/* -*- c-basic-offset: 8 -*- rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client. User interface services - X Window System Copyright (C) Matthew Chapman 1999-2005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rdesktop.h" #include "xproto.h" extern int g_width; extern int g_height; extern int g_xpos; extern int g_ypos; extern int g_pos; extern BOOL g_sendmotion; extern BOOL g_fullscreen; extern BOOL g_grab_keyboard; extern BOOL g_hide_decorations; extern char g_title[]; /* Color depth of the RDP session. As of RDP 5.1, it may be 8, 15, 16 or 24. */ extern int g_server_depth; extern int g_win_button_size; Display *g_display; Time g_last_gesturetime; static int g_x_socket; static Screen *g_screen; Window g_wnd; extern uint32 g_embed_wnd; BOOL g_enable_compose = False; BOOL g_Unobscured; /* used for screenblt */ static GC g_gc = NULL; static GC g_create_bitmap_gc = NULL; static GC g_create_glyph_gc = NULL; static Visual *g_visual; /* Color depth of the X11 visual of our window (e.g. 24 for True Color R8G8B visual). This may be 32 for R8G8B8 visuals, and then the rest of the bits are undefined as far as we're concerned. */ static int g_depth; /* Bits-per-Pixel of the pixmaps we'll be using to draw on our window. This may be larger than g_depth, in which case some of the bits would be kept solely for alignment (e.g. 32bpp pixmaps on a 24bpp visual). */ static int g_bpp; static XIM g_IM; static XIC g_IC; static XModifierKeymap *g_mod_map; static Cursor g_current_cursor; static HCURSOR g_null_cursor = NULL; static Atom g_protocol_atom, g_kill_atom; static BOOL g_focused; static BOOL g_mouse_in_wnd; /* Indicates that: 1) visual has 15, 16 or 24 depth and the same color channel masks as its RDP equivalent (implies X server is LE), 2) host is LE This will trigger an optimization whose real value is questionable. */ static BOOL g_compatible_arch; /* Indicates whether RDP's bitmaps and our XImages have the same binary format. If so, we can avoid an expensive translation. Note that this can be true when g_compatible_arch is false, e.g.: RDP(LE) <-> host(BE) <-> X-Server(LE) ('host' is the machine running rdesktop; the host simply memcpy's so its endianess doesn't matter) */ static BOOL g_no_translate_image = False; /* endianness */ static BOOL g_host_be; static BOOL g_xserver_be; static int g_red_shift_r, g_blue_shift_r, g_green_shift_r; static int g_red_shift_l, g_blue_shift_l, g_green_shift_l; /* software backing store */ extern BOOL g_ownbackstore; static Pixmap g_backstore = 0; /* Moving in single app mode */ static BOOL g_moving_wnd; static int g_move_x_offset = 0; static int g_move_y_offset = 0; static BOOL g_using_full_workarea = False; #ifdef WITH_RDPSND extern int g_dsp_fd; extern BOOL g_dsp_busy; extern BOOL g_rdpsnd; #endif /* MWM decorations */ #define MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS (1L << 1) #define PROP_MOTIF_WM_HINTS_ELEMENTS 5 typedef struct { unsigned long flags; unsigned long functions; unsigned long decorations; long inputMode; unsigned long status; } PropMotifWmHints; typedef struct { uint32 red; uint32 green; uint32 blue; } PixelColour; #define FILL_RECTANGLE(x,y,cx,cy)\ { \ XFillRectangle(g_display, g_wnd, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy); \ if (g_ownbackstore) \ XFillRectangle(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy); \ } #define FILL_RECTANGLE_BACKSTORE(x,y,cx,cy)\ { \ XFillRectangle(g_display, g_ownbackstore ? g_backstore : g_wnd, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy); \ } #define FILL_POLYGON(p,np)\ { \ XFillPolygon(g_display, g_wnd, g_gc, p, np, Complex, CoordModePrevious); \ if (g_ownbackstore) \ XFillPolygon(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, p, np, Complex, CoordModePrevious); \ } #define DRAW_ELLIPSE(x,y,cx,cy,m)\ { \ switch (m) \ { \ case 0: /* Outline */ \ XDrawArc(g_display, g_wnd, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy, 0, 360*64); \ if (g_ownbackstore) \ XDrawArc(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy, 0, 360*64); \ break; \ case 1: /* Filled */ \ XFillArc(g_display, g_wnd, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy, 0, 360*64); \ if (g_ownbackstore) \ XFillArc(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy, 0, 360*64); \ break; \ } \ } /* colour maps */ extern BOOL g_owncolmap; static Colormap g_xcolmap; static uint32 *g_colmap = NULL; #define TRANSLATE(col) ( g_server_depth != 8 ? translate_colour(col) : g_owncolmap ? col : g_colmap[col] ) #define SET_FOREGROUND(col) XSetForeground(g_display, g_gc, TRANSLATE(col)); #define SET_BACKGROUND(col) XSetBackground(g_display, g_gc, TRANSLATE(col)); static int rop2_map[] = { GXclear, /* 0 */ GXnor, /* DPon */ GXandInverted, /* DPna */ GXcopyInverted, /* Pn */ GXandReverse, /* PDna */ GXinvert, /* Dn */ GXxor, /* DPx */ GXnand, /* DPan */ GXand, /* DPa */ GXequiv, /* DPxn */ GXnoop, /* D */ GXorInverted, /* DPno */ GXcopy, /* P */ GXorReverse, /* PDno */ GXor, /* DPo */ GXset /* 1 */ }; #define SET_FUNCTION(rop2) { if (rop2 != ROP2_COPY) XSetFunction(g_display, g_gc, rop2_map[rop2]); } #define RESET_FUNCTION(rop2) { if (rop2 != ROP2_COPY) XSetFunction(g_display, g_gc, GXcopy); } static void mwm_hide_decorations(void) { PropMotifWmHints motif_hints; Atom hintsatom; /* setup the property */ motif_hints.flags = MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS; motif_hints.decorations = 0; /* get the atom for the property */ hintsatom = XInternAtom(g_display, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", False); if (!hintsatom) { warning("Failed to get atom _MOTIF_WM_HINTS: probably your window manager does not support MWM hints\n"); return; } XChangeProperty(g_display, g_wnd, hintsatom, hintsatom, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &motif_hints, PROP_MOTIF_WM_HINTS_ELEMENTS); } #define SPLITCOLOUR15(colour, rv) \ { \ rv.red = ((colour >> 7) & 0xf8) | ((colour >> 12) & 0x7); \ rv.green = ((colour >> 2) & 0xf8) | ((colour >> 8) & 0x7); \ rv.blue = ((colour << 3) & 0xf8) | ((colour >> 2) & 0x7); \ } #define SPLITCOLOUR16(colour, rv) \ { \ rv.red = ((colour >> 8) & 0xf8) | ((colour >> 13) & 0x7); \ rv.green = ((colour >> 3) & 0xfc) | ((colour >> 9) & 0x3); \ rv.blue = ((colour << 3) & 0xf8) | ((colour >> 2) & 0x7); \ } \ #define SPLITCOLOUR24(colour, rv) \ { \ rv.blue = (colour & 0xff0000) >> 16; \ rv.green = (colour & 0x00ff00) >> 8; \ rv.red = (colour & 0x0000ff); \ } #define MAKECOLOUR(pc) \ ((pc.red >> g_red_shift_r) << g_red_shift_l) \ | ((pc.green >> g_green_shift_r) << g_green_shift_l) \ | ((pc.blue >> g_blue_shift_r) << g_blue_shift_l) \ #define BSWAP16(x) { x = (((x & 0xff) << 8) | (x >> 8)); } #define BSWAP24(x) { x = (((x & 0xff) << 16) | (x >> 16) | (x & 0xff00)); } #define BSWAP32(x) { x = (((x & 0xff00ff) << 8) | ((x >> 8) & 0xff00ff)); \ x = (x << 16) | (x >> 16); } /* The following macros output the same octet sequences on both BE and LE hosts: */ #define BOUT16(o, x) { *(o++) = x >> 8; *(o++) = x; } #define BOUT24(o, x) { *(o++) = x >> 16; *(o++) = x >> 8; *(o++) = x; } #define BOUT32(o, x) { *(o++) = x >> 24; *(o++) = x >> 16; *(o++) = x >> 8; *(o++) = x; } #define LOUT16(o, x) { *(o++) = x; *(o++) = x >> 8; } #define LOUT24(o, x) { *(o++) = x; *(o++) = x >> 8; *(o++) = x >> 16; } #define LOUT32(o, x) { *(o++) = x; *(o++) = x >> 8; *(o++) = x >> 16; *(o++) = x >> 24; } static uint32 translate_colour(uint32 colour) { PixelColour pc; switch (g_server_depth) { case 15: SPLITCOLOUR15(colour, pc); break; case 16: SPLITCOLOUR16(colour, pc); break; case 24: SPLITCOLOUR24(colour, pc); break; default: /* Avoid warning */ pc.red = 0; pc.green = 0; pc.blue = 0; break; } return MAKECOLOUR(pc); } /* indent is confused by UNROLL8 */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ /* repeat and unroll, similar to bitmap.c */ /* potentialy any of the following translate */ /* functions can use repeat but just doing */ /* the most common ones */ #define UNROLL8(stm) { stm stm stm stm stm stm stm stm } /* 2 byte output repeat */ #define REPEAT2(stm) \ { \ while (out <= end - 8 * 2) \ UNROLL8(stm) \ while (out < end) \ { stm } \ } /* 3 byte output repeat */ #define REPEAT3(stm) \ { \ while (out <= end - 8 * 3) \ UNROLL8(stm) \ while (out < end) \ { stm } \ } /* 4 byte output repeat */ #define REPEAT4(stm) \ { \ while (out <= end - 8 * 4) \ UNROLL8(stm) \ while (out < end) \ { stm } \ } /* *INDENT-ON* */ static void translate8to8(const uint8 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { while (out < end) *(out++) = (uint8) g_colmap[*(data++)]; } static void translate8to16(const uint8 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint16 value; if (g_compatible_arch) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ REPEAT2 ( *((uint16 *) out) = g_colmap[*(data++)]; out += 2; ) /* *INDENT-ON* */ } else if (g_xserver_be) { while (out < end) { value = (uint16) g_colmap[*(data++)]; BOUT16(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { value = (uint16) g_colmap[*(data++)]; LOUT16(out, value); } } } /* little endian - conversion happens when colourmap is built */ static void translate8to24(const uint8 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint32 value; if (g_compatible_arch) { while (out < end) { value = g_colmap[*(data++)]; BOUT24(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { value = g_colmap[*(data++)]; LOUT24(out, value); } } } static void translate8to32(const uint8 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint32 value; if (g_compatible_arch) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ REPEAT4 ( *((uint32 *) out) = g_colmap[*(data++)]; out += 4; ) /* *INDENT-ON* */ } else if (g_xserver_be) { while (out < end) { value = g_colmap[*(data++)]; BOUT32(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { value = g_colmap[*(data++)]; LOUT32(out, value); } } } static void translate15to16(const uint16 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint16 pixel; uint16 value; PixelColour pc; if (g_xserver_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); if (g_host_be) { BSWAP16(pixel); } SPLITCOLOUR15(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT16(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); if (g_host_be) { BSWAP16(pixel); } SPLITCOLOUR15(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT16(out, value); } } } static void translate15to24(const uint16 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint32 value; uint16 pixel; PixelColour pc; if (g_compatible_arch) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ REPEAT3 ( pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR15(pixel, pc); *(out++) = pc.blue; *(out++) = pc.green; *(out++) = pc.red; ) /* *INDENT-ON* */ } else if (g_xserver_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); if (g_host_be) { BSWAP16(pixel); } SPLITCOLOUR15(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT24(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); if (g_host_be) { BSWAP16(pixel); } SPLITCOLOUR15(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT24(out, value); } } } static void translate15to32(const uint16 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint16 pixel; uint32 value; PixelColour pc; if (g_compatible_arch) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ REPEAT4 ( pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR15(pixel, pc); *(out++) = pc.blue; *(out++) = pc.green; *(out++) = pc.red; *(out++) = 0; ) /* *INDENT-ON* */ } else if (g_xserver_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); if (g_host_be) { BSWAP16(pixel); } SPLITCOLOUR15(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT32(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); if (g_host_be) { BSWAP16(pixel); } SPLITCOLOUR15(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT32(out, value); } } } static void translate16to16(const uint16 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint16 pixel; uint16 value; PixelColour pc; if (g_xserver_be) { if (g_host_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); BSWAP16(pixel); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT16(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT16(out, value); } } } else { if (g_host_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); BSWAP16(pixel); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT16(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT16(out, value); } } } } static void translate16to24(const uint16 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint32 value; uint16 pixel; PixelColour pc; if (g_compatible_arch) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ REPEAT3 ( pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); *(out++) = pc.blue; *(out++) = pc.green; *(out++) = pc.red; ) /* *INDENT-ON* */ } else if (g_xserver_be) { if (g_host_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); BSWAP16(pixel); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT24(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT24(out, value); } } } else { if (g_host_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); BSWAP16(pixel); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT24(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT24(out, value); } } } } static void translate16to32(const uint16 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint16 pixel; uint32 value; PixelColour pc; if (g_compatible_arch) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ REPEAT4 ( pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); *(out++) = pc.blue; *(out++) = pc.green; *(out++) = pc.red; *(out++) = 0; ) /* *INDENT-ON* */ } else if (g_xserver_be) { if (g_host_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); BSWAP16(pixel); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT32(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT32(out, value); } } } else { if (g_host_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); BSWAP16(pixel); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT32(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR16(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT32(out, value); } } } } static void translate24to16(const uint8 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint32 pixel = 0; uint16 value; PixelColour pc; while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++) << 16; pixel |= *(data++) << 8; pixel |= *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR24(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); if (g_xserver_be) { BOUT16(out, value); } else { LOUT16(out, value); } } } static void translate24to24(const uint8 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint32 pixel; uint32 value; PixelColour pc; if (g_xserver_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++) << 16; pixel |= *(data++) << 8; pixel |= *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR24(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT24(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++) << 16; pixel |= *(data++) << 8; pixel |= *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR24(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT24(out, value); } } } static void translate24to32(const uint8 * data, uint8 * out, uint8 * end) { uint32 pixel; uint32 value; PixelColour pc; if (g_compatible_arch) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ #ifdef NEED_ALIGN REPEAT4 ( *(out++) = *(data++); *(out++) = *(data++); *(out++) = *(data++); *(out++) = 0; ) #else REPEAT4 ( /* Only read 3 bytes. Reading 4 bytes means reading beyond buffer. */ *((uint32 *) out) = *((uint16 *) data) + (*((uint8 *) data + 2) << 16); out += 4; data += 3; ) #endif /* *INDENT-ON* */ } else if (g_xserver_be) { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++) << 16; pixel |= *(data++) << 8; pixel |= *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR24(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); BOUT32(out, value); } } else { while (out < end) { pixel = *(data++) << 16; pixel |= *(data++) << 8; pixel |= *(data++); SPLITCOLOUR24(pixel, pc); value = MAKECOLOUR(pc); LOUT32(out, value); } } } static uint8 * translate_image(int width, int height, uint8 * data) { int size; uint8 *out; uint8 *end; /* If RDP depth and X Visual depths match, and arch(endian) matches, no need to translate: just return data. Note: select_visual should've already ensured g_no_translate is only set for compatible depths, but the RDP depth might've changed during connection negotiations. */ if (g_no_translate_image) { if ((g_depth == 15 && g_server_depth == 15) || (g_depth == 16 && g_server_depth == 16) || (g_depth == 24 && g_server_depth == 24)) return data; } size = width * height * (g_bpp / 8); out = (uint8 *) xmalloc(size); end = out + size; switch (g_server_depth) { case 24: switch (g_bpp) { case 32: translate24to32(data, out, end); break; case 24: translate24to24(data, out, end); break; case 16: translate24to16(data, out, end); break; } break; case 16: switch (g_bpp) { case 32: translate16to32((uint16 *) data, out, end); break; case 24: translate16to24((uint16 *) data, out, end); break; case 16: translate16to16((uint16 *) data, out, end); break; } break; case 15: switch (g_bpp) { case 32: translate15to32((uint16 *) data, out, end); break; case 24: translate15to24((uint16 *) data, out, end); break; case 16: translate15to16((uint16 *) data, out, end); break; } break; case 8: switch (g_bpp) { case 8: translate8to8(data, out, end); break; case 16: translate8to16(data, out, end); break; case 24: translate8to24(data, out, end); break; case 32: translate8to32(data, out, end); break; } break; } return out; } BOOL get_key_state(unsigned int state, uint32 keysym) { int modifierpos, key, keysymMask = 0; int offset; KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(g_display, keysym); if (keycode == NoSymbol) return False; for (modifierpos = 0; modifierpos < 8; modifierpos++) { offset = g_mod_map->max_keypermod * modifierpos; for (key = 0; key < g_mod_map->max_keypermod; key++) { if (g_mod_map->modifiermap[offset + key] == keycode) keysymMask |= 1 << modifierpos; } } return (state & keysymMask) ? True : False; } static void calculate_shifts(uint32 mask, int *shift_r, int *shift_l) { *shift_l = ffs(mask) - 1; mask >>= *shift_l; *shift_r = 8 - ffs(mask & ~(mask >> 1)); } /* Given a mask of a colour channel (e.g. XVisualInfo.red_mask), calculates the bits-per-pixel of this channel (a.k.a. colour weight). */ static unsigned calculate_mask_weight(uint32 mask) { unsigned weight = 0; do { weight += (mask & 1); } while (mask >>= 1); return weight; } static BOOL select_visual() { XPixmapFormatValues *pfm; int pixmap_formats_count, visuals_count; XVisualInfo *vmatches = NULL; XVisualInfo template; int i; unsigned red_weight, blue_weight, green_weight; red_weight = blue_weight = green_weight = 0; pfm = XListPixmapFormats(g_display, &pixmap_formats_count); if (pfm == NULL) { error("Unable to get list of pixmap formats from display.\n"); XCloseDisplay(g_display); return False; } /* Search for best TrueColor visual */ template.class = TrueColor; vmatches = XGetVisualInfo(g_display, VisualClassMask, &template, &visuals_count); g_visual = NULL; g_no_translate_image = False; g_compatible_arch = False; if (vmatches != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < visuals_count; ++i) { XVisualInfo *visual_info = &vmatches[i]; /* Try to find a no-translation visual that'll allow us to use RDP bitmaps directly as ZPixmaps. */ if (!g_xserver_be && (((visual_info->depth == 15) && /* R5G5B5 */ (visual_info->red_mask == 0x7c00) && (visual_info->green_mask == 0x3e0) && (visual_info->blue_mask == 0x1f)) || ((visual_info->depth == 16) && /* R5G6B5 */ (visual_info->red_mask == 0xf800) && (visual_info->green_mask == 0x7e0) && (visual_info->blue_mask == 0x1f)) || ((visual_info->depth == 24) && /* R8G8B8 */ (visual_info->red_mask == 0xff0000) && (visual_info->green_mask == 0xff00) && (visual_info->blue_mask == 0xff)))) { g_visual = visual_info->visual; g_depth = visual_info->depth; g_compatible_arch = !g_host_be; g_no_translate_image = (visual_info->depth == g_server_depth); if (g_no_translate_image) /* We found the best visual */ break; } else { g_compatible_arch = False; } if (visual_info->depth > 24) { /* Avoid 32-bit visuals and likes like the plague. They're either untested or proven to work bad (e.g. nvidia's Composite 32-bit visual). Most implementation offer a 24-bit visual anyway. */ continue; } /* Only care for visuals, for whose BPPs (not depths!) we have a translateXtoY function. */ BOOL can_translate_to_bpp = False; int j; for (j = 0; j < pixmap_formats_count; ++j) { if (pfm[j].depth == visual_info->depth) { if ((pfm[j].bits_per_pixel == 16) || (pfm[j].bits_per_pixel == 24) || (pfm[j].bits_per_pixel == 32)) { can_translate_to_bpp = True; } break; } } /* Prefer formats which have the most colour depth. We're being truly aristocratic here, minding each weight on its own. */ if (can_translate_to_bpp) { unsigned vis_red_weight = calculate_mask_weight(visual_info->red_mask); unsigned vis_green_weight = calculate_mask_weight(visual_info->green_mask); unsigned vis_blue_weight = calculate_mask_weight(visual_info->blue_mask); if ((vis_red_weight >= red_weight) && (vis_green_weight >= green_weight) && (vis_blue_weight >= blue_weight)) { red_weight = vis_red_weight; green_weight = vis_green_weight; blue_weight = vis_blue_weight; g_visual = visual_info->visual; g_depth = visual_info->depth; } } } XFree(vmatches); } if (g_visual != NULL) { g_owncolmap = False; calculate_shifts(g_visual->red_mask, &g_red_shift_r, &g_red_shift_l); calculate_shifts(g_visual->green_mask, &g_green_shift_r, &g_green_shift_l); calculate_shifts(g_visual->blue_mask, &g_blue_shift_r, &g_blue_shift_l); } else { template.class = PseudoColor; template.depth = 8; template.colormap_size = 256; vmatches = XGetVisualInfo(g_display, VisualClassMask | VisualDepthMask | VisualColormapSizeMask, &template, &visuals_count); if (vmatches == NULL) { error("No usable TrueColor or PseudoColor visuals on this display.\n"); XCloseDisplay(g_display); XFree(pfm); return False; } /* we use a colourmap, so the default visual should do */ g_owncolmap = True; g_visual = vmatches[0].visual; g_depth = vmatches[0].depth; } g_bpp = 0; for (i = 0; i < pixmap_formats_count; ++i) { XPixmapFormatValues *pf = &pfm[i]; if (pf->depth == g_depth) { g_bpp = pf->bits_per_pixel; if (g_no_translate_image) { switch (g_server_depth) { case 15: case 16: if (g_bpp != 16) g_no_translate_image = False; break; case 24: /* Yes, this will force image translation on most modern servers which use 32 bits for R8G8B8. */ if (g_bpp != 24) g_no_translate_image = False; break; default: g_no_translate_image = False; break; } } /* Pixmap formats list is a depth-to-bpp mapping -- there's just a single entry for every depth, so we can safely break here */ break; } } XFree(pfm); pfm = NULL; return True; } BOOL ui_init(void) { int screen_num; g_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (g_display == NULL) { error("Failed to open display: %s\n", XDisplayName(NULL)); return False; } { uint16 endianess_test = 1; g_host_be = !(BOOL) (*(uint8 *) (&endianess_test)); } g_xserver_be = (ImageByteOrder(g_display) == MSBFirst); screen_num = DefaultScreen(g_display); g_x_socket = ConnectionNumber(g_display); g_screen = ScreenOfDisplay(g_display, screen_num); g_depth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(g_screen); if (!select_visual()) return False; if (g_no_translate_image) { DEBUG(("Performance optimization possible: avoiding image translation (colour depth conversion).\n")); } if (g_server_depth > g_bpp) { warning("Remote desktop colour depth %d higher than display colour depth %d.\n", g_server_depth, g_bpp); } DEBUG(("RDP depth: %d, display depth: %d, display bpp: %d, X server BE: %d, host BE: %d\n", g_server_depth, g_depth, g_bpp, g_xserver_be, g_host_be)); if (!g_owncolmap) { g_xcolmap = XCreateColormap(g_display, RootWindowOfScreen(g_screen), g_visual, AllocNone); if (g_depth <= 8) warning("Display colour depth is %d bit: you may want to use -C for a private colourmap.\n", g_depth); } if ((!g_ownbackstore) && (DoesBackingStore(g_screen) != Always)) { warning("External BackingStore not available. Using internal.\n"); g_ownbackstore = True; } /* * Determine desktop size */ if (g_fullscreen) { g_width = WidthOfScreen(g_screen); g_height = HeightOfScreen(g_screen); g_using_full_workarea = True; } else if (g_width < 0) { /* Percent of screen */ if (-g_width >= 100) g_using_full_workarea = True; g_height = HeightOfScreen(g_screen) * (-g_width) / 100; g_width = WidthOfScreen(g_screen) * (-g_width) / 100; } else if (g_width == 0) { /* Fetch geometry from _NET_WORKAREA */ uint32 x, y, cx, cy; if (get_current_workarea(&x, &y, &cx, &cy) == 0) { g_width = cx; g_height = cy; g_using_full_workarea = True; } else { warning("Failed to get workarea: probably your window manager does not support extended hints\n"); g_width = WidthOfScreen(g_screen); g_height = HeightOfScreen(g_screen); } } /* make sure width is a multiple of 4 */ g_width = (g_width + 3) & ~3; g_mod_map = XGetModifierMapping(g_display); xkeymap_init(); if (g_enable_compose) g_IM = XOpenIM(g_display, NULL, NULL, NULL); xclip_init(); DEBUG_RDP5(("server bpp %d client bpp %d depth %d\n", g_server_depth, g_bpp, g_depth)); return True; } void ui_deinit(void) { if (g_IM != NULL) XCloseIM(g_IM); if (g_null_cursor != NULL) ui_destroy_cursor(g_null_cursor); XFreeModifiermap(g_mod_map); if (g_ownbackstore) XFreePixmap(g_display, g_backstore); XFreeGC(g_display, g_gc); XCloseDisplay(g_display); g_display = NULL; } BOOL ui_create_window(void) { uint8 null_pointer_mask[1] = { 0x80 }; uint8 null_pointer_data[24] = { 0x00 }; XSetWindowAttributes attribs; XClassHint *classhints; XSizeHints *sizehints; int wndwidth, wndheight; long input_mask, ic_input_mask; XEvent xevent; wndwidth = g_fullscreen ? WidthOfScreen(g_screen) : g_width; wndheight = g_fullscreen ? HeightOfScreen(g_screen) : g_height; /* Handle -x-y portion of geometry string */ if (g_xpos < 0 || (g_xpos == 0 && (g_pos & 2))) g_xpos = WidthOfScreen(g_screen) + g_xpos - g_width; if (g_ypos < 0 || (g_ypos == 0 && (g_pos & 4))) g_ypos = HeightOfScreen(g_screen) + g_ypos - g_height; attribs.background_pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(g_screen); attribs.border_pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(g_screen); attribs.backing_store = g_ownbackstore ? NotUseful : Always; attribs.override_redirect = g_fullscreen; attribs.colormap = g_xcolmap; g_wnd = XCreateWindow(g_display, RootWindowOfScreen(g_screen), g_xpos, g_ypos, wndwidth, wndheight, 0, g_depth, InputOutput, g_visual, CWBackPixel | CWBackingStore | CWOverrideRedirect | CWColormap | CWBorderPixel, &attribs); if (g_gc == NULL) g_gc = XCreateGC(g_display, g_wnd, 0, NULL); if (g_create_bitmap_gc == NULL) g_create_bitmap_gc = XCreateGC(g_display, g_wnd, 0, NULL); if ((g_ownbackstore) && (g_backstore == 0)) { g_backstore = XCreatePixmap(g_display, g_wnd, g_width, g_height, g_depth); /* clear to prevent rubbish being exposed at startup */ XSetForeground(g_display, g_gc, BlackPixelOfScreen(g_screen)); XFillRectangle(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, 0, 0, g_width, g_height); } XStoreName(g_display, g_wnd, g_title); if (g_hide_decorations) mwm_hide_decorations(); classhints = XAllocClassHint(); if (classhints != NULL) { classhints->res_name = classhints->res_class = "rdesktop"; XSetClassHint(g_display, g_wnd, classhints); XFree(classhints); } sizehints = XAllocSizeHints(); if (sizehints) { sizehints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; if (g_pos) sizehints->flags |= PPosition; sizehints->min_width = sizehints->max_width = g_width; sizehints->min_height = sizehints->max_height = g_height; XSetWMNormalHints(g_display, g_wnd, sizehints); XFree(sizehints); } if (g_embed_wnd) { XReparentWindow(g_display, g_wnd, (Window) g_embed_wnd, 0, 0); } input_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | VisibilityChangeMask | FocusChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask; if (g_sendmotion) input_mask |= PointerMotionMask; if (g_ownbackstore) input_mask |= ExposureMask; if (g_fullscreen || g_grab_keyboard) input_mask |= EnterWindowMask; if (g_grab_keyboard) input_mask |= LeaveWindowMask; if (g_IM != NULL) { g_IC = XCreateIC(g_IM, XNInputStyle, (XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing), XNClientWindow, g_wnd, XNFocusWindow, g_wnd, NULL); if ((g_IC != NULL) && (XGetICValues(g_IC, XNFilterEvents, &ic_input_mask, NULL) == NULL)) input_mask |= ic_input_mask; } XSelectInput(g_display, g_wnd, input_mask); XMapWindow(g_display, g_wnd); /* wait for VisibilityNotify */ do { XMaskEvent(g_display, VisibilityChangeMask, &xevent); } while (xevent.type != VisibilityNotify); g_Unobscured = xevent.xvisibility.state == VisibilityUnobscured; g_focused = False; g_mouse_in_wnd = False; /* handle the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol */ g_protocol_atom = XInternAtom(g_display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", True); g_kill_atom = XInternAtom(g_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True); XSetWMProtocols(g_display, g_wnd, &g_kill_atom, 1); /* create invisible 1x1 cursor to be used as null cursor */ if (g_null_cursor == NULL) g_null_cursor = ui_create_cursor(0, 0, 1, 1, null_pointer_mask, null_pointer_data); return True; } void ui_resize_window() { XSizeHints *sizehints; Pixmap bs; sizehints = XAllocSizeHints(); if (sizehints) { sizehints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; sizehints->min_width = sizehints->max_width = g_width; sizehints->min_height = sizehints->max_height = g_height; XSetWMNormalHints(g_display, g_wnd, sizehints); XFree(sizehints); } if (!(g_fullscreen || g_embed_wnd)) { XResizeWindow(g_display, g_wnd, g_width, g_height); } /* create new backstore pixmap */ if (g_backstore != 0) { bs = XCreatePixmap(g_display, g_wnd, g_width, g_height, g_depth); XSetForeground(g_display, g_gc, BlackPixelOfScreen(g_screen)); XFillRectangle(g_display, bs, g_gc, 0, 0, g_width, g_height); XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, bs, g_gc, 0, 0, g_width, g_height, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(g_display, g_backstore); g_backstore = bs; } } void ui_destroy_window(void) { if (g_IC != NULL) XDestroyIC(g_IC); XDestroyWindow(g_display, g_wnd); } void xwin_toggle_fullscreen(void) { Pixmap contents = 0; if (!g_ownbackstore) { /* need to save contents of window */ contents = XCreatePixmap(g_display, g_wnd, g_width, g_height, g_depth); XCopyArea(g_display, g_wnd, contents, g_gc, 0, 0, g_width, g_height, 0, 0); } ui_destroy_window(); g_fullscreen = !g_fullscreen; ui_create_window(); XDefineCursor(g_display, g_wnd, g_current_cursor); if (!g_ownbackstore) { XCopyArea(g_display, contents, g_wnd, g_gc, 0, 0, g_width, g_height, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(g_display, contents); } } static void handle_button_event(XEvent xevent, BOOL down) { uint16 button, flags = 0; g_last_gesturetime = xevent.xbutton.time; button = xkeymap_translate_button(xevent.xbutton.button); if (button == 0) return; if (down) flags = MOUSE_FLAG_DOWN; /* Stop moving window when button is released, regardless of cursor position */ if (g_moving_wnd && (xevent.type == ButtonRelease)) g_moving_wnd = False; /* If win_button_size is nonzero, enable single app mode */ if (xevent.xbutton.y < g_win_button_size) { /* Check from right to left: */ if (xevent.xbutton.x >= g_width - g_win_button_size) { /* The close button, continue */ ; } else if (xevent.xbutton.x >= g_width - g_win_button_size * 2) { /* The maximize/restore button. Do not send to server. It might be a good idea to change the cursor or give some other visible indication that rdesktop inhibited this click */ if (xevent.type == ButtonPress) return; } else if (xevent.xbutton.x >= g_width - g_win_button_size * 3) { /* The minimize button. Iconify window. */ if (xevent.type == ButtonRelease) { /* Release the mouse button outside the minimize button, to prevent the actual minimazation to happen */ rdp_send_input(time(NULL), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, button, 1, 1); XIconifyWindow(g_display, g_wnd, DefaultScreen(g_display)); return; } } else if (xevent.xbutton.x <= g_win_button_size) { /* The system menu. Ignore. */ if (xevent.type == ButtonPress) return; } else { /* The title bar. */ if (xevent.type == ButtonPress) { if (!g_fullscreen && g_hide_decorations && !g_using_full_workarea) { g_moving_wnd = True; g_move_x_offset = xevent.xbutton.x; g_move_y_offset = xevent.xbutton.y; } return; } } } rdp_send_input(time(NULL), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, flags | button, xevent.xbutton.x, xevent.xbutton.y); } /* Process events in Xlib queue Returns 0 after user quit, 1 otherwise */ static int xwin_process_events(void) { XEvent xevent; KeySym keysym; uint32 ev_time; char str[256]; Status status; int events = 0; while ((XPending(g_display) > 0) && events++ < 20) { XNextEvent(g_display, &xevent); if ((g_IC != NULL) && (XFilterEvent(&xevent, None) == True)) { DEBUG_KBD(("Filtering event\n")); continue; } switch (xevent.type) { case VisibilityNotify: g_Unobscured = xevent.xvisibility.state == VisibilityUnobscured; break; case ClientMessage: /* the window manager told us to quit */ if ((xevent.xclient.message_type == g_protocol_atom) && ((Atom) xevent.xclient.data.l[0] == g_kill_atom)) /* Quit */ return 0; break; case KeyPress: g_last_gesturetime = xevent.xkey.time; if (g_IC != NULL) /* Multi_key compatible version */ { XmbLookupString(g_IC, &xevent.xkey, str, sizeof(str), &keysym, &status); if (!((status == XLookupKeySym) || (status == XLookupBoth))) { error("XmbLookupString failed with status 0x%x\n", status); break; } } else { /* Plain old XLookupString */ DEBUG_KBD(("\nNo input context, using XLookupString\n")); XLookupString((XKeyEvent *) & xevent, str, sizeof(str), &keysym, NULL); } DEBUG_KBD(("KeyPress for keysym (0x%lx, %s)\n", keysym, get_ksname(keysym))); ev_time = time(NULL); if (handle_special_keys(keysym, xevent.xkey.state, ev_time, True)) break; xkeymap_send_keys(keysym, xevent.xkey.keycode, xevent.xkey.state, ev_time, True, 0); break; case KeyRelease: g_last_gesturetime = xevent.xkey.time; XLookupString((XKeyEvent *) & xevent, str, sizeof(str), &keysym, NULL); DEBUG_KBD(("\nKeyRelease for keysym (0x%lx, %s)\n", keysym, get_ksname(keysym))); ev_time = time(NULL); if (handle_special_keys(keysym, xevent.xkey.state, ev_time, False)) break; xkeymap_send_keys(keysym, xevent.xkey.keycode, xevent.xkey.state, ev_time, False, 0); break; case ButtonPress: handle_button_event(xevent, True); break; case ButtonRelease: handle_button_event(xevent, False); break; case MotionNotify: if (g_moving_wnd) { XMoveWindow(g_display, g_wnd, xevent.xmotion.x_root - g_move_x_offset, xevent.xmotion.y_root - g_move_y_offset); break; } if (g_fullscreen && !g_focused) XSetInputFocus(g_display, g_wnd, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); rdp_send_input(time(NULL), RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_MOVE, xevent.xmotion.x, xevent.xmotion.y); break; case FocusIn: if (xevent.xfocus.mode == NotifyGrab) break; g_focused = True; reset_modifier_keys(); if (g_grab_keyboard && g_mouse_in_wnd) XGrabKeyboard(g_display, g_wnd, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); break; case FocusOut: if (xevent.xfocus.mode == NotifyUngrab) break; g_focused = False; if (xevent.xfocus.mode == NotifyWhileGrabbed) XUngrabKeyboard(g_display, CurrentTime); break; case EnterNotify: /* we only register for this event when in fullscreen mode */ /* or grab_keyboard */ g_mouse_in_wnd = True; if (g_fullscreen) { XSetInputFocus(g_display, g_wnd, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); break; } if (g_focused) XGrabKeyboard(g_display, g_wnd, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); break; case LeaveNotify: /* we only register for this event when grab_keyboard */ g_mouse_in_wnd = False; XUngrabKeyboard(g_display, CurrentTime); break; case Expose: XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_wnd, g_gc, xevent.xexpose.x, xevent.xexpose.y, xevent.xexpose.width, xevent.xexpose.height, xevent.xexpose.x, xevent.xexpose.y); break; case MappingNotify: /* Refresh keyboard mapping if it has changed. This is important for Xvnc, since it allocates keycodes dynamically */ if (xevent.xmapping.request == MappingKeyboard || xevent.xmapping.request == MappingModifier) XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&xevent.xmapping); if (xevent.xmapping.request == MappingModifier) { XFreeModifiermap(g_mod_map); g_mod_map = XGetModifierMapping(g_display); } break; /* clipboard stuff */ case SelectionNotify: xclip_handle_SelectionNotify(&xevent.xselection); break; case SelectionRequest: xclip_handle_SelectionRequest(&xevent.xselectionrequest); break; case SelectionClear: xclip_handle_SelectionClear(); break; case PropertyNotify: xclip_handle_PropertyNotify(&xevent.xproperty); break; case MapNotify: rdp_send_client_window_status(1); break; case UnmapNotify: rdp_send_client_window_status(0); break; } } /* Keep going */ return 1; } /* Returns 0 after user quit, 1 otherwise */ int ui_select(int rdp_socket) { int n; fd_set rfds, wfds; struct timeval tv; BOOL s_timeout = False; while (True) { n = (rdp_socket > g_x_socket) ? rdp_socket : g_x_socket; /* Process any events already waiting */ if (!xwin_process_events()) /* User quit */ return 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(rdp_socket, &rfds); FD_SET(g_x_socket, &rfds); #ifdef WITH_RDPSND /* FIXME: there should be an API for registering fds */ if (g_dsp_busy) { FD_SET(g_dsp_fd, &wfds); n = (g_dsp_fd > n) ? g_dsp_fd : n; } #endif /* default timeout */ tv.tv_sec = 60; tv.tv_usec = 0; /* add redirection handles */ rdpdr_add_fds(&n, &rfds, &wfds, &tv, &s_timeout); n++; switch (select(n, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, &tv)) { case -1: error("select: %s\n", strerror(errno)); case 0: /* Abort serial read calls */ if (s_timeout) rdpdr_check_fds(&rfds, &wfds, (BOOL) True); continue; } rdpdr_check_fds(&rfds, &wfds, (BOOL) False); if (FD_ISSET(rdp_socket, &rfds)) return 1; #ifdef WITH_RDPSND if (g_dsp_busy && FD_ISSET(g_dsp_fd, &wfds)) wave_out_play(); #endif } } void ui_move_pointer(int x, int y) { XWarpPointer(g_display, g_wnd, g_wnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y); } HBITMAP ui_create_bitmap(int width, int height, uint8 * data) { XImage *image; Pixmap bitmap; uint8 *tdata; int bitmap_pad; if (g_server_depth == 8) { bitmap_pad = 8; } else { bitmap_pad = g_bpp; if (g_bpp == 24) bitmap_pad = 32; } tdata = (g_owncolmap ? data : translate_image(width, height, data)); bitmap = XCreatePixmap(g_display, g_wnd, width, height, g_depth); image = XCreateImage(g_display, g_visual, g_depth, ZPixmap, 0, (char *) tdata, width, height, bitmap_pad, 0); XPutImage(g_display, bitmap, g_create_bitmap_gc, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); XFree(image); if (tdata != data) xfree(tdata); return (HBITMAP) bitmap; } void ui_paint_bitmap(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int width, int height, uint8 * data) { XImage *image; uint8 *tdata; int bitmap_pad; if (g_server_depth == 8) { bitmap_pad = 8; } else { bitmap_pad = g_bpp; if (g_bpp == 24) bitmap_pad = 32; } tdata = (g_owncolmap ? data : translate_image(width, height, data)); image = XCreateImage(g_display, g_visual, g_depth, ZPixmap, 0, (char *) tdata, width, height, bitmap_pad, 0); if (g_ownbackstore) { XPutImage(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, cx, cy); XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_wnd, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy, x, y); } else { XPutImage(g_display, g_wnd, g_gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, cx, cy); } XFree(image); if (tdata != data) xfree(tdata); } void ui_destroy_bitmap(HBITMAP bmp) { XFreePixmap(g_display, (Pixmap) bmp); } HGLYPH ui_create_glyph(int width, int height, uint8 * data) { XImage *image; Pixmap bitmap; int scanline; scanline = (width + 7) / 8; bitmap = XCreatePixmap(g_display, g_wnd, width, height, 1); if (g_create_glyph_gc == 0) g_create_glyph_gc = XCreateGC(g_display, bitmap, 0, NULL); image = XCreateImage(g_display, g_visual, 1, ZPixmap, 0, (char *) data, width, height, 8, scanline); image->byte_order = MSBFirst; image->bitmap_bit_order = MSBFirst; XInitImage(image); XPutImage(g_display, bitmap, g_create_glyph_gc, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); XFree(image); return (HGLYPH) bitmap; } void ui_destroy_glyph(HGLYPH glyph) { XFreePixmap(g_display, (Pixmap) glyph); } HCURSOR ui_create_cursor(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int width, int height, uint8 * andmask, uint8 * xormask) { HGLYPH maskglyph, cursorglyph; XColor bg, fg; Cursor xcursor; uint8 *cursor, *pcursor; uint8 *mask, *pmask; uint8 nextbit; int scanline, offset; int i, j; scanline = (width + 7) / 8; offset = scanline * height; cursor = (uint8 *) xmalloc(offset); memset(cursor, 0, offset); mask = (uint8 *) xmalloc(offset); memset(mask, 0, offset); /* approximate AND and XOR masks with a monochrome X pointer */ for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { offset -= scanline; pcursor = &cursor[offset]; pmask = &mask[offset]; for (j = 0; j < scanline; j++) { for (nextbit = 0x80; nextbit != 0; nextbit >>= 1) { if (xormask[0] || xormask[1] || xormask[2]) { *pcursor |= (~(*andmask) & nextbit); *pmask |= nextbit; } else { *pcursor |= ((*andmask) & nextbit); *pmask |= (~(*andmask) & nextbit); } xormask += 3; } andmask++; pcursor++; pmask++; } } fg.red = fg.blue = fg.green = 0xffff; bg.red = bg.blue = bg.green = 0x0000; fg.flags = bg.flags = DoRed | DoBlue | DoGreen; cursorglyph = ui_create_glyph(width, height, cursor); maskglyph = ui_create_glyph(width, height, mask); xcursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(g_display, (Pixmap) cursorglyph, (Pixmap) maskglyph, &fg, &bg, x, y); ui_destroy_glyph(maskglyph); ui_destroy_glyph(cursorglyph); xfree(mask); xfree(cursor); return (HCURSOR) xcursor; } void ui_set_cursor(HCURSOR cursor) { g_current_cursor = (Cursor) cursor; XDefineCursor(g_display, g_wnd, g_current_cursor); } void ui_destroy_cursor(HCURSOR cursor) { XFreeCursor(g_display, (Cursor) cursor); } void ui_set_null_cursor(void) { ui_set_cursor(g_null_cursor); } #define MAKE_XCOLOR(xc,c) \ (xc)->red = ((c)->red << 8) | (c)->red; \ (xc)->green = ((c)->green << 8) | (c)->green; \ (xc)->blue = ((c)->blue << 8) | (c)->blue; \ (xc)->flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; HCOLOURMAP ui_create_colourmap(COLOURMAP * colours) { COLOURENTRY *entry; int i, ncolours = colours->ncolours; if (!g_owncolmap) { uint32 *map = (uint32 *) xmalloc(sizeof(*g_colmap) * ncolours); XColor xentry; XColor xc_cache[256]; uint32 colour; int colLookup = 256; for (i = 0; i < ncolours; i++) { entry = &colours->colours[i]; MAKE_XCOLOR(&xentry, entry); if (XAllocColor(g_display, g_xcolmap, &xentry) == 0) { /* Allocation failed, find closest match. */ int j = 256; int nMinDist = 3 * 256 * 256; long nDist = nMinDist; /* only get the colors once */ while (colLookup--) { xc_cache[colLookup].pixel = colLookup; xc_cache[colLookup].red = xc_cache[colLookup].green = xc_cache[colLookup].blue = 0; xc_cache[colLookup].flags = 0; XQueryColor(g_display, DefaultColormap(g_display, DefaultScreen(g_display)), &xc_cache[colLookup]); } colLookup = 0; /* approximate the pixel */ while (j--) { if (xc_cache[j].flags) { nDist = ((long) (xc_cache[j].red >> 8) - (long) (xentry.red >> 8)) * ((long) (xc_cache[j].red >> 8) - (long) (xentry.red >> 8)) + ((long) (xc_cache[j].green >> 8) - (long) (xentry.green >> 8)) * ((long) (xc_cache[j].green >> 8) - (long) (xentry.green >> 8)) + ((long) (xc_cache[j].blue >> 8) - (long) (xentry.blue >> 8)) * ((long) (xc_cache[j].blue >> 8) - (long) (xentry.blue >> 8)); } if (nDist < nMinDist) { nMinDist = nDist; xentry.pixel = j; } } } colour = xentry.pixel; /* update our cache */ if (xentry.pixel < 256) { xc_cache[xentry.pixel].red = xentry.red; xc_cache[xentry.pixel].green = xentry.green; xc_cache[xentry.pixel].blue = xentry.blue; } map[i] = colour; } return map; } else { XColor *xcolours, *xentry; Colormap map; xcolours = (XColor *) xmalloc(sizeof(XColor) * ncolours); for (i = 0; i < ncolours; i++) { entry = &colours->colours[i]; xentry = &xcolours[i]; xentry->pixel = i; MAKE_XCOLOR(xentry, entry); } map = XCreateColormap(g_display, g_wnd, g_visual, AllocAll); XStoreColors(g_display, map, xcolours, ncolours); xfree(xcolours); return (HCOLOURMAP) map; } } void ui_destroy_colourmap(HCOLOURMAP map) { if (!g_owncolmap) xfree(map); else XFreeColormap(g_display, (Colormap) map); } void ui_set_colourmap(HCOLOURMAP map) { if (!g_owncolmap) { if (g_colmap) xfree(g_colmap); g_colmap = (uint32 *) map; } else XSetWindowColormap(g_display, g_wnd, (Colormap) map); } void ui_set_clip(int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { XRectangle rect; rect.x = x; rect.y = y; rect.width = cx; rect.height = cy; XSetClipRectangles(g_display, g_gc, 0, 0, &rect, 1, YXBanded); } void ui_reset_clip(void) { XRectangle rect; rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.width = g_width; rect.height = g_height; XSetClipRectangles(g_display, g_gc, 0, 0, &rect, 1, YXBanded); } void ui_bell(void) { XBell(g_display, 0); } void ui_destblt(uint8 opcode, /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { SET_FUNCTION(opcode); FILL_RECTANGLE(x, y, cx, cy); RESET_FUNCTION(opcode); } static uint8 hatch_patterns[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0 - bsHorizontal */ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, /* 1 - bsVertical */ 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, /* 2 - bsFDiagonal */ 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, /* 3 - bsBDiagonal */ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0xff, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, /* 4 - bsCross */ 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18, 0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0x81 /* 5 - bsDiagCross */ }; void ui_patblt(uint8 opcode, /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy, /* brush */ BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { Pixmap fill; uint8 i, ipattern[8]; SET_FUNCTION(opcode); switch (brush->style) { case 0: /* Solid */ SET_FOREGROUND(fgcolour); FILL_RECTANGLE_BACKSTORE(x, y, cx, cy); break; case 2: /* Hatch */ fill = (Pixmap) ui_create_glyph(8, 8, hatch_patterns + brush->pattern[0] * 8); SET_FOREGROUND(fgcolour); SET_BACKGROUND(bgcolour); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillOpaqueStippled); XSetStipple(g_display, g_gc, fill); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin); FILL_RECTANGLE_BACKSTORE(x, y, cx, cy); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillSolid); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, 0, 0); ui_destroy_glyph((HGLYPH) fill); break; case 3: /* Pattern */ for (i = 0; i != 8; i++) ipattern[7 - i] = brush->pattern[i]; fill = (Pixmap) ui_create_glyph(8, 8, ipattern); SET_FOREGROUND(bgcolour); SET_BACKGROUND(fgcolour); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillOpaqueStippled); XSetStipple(g_display, g_gc, fill); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin); FILL_RECTANGLE_BACKSTORE(x, y, cx, cy); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillSolid); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, 0, 0); ui_destroy_glyph((HGLYPH) fill); break; default: unimpl("brush %d\n", brush->style); } RESET_FUNCTION(opcode); if (g_ownbackstore) XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_wnd, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy, x, y); } void ui_screenblt(uint8 opcode, /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy, /* src */ int srcx, int srcy) { SET_FUNCTION(opcode); if (g_ownbackstore) { if (g_Unobscured) { XCopyArea(g_display, g_wnd, g_wnd, g_gc, srcx, srcy, cx, cy, x, y); XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_backstore, g_gc, srcx, srcy, cx, cy, x, y); } else { XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_wnd, g_gc, srcx, srcy, cx, cy, x, y); XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_backstore, g_gc, srcx, srcy, cx, cy, x, y); } } else { XCopyArea(g_display, g_wnd, g_wnd, g_gc, srcx, srcy, cx, cy, x, y); } RESET_FUNCTION(opcode); } void ui_memblt(uint8 opcode, /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy, /* src */ HBITMAP src, int srcx, int srcy) { SET_FUNCTION(opcode); XCopyArea(g_display, (Pixmap) src, g_wnd, g_gc, srcx, srcy, cx, cy, x, y); if (g_ownbackstore) XCopyArea(g_display, (Pixmap) src, g_backstore, g_gc, srcx, srcy, cx, cy, x, y); RESET_FUNCTION(opcode); } void ui_triblt(uint8 opcode, /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy, /* src */ HBITMAP src, int srcx, int srcy, /* brush */ BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { /* This is potentially difficult to do in general. Until someone comes up with a more efficient way of doing it I am using cases. */ switch (opcode) { case 0x69: /* PDSxxn */ ui_memblt(ROP2_XOR, x, y, cx, cy, src, srcx, srcy); ui_patblt(ROP2_NXOR, x, y, cx, cy, brush, bgcolour, fgcolour); break; case 0xb8: /* PSDPxax */ ui_patblt(ROP2_XOR, x, y, cx, cy, brush, bgcolour, fgcolour); ui_memblt(ROP2_AND, x, y, cx, cy, src, srcx, srcy); ui_patblt(ROP2_XOR, x, y, cx, cy, brush, bgcolour, fgcolour); break; case 0xc0: /* PSa */ ui_memblt(ROP2_COPY, x, y, cx, cy, src, srcx, srcy); ui_patblt(ROP2_AND, x, y, cx, cy, brush, bgcolour, fgcolour); break; default: unimpl("triblt 0x%x\n", opcode); ui_memblt(ROP2_COPY, x, y, cx, cy, src, srcx, srcy); } } void ui_line(uint8 opcode, /* dest */ int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, /* pen */ PEN * pen) { SET_FUNCTION(opcode); SET_FOREGROUND(pen->colour); XDrawLine(g_display, g_wnd, g_gc, startx, starty, endx, endy); if (g_ownbackstore) XDrawLine(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, startx, starty, endx, endy); RESET_FUNCTION(opcode); } void ui_rect( /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy, /* brush */ int colour) { SET_FOREGROUND(colour); FILL_RECTANGLE(x, y, cx, cy); } void ui_polygon(uint8 opcode, /* mode */ uint8 fillmode, /* dest */ POINT * point, int npoints, /* brush */ BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { uint8 style, i, ipattern[8]; Pixmap fill; SET_FUNCTION(opcode); switch (fillmode) { case ALTERNATE: XSetFillRule(g_display, g_gc, EvenOddRule); break; case WINDING: XSetFillRule(g_display, g_gc, WindingRule); break; default: unimpl("fill mode %d\n", fillmode); } if (brush) style = brush->style; else style = 0; switch (style) { case 0: /* Solid */ SET_FOREGROUND(fgcolour); FILL_POLYGON((XPoint *) point, npoints); break; case 2: /* Hatch */ fill = (Pixmap) ui_create_glyph(8, 8, hatch_patterns + brush->pattern[0] * 8); SET_FOREGROUND(fgcolour); SET_BACKGROUND(bgcolour); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillOpaqueStippled); XSetStipple(g_display, g_gc, fill); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin); FILL_POLYGON((XPoint *) point, npoints); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillSolid); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, 0, 0); ui_destroy_glyph((HGLYPH) fill); break; case 3: /* Pattern */ for (i = 0; i != 8; i++) ipattern[7 - i] = brush->pattern[i]; fill = (Pixmap) ui_create_glyph(8, 8, ipattern); SET_FOREGROUND(bgcolour); SET_BACKGROUND(fgcolour); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillOpaqueStippled); XSetStipple(g_display, g_gc, fill); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin); FILL_POLYGON((XPoint *) point, npoints); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillSolid); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, 0, 0); ui_destroy_glyph((HGLYPH) fill); break; default: unimpl("brush %d\n", brush->style); } RESET_FUNCTION(opcode); } void ui_polyline(uint8 opcode, /* dest */ POINT * points, int npoints, /* pen */ PEN * pen) { /* TODO: set join style */ SET_FUNCTION(opcode); SET_FOREGROUND(pen->colour); XDrawLines(g_display, g_wnd, g_gc, (XPoint *) points, npoints, CoordModePrevious); if (g_ownbackstore) XDrawLines(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, (XPoint *) points, npoints, CoordModePrevious); RESET_FUNCTION(opcode); } void ui_ellipse(uint8 opcode, /* mode */ uint8 fillmode, /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy, /* brush */ BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { uint8 style, i, ipattern[8]; Pixmap fill; SET_FUNCTION(opcode); if (brush) style = brush->style; else style = 0; switch (style) { case 0: /* Solid */ SET_FOREGROUND(fgcolour); DRAW_ELLIPSE(x, y, cx, cy, fillmode); break; case 2: /* Hatch */ fill = (Pixmap) ui_create_glyph(8, 8, hatch_patterns + brush->pattern[0] * 8); SET_FOREGROUND(fgcolour); SET_BACKGROUND(bgcolour); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillOpaqueStippled); XSetStipple(g_display, g_gc, fill); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin); DRAW_ELLIPSE(x, y, cx, cy, fillmode); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillSolid); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, 0, 0); ui_destroy_glyph((HGLYPH) fill); break; case 3: /* Pattern */ for (i = 0; i != 8; i++) ipattern[7 - i] = brush->pattern[i]; fill = (Pixmap) ui_create_glyph(8, 8, ipattern); SET_FOREGROUND(bgcolour); SET_BACKGROUND(fgcolour); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillOpaqueStippled); XSetStipple(g_display, g_gc, fill); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin); DRAW_ELLIPSE(x, y, cx, cy, fillmode); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillSolid); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, 0, 0); ui_destroy_glyph((HGLYPH) fill); break; default: unimpl("brush %d\n", brush->style); } RESET_FUNCTION(opcode); } /* warning, this function only draws on wnd or backstore, not both */ void ui_draw_glyph(int mixmode, /* dest */ int x, int y, int cx, int cy, /* src */ HGLYPH glyph, int srcx, int srcy, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { SET_FOREGROUND(fgcolour); SET_BACKGROUND(bgcolour); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, (mixmode == MIX_TRANSPARENT) ? FillStippled : FillOpaqueStippled); XSetStipple(g_display, g_gc, (Pixmap) glyph); XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, x, y); FILL_RECTANGLE_BACKSTORE(x, y, cx, cy); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillSolid); } #define DO_GLYPH(ttext,idx) \ {\ glyph = cache_get_font (font, ttext[idx]);\ if (!(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X))\ {\ xyoffset = ttext[++idx];\ if ((xyoffset & 0x80))\ {\ if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL)\ y += ttext[idx+1] | (ttext[idx+2] << 8);\ else\ x += ttext[idx+1] | (ttext[idx+2] << 8);\ idx += 2;\ }\ else\ {\ if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL)\ y += xyoffset;\ else\ x += xyoffset;\ }\ }\ if (glyph != NULL)\ {\ x1 = x + glyph->offset;\ y1 = y + glyph->baseline;\ XSetStipple(g_display, g_gc, (Pixmap) glyph->pixmap);\ XSetTSOrigin(g_display, g_gc, x1, y1);\ FILL_RECTANGLE_BACKSTORE(x1, y1, glyph->width, glyph->height);\ if (flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X)\ x += glyph->width;\ }\ } void ui_draw_text(uint8 font, uint8 flags, uint8 opcode, int mixmode, int x, int y, int clipx, int clipy, int clipcx, int clipcy, int boxx, int boxy, int boxcx, int boxcy, BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour, uint8 * text, uint8 length) { /* TODO: use brush appropriately */ FONTGLYPH *glyph; int i, j, xyoffset, x1, y1; DATABLOB *entry; SET_FOREGROUND(bgcolour); /* Sometimes, the boxcx value is something really large, like 32691. This makes XCopyArea fail with Xvnc. The code below is a quick fix. */ if (boxx + boxcx > g_width) boxcx = g_width - boxx; if (boxcx > 1) { FILL_RECTANGLE_BACKSTORE(boxx, boxy, boxcx, boxcy); } else if (mixmode == MIX_OPAQUE) { FILL_RECTANGLE_BACKSTORE(clipx, clipy, clipcx, clipcy); } SET_FOREGROUND(fgcolour); SET_BACKGROUND(bgcolour); XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillStippled); /* Paint text, character by character */ for (i = 0; i < length;) { switch (text[i]) { case 0xff: /* At least two bytes needs to follow */ if (i + 3 > length) { warning("Skipping short 0xff command:"); for (j = 0; j < length; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", text[j]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); i = length = 0; break; } cache_put_text(text[i + 1], text, text[i + 2]); i += 3; length -= i; /* this will move pointer from start to first character after FF command */ text = &(text[i]); i = 0; break; case 0xfe: /* At least one byte needs to follow */ if (i + 2 > length) { warning("Skipping short 0xfe command:"); for (j = 0; j < length; j++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", text[j]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); i = length = 0; break; } entry = cache_get_text(text[i + 1]); if (entry->data != NULL) { if ((((uint8 *) (entry->data))[1] == 0) && (!(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X)) && (i + 2 < length)) { if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL) y += text[i + 2]; else x += text[i + 2]; } for (j = 0; j < entry->size; j++) DO_GLYPH(((uint8 *) (entry->data)), j); } if (i + 2 < length) i += 3; else i += 2; length -= i; /* this will move pointer from start to first character after FE command */ text = &(text[i]); i = 0; break; default: DO_GLYPH(text, i); i++; break; } } XSetFillStyle(g_display, g_gc, FillSolid); if (g_ownbackstore) { if (boxcx > 1) XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_wnd, g_gc, boxx, boxy, boxcx, boxcy, boxx, boxy); else XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_wnd, g_gc, clipx, clipy, clipcx, clipcy, clipx, clipy); } } void ui_desktop_save(uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { Pixmap pix; XImage *image; if (g_ownbackstore) { image = XGetImage(g_display, g_backstore, x, y, cx, cy, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); } else { pix = XCreatePixmap(g_display, g_wnd, cx, cy, g_depth); XCopyArea(g_display, g_wnd, pix, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy, 0, 0); image = XGetImage(g_display, pix, 0, 0, cx, cy, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); XFreePixmap(g_display, pix); } offset *= g_bpp / 8; cache_put_desktop(offset, cx, cy, image->bytes_per_line, g_bpp / 8, (uint8 *) image->data); XDestroyImage(image); } void ui_desktop_restore(uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { XImage *image; uint8 *data; offset *= g_bpp / 8; data = cache_get_desktop(offset, cx, cy, g_bpp / 8); if (data == NULL) return; image = XCreateImage(g_display, g_visual, g_depth, ZPixmap, 0, (char *) data, cx, cy, BitmapPad(g_display), cx * g_bpp / 8); if (g_ownbackstore) { XPutImage(g_display, g_backstore, g_gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, cx, cy); XCopyArea(g_display, g_backstore, g_wnd, g_gc, x, y, cx, cy, x, y); } else { XPutImage(g_display, g_wnd, g_gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, cx, cy); } XFree(image); } /* these do nothing here but are used in uiports */ void ui_begin_update(void) { } void ui_end_update(void) { }