.TH RDESKTOP 1 "September 2002" "Manual page for rdesktop" .\" .\" Man page author: .\" Hugo Trippaers .\" Peter Åstrand .SH NAME .I rdesktop \- Remote Desktop Protocol client .SH SYNOPSIS .B rdesktop [options] server .br .SH DESCRIPTION .I rdesktop is a client for Windows NT4 Terminal Server and Windows 2000 Terminal Services. rdesktop implements the RDP version 4 protocol, which used by Windows NT4 Terminal Server, and parts of RDP version 5, which is used by Windows 2000 Terminal Services. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR "-u " The username for authentication on the terminal server, together with -p this can be used for autologon. .TP .BR "-d " The domain to to which the user belongs. .TP .BR "-s " The startup shell for the user. Use this to start a specific application, instead of a regular desktop. .TP .BR "-c " The current working directory for the user. Often used in combination with -s to setup a fixed environment for the user after logon. .TP .BR "-p " The password to authenticate with, used in combination with -u for autologon. Use -p - to make rdesktop request a password at startup. WARNING: the -p option will be visible to all users when they use tools like ps. The -P option is safer. .TP .BR "-P " The program to fetch the password from. The program will be executed, and the output will be used as the password. This is a safe way to transfer the password to rdesktop. .TP .BR "-n " Client name. The default is the hostname. .TP .BR "-k " keyboard layout on terminal server (us,sv,gr etc.) .TP .BR "-g " Desktop geometry (WxH). .TP .BR "-f" Enable fullscreen mode. The -g option will be ignored when using -f, rdesktop will get the current height and width from the current desktop. .TP .BR "-b" Force bitmap updates. .TP .BR "-e" Do not use encryption, this is only for people who are not allowed to use encryption in Windows products. If you live in France you probably need this switch. .TP .BR "-m" Do not send motion events. .TP .BR "-l" Do not request licence. .TP .BR "-t " Connect to this TCP port. The default is 3389. .TP .BR "-K" Keep window manager key bindings. .TP .BR "-w " Set window title to <title>. .PP .SH "RETURN VALUES" None are defined (yet). .SH LINKS Main website of rdesktop .br \fIhttp://www.rdesktop.org .LP .SH BUGS We suggest you visit the website at http://www.rdesktop.org and follow the links to the Bug Tracker. .SH VERSION This manual page documents version 1.2. .SH AUTHOR rdesktop is written by Matt Chapman <matthewc@cse.unsw.edu.au> .LP The following persons have contributed to the project: .LP Peter Bystrom <peter.bystrom@ub.oru.se> .br Hugo Trippaers <spark@ision.nl> .br Jay Sorg .br Peter Åstrand .SH THANKS Thanks to all the mailinglist members for their contributions to rdesktop. .PP