 tag; in_uint16_le(s, tag); in_uint8s(s, 2); /* length */ switch (tag) { case LICENCE_TAG_DEMAND: licence_process_demand(s); break; case LICENCE_TAG_AUTHREQ: licence_process_authreq(s); break; case LICENCE_TAG_ISSUE: licence_process_issue(s); break; case LICENCE_TAG_RESULT: break; default: unimpl("licence tag 0x%x\n", tag); } }