Future syntax for configuring RDP redirection modules ===================================================== General ------- All redirection is configured using the -r option. The general syntax is: -r : is the name of the redirection module. The following names are valid: drive, printer, lptport, comport, clipboard, audio. is interpreted by each redirection module. The redirection modules are described below. drive mapping ------------- Multiple mappings possible: yes Default: no drives redirected Syntax: -r drive:= Example: -r drive:H=/home/johndoe printer mapping --------------- Multiple mappings possible: yes Default: no printers redirected Syntax: -r printer: Example: -r printer:mydeskjet LPT port mapping ---------------- Multiple mappings possible: yes Default: no LPT ports redirected Syntax: -r lptport:= Example: -r lptport:LPT1=/dev/lp0 COM port mapping ---------------- Multiple mappings possible: yes Default: no COM ports redirected Syntax: -r comport:= Example: -r comport:COM1=/dev/ttyS0 clipboard mapping ----------------- Multiple mappings possible: no Default: yes Syntax: -r clipboard:[yes|no] Example: -r clipboard:no audio mapping ------------- Multiple mappings possible: no Default: off Syntax: -r audio:[local|off|remote] "local" means "Bring to this computer" "off" means "Do not play" "remote" means "Leave at remote computer" Example: -r audio:remote