#include #include #include #include #include "rdesktop.h" #define FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT 0x1b #define SERIAL_SET_BAUD_RATE 1 #define SERIAL_SET_QUEUE_SIZE 2 #define SERIAL_SET_LINE_CONTROL 3 #define SERIAL_SET_BREAK_ON 4 #define SERIAL_SET_BREAK_OFF 5 #define SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR 6 #define SERIAL_SET_TIMEOUTS 7 #define SERIAL_GET_TIMEOUTS 8 #define SERIAL_SET_DTR 9 #define SERIAL_CLR_DTR 10 #define SERIAL_RESET_DEVICE 11 #define SERIAL_SET_RTS 12 #define SERIAL_CLR_RTS 13 #define SERIAL_SET_XOFF 14 #define SERIAL_SET_XON 15 #define SERIAL_GET_WAIT_MASK 16 #define SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK 17 #define SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK 18 #define SERIAL_PURGE 19 #define SERIAL_GET_BAUD_RATE 20 #define SERIAL_GET_LINE_CONTROL 21 #define SERIAL_GET_CHARS 22 #define SERIAL_SET_CHARS 23 #define SERIAL_GET_HANDFLOW 24 #define SERIAL_SET_HANDFLOW 25 #define SERIAL_GET_MODEMSTATUS 26 #define SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS 27 #define SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER 28 #define SERIAL_GET_PROPERTIES 29 #define SERIAL_GET_DTRRTS 30 #define SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT 31 #define SERIAL_CONFIG_SIZE 32 #define SERIAL_GET_COMMCONFIG 33 #define SERIAL_SET_COMMCONFIG 34 #define SERIAL_GET_STATS 35 #define SERIAL_CLEAR_STATS 36 #define SERIAL_GET_MODEM_CONTROL 37 #define SERIAL_SET_MODEM_CONTROL 38 #define SERIAL_SET_FIFO_CONTROL 39 #define STOP_BITS_1 0 #define STOP_BITS_2 2 #define NO_PARITY 0 #define ODD_PARITY 1 #define EVEN_PARITY 2 #define SERIAL_PURGE_TXABORT 0x00000001 #define SERIAL_PURGE_RXABORT 0x00000002 #define SERIAL_PURGE_TXCLEAR 0x00000004 #define SERIAL_PURGE_RXCLEAR 0x00000008 /* SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK */ #define SERIAL_EV_RXCHAR 0x0001 // Any Character received #define SERIAL_EV_RXFLAG 0x0002 // Received certain character #define SERIAL_EV_TXEMPTY 0x0004 // Transmitt Queue Empty #define SERIAL_EV_CTS 0x0008 // CTS changed state #define SERIAL_EV_DSR 0x0010 // DSR changed state #define SERIAL_EV_RLSD 0x0020 // RLSD changed state #define SERIAL_EV_BREAK 0x0040 // BREAK received #define SERIAL_EV_ERR 0x0080 // Line status error occurred #define SERIAL_EV_RING 0x0100 // Ring signal detected #define SERIAL_EV_PERR 0x0200 // Printer error occured #define SERIAL_EV_RX80FULL 0x0400 // Receive buffer is 80 percent full #define SERIAL_EV_EVENT1 0x0800 // Provider specific event 1 #define SERIAL_EV_EVENT2 0x1000 // Provider specific event 2 extern RDPDR_DEVICE g_rdpdr_device[]; static SERIAL_DEVICE * get_serial_info(HANDLE handle) { int index; for (index = 0; index < RDPDR_MAX_DEVICES; index++) { if (handle == g_rdpdr_device[index].handle) return (SERIAL_DEVICE *) g_rdpdr_device[index].pdevice_data; } return NULL; } static BOOL get_termios(SERIAL_DEVICE * pser_inf, HANDLE serial_fd) { speed_t speed; struct termios *ptermios; ptermios = pser_inf->ptermios; if (tcgetattr(serial_fd, ptermios) == -1) return False; speed = cfgetispeed(ptermios); switch (speed) { #ifdef B75 case B75: pser_inf->baud_rate = 75; break; #endif #ifdef B110 case B110: pser_inf->baud_rate = 110; break; #endif #ifdef B134 case B134: pser_inf->baud_rate = 134; break; #endif #ifdef B150 case B150: pser_inf->baud_rate = 150; break; #endif #ifdef B300 case B300: pser_inf->baud_rate = 300; break; #endif #ifdef B600 case B600: pser_inf->baud_rate = 600; break; #endif #ifdef B1200 case B1200: pser_inf->baud_rate = 1200; break; #endif #ifdef B1800 case B1800: pser_inf->baud_rate = 1800; break; #endif #ifdef B2400 case B2400: pser_inf->baud_rate = 2400; break; #endif #ifdef B4800 case B4800: pser_inf->baud_rate = 4800; break; #endif #ifdef B9600 case B9600: pser_inf->baud_rate = 9600; break; #endif #ifdef B19200 case B19200: pser_inf->baud_rate = 19200; break; #endif #ifdef B38400 case B38400: pser_inf->baud_rate = 38400; break; #endif #ifdef B57600 case B57600: pser_inf->baud_rate = 57600; break; #endif #ifdef B115200 case B115200: pser_inf->baud_rate = 115200; break; #endif default: pser_inf->baud_rate = 0; break; } speed = cfgetospeed(ptermios); pser_inf->dtr = (speed == B0) ? 0 : 1; pser_inf->stop_bits = (ptermios->c_cflag & CSTOPB) ? STOP_BITS_2 : STOP_BITS_1; pser_inf->parity = (ptermios-> c_cflag & PARENB) ? ((ptermios-> c_cflag & PARODD) ? ODD_PARITY : EVEN_PARITY) : NO_PARITY; switch (ptermios->c_cflag & CSIZE) { case CS5: pser_inf->word_length = 5; break; case CS6: pser_inf->word_length = 6; break; case CS7: pser_inf->word_length = 7; break; default: pser_inf->word_length = 8; break; } pser_inf->rts = (ptermios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS) ? 1 : 0; return True; } static void set_termios(SERIAL_DEVICE * pser_inf, HANDLE serial_fd) { speed_t speed; struct termios *ptermios; ptermios = pser_inf->ptermios; switch (pser_inf->baud_rate) { #ifdef B75 case 75: speed = B75; break; #endif #ifdef B110 case 110: speed = B110; break; #endif #ifdef B134 case 134: speed = B134; break; #endif #ifdef B150 case 150: speed = B150; break; #endif #ifdef B300 case 300: speed = B300; break; #endif #ifdef B600 case 600: speed = B600; break; #endif #ifdef B1200 case 1200: speed = B1200; break; #endif #ifdef B1800 case 1800: speed = B1800; break; #endif #ifdef B2400 case 2400: speed = B2400; break; #endif #ifdef B4800 case 4800: speed = B4800; break; #endif #ifdef B9600 case 9600: speed = B9600; break; #endif #ifdef B19200 case 19200: speed = B19200; break; #endif #ifdef B38400 case 38400: speed = B38400; break; #endif #ifdef B57600 case 57600: speed = B57600; break; #endif #ifdef B115200 case 115200: speed = B115200; break; #endif default: speed = B0; break; } /* on systems with separate ispeed and ospeed, we can remember the speed in ispeed while changing DTR with ospeed */ cfsetispeed(pser_inf->ptermios, speed); cfsetospeed(pser_inf->ptermios, pser_inf->dtr ? speed : 0); ptermios->c_cflag &= ~(CSTOPB | PARENB | PARODD | CSIZE | CRTSCTS); switch (pser_inf->stop_bits) { case STOP_BITS_2: ptermios->c_cflag |= CSTOPB; break; } switch (pser_inf->parity) { case EVEN_PARITY: ptermios->c_cflag |= PARENB; break; case ODD_PARITY: ptermios->c_cflag |= PARENB | PARODD; break; } switch (pser_inf->word_length) { case 5: ptermios->c_cflag |= CS5; break; case 6: ptermios->c_cflag |= CS6; break; case 7: ptermios->c_cflag |= CS7; break; default: ptermios->c_cflag |= CS8; break; } if (pser_inf->rts) ptermios->c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; tcsetattr(serial_fd, TCSANOW, ptermios); } /* Enumeration of devices from rdesktop.c */ /* returns numer of units found and initialized. */ /* optarg looks like ':com1=/dev/ttyS0' */ /* when it arrives to this function. */ /* :com1=/dev/ttyS0,com2=/dev/ttyS1 */ int serial_enum_devices(uint32 * id, char *optarg) { SERIAL_DEVICE *pser_inf; char *pos = optarg; char *pos2; int count = 0; // skip the first colon optarg++; while ((pos = next_arg(optarg, ',')) && *id < RDPDR_MAX_DEVICES) { // Init data structures for device pser_inf = (SERIAL_DEVICE *) xmalloc(sizeof(SERIAL_DEVICE)); pser_inf->ptermios = (struct termios *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct termios)); pser_inf->pold_termios = (struct termios *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct termios)); pos2 = next_arg(optarg, '='); strcpy(g_rdpdr_device[*id].name, optarg); toupper_str(g_rdpdr_device[*id].name); g_rdpdr_device[*id].local_path = xmalloc(strlen(pos2) + 1); strcpy(g_rdpdr_device[*id].local_path, pos2); printf("SERIAL %s to %s\n", g_rdpdr_device[*id].name, g_rdpdr_device[*id].local_path); // set device type g_rdpdr_device[*id].device_type = DEVICE_TYPE_SERIAL; g_rdpdr_device[*id].pdevice_data = (void *) pser_inf; count++; (*id)++; optarg = pos; } return count; } static NTSTATUS serial_create(uint32 device_id, uint32 access, uint32 share_mode, uint32 disposition, uint32 flags_and_attributes, char *filename, HANDLE * handle) { HANDLE serial_fd; SERIAL_DEVICE *pser_inf; struct termios *ptermios; pser_inf = (SERIAL_DEVICE *) g_rdpdr_device[device_id].pdevice_data; ptermios = pser_inf->ptermios; serial_fd = open(g_rdpdr_device[device_id].local_path, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (serial_fd == -1) { perror("open"); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } if (!get_termios(pser_inf, serial_fd)) { printf("INFO: SERIAL %s access denied\n", g_rdpdr_device[device_id].name); fflush(stdout); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } // Store handle for later use g_rdpdr_device[device_id].handle = serial_fd; /* some sane information */ printf("INFO: SERIAL %s to %s\nINFO: speed %u baud, stop bits %u, parity %u, word length %u bits, dtr %u, rts %u\n", g_rdpdr_device[device_id].name, g_rdpdr_device[device_id].local_path, pser_inf->baud_rate, pser_inf->stop_bits, pser_inf->parity, pser_inf->word_length, pser_inf->dtr, pser_inf->rts); printf("INFO: use stty to change settings\n"); /* ptermios->c_cflag = B115200 | CRTSCTS | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; ptermios->c_cflag |= CREAD; ptermios->c_lflag |= ICANON; ptermios->c_iflag = IGNPAR | ICRNL; tcsetattr(serial_fd, TCSANOW, ptermios); */ *handle = serial_fd; /* all read and writes should be non blocking */ if (fcntl(*handle, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1) perror("fcntl"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS serial_close(HANDLE handle) { int i = get_device_index(handle); if (i >= 0) g_rdpdr_device[i].handle = 0; close(handle); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS serial_read(HANDLE handle, uint8 * data, uint32 length, uint32 offset, uint32 * result) { long timeout; SERIAL_DEVICE *pser_inf; struct termios *ptermios; timeout = 90; pser_inf = get_serial_info(handle); ptermios = pser_inf->ptermios; // Set timeouts kind of like the windows serial timeout parameters. Multiply timeout // with requested read size if (pser_inf->read_total_timeout_multiplier | pser_inf->read_total_timeout_constant) { timeout = (pser_inf->read_total_timeout_multiplier * length + pser_inf->read_total_timeout_constant + 99) / 100; } else if (pser_inf->read_interval_timeout) { timeout = (pser_inf->read_interval_timeout * length + 99) / 100; } // If a timeout is set, do a blocking read, which times out after some time. // It will make rdesktop less responsive, but it will improve serial performance, by not // reading one character at a time. if (timeout == 0) { ptermios->c_cc[VTIME] = 0; ptermios->c_cc[VMIN] = 0; } else { ptermios->c_cc[VTIME] = timeout; ptermios->c_cc[VMIN] = 1; } tcsetattr(handle, TCSANOW, ptermios); *result = read(handle, data, length); //hexdump(data, *read); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS serial_write(HANDLE handle, uint8 * data, uint32 length, uint32 offset, uint32 * result) { *result = write(handle, data, length); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS serial_device_control(HANDLE handle, uint32 request, STREAM in, STREAM out) { int flush_mask, purge_mask; uint32 result; uint8 immediate; SERIAL_DEVICE *pser_inf; struct termios *ptermios; if ((request >> 16) != FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; pser_inf = get_serial_info(handle); ptermios = pser_inf->ptermios; /* extract operation */ request >>= 2; request &= 0xfff; printf("SERIAL IOCTL %d\n", request); switch (request) { case SERIAL_SET_BAUD_RATE: in_uint32_le(in, pser_inf->baud_rate); set_termios(pser_inf, handle); break; case SERIAL_GET_BAUD_RATE: out_uint32_le(out, pser_inf->baud_rate); break; case SERIAL_SET_QUEUE_SIZE: in_uint32_le(in, pser_inf->queue_in_size); in_uint32_le(in, pser_inf->queue_out_size); break; case SERIAL_SET_LINE_CONTROL: in_uint8(in, pser_inf->stop_bits); in_uint8(in, pser_inf->parity); in_uint8(in, pser_inf->word_length); set_termios(pser_inf, handle); break; case SERIAL_GET_LINE_CONTROL: out_uint8(out, pser_inf->stop_bits); out_uint8(out, pser_inf->parity); out_uint8(out, pser_inf->word_length); break; case SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR: in_uint8(in, immediate); serial_write(handle, &immediate, 1, 0, &result); break; case SERIAL_CONFIG_SIZE: out_uint32_le(out, 0); break; case SERIAL_GET_CHARS: out_uint8s(out, 6); break; case SERIAL_SET_CHARS: in_uint8s(in, 6); break; case SERIAL_GET_HANDFLOW: out_uint32_le(out, 0); out_uint32_le(out, 3); /* Xon/Xoff */ out_uint32_le(out, 0); out_uint32_le(out, 0); break; case SERIAL_SET_HANDFLOW: in_uint8s(in, 16); break; case SERIAL_SET_TIMEOUTS: in_uint8s(in, 20); break; case SERIAL_GET_TIMEOUTS: out_uint8s(out, 20); break; case SERIAL_GET_WAIT_MASK: out_uint32(out, pser_inf->wait_mask); break; case SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK: in_uint32(in, pser_inf->wait_mask); break; case SERIAL_SET_DTR: pser_inf->dtr = 1; set_termios(pser_inf, handle); break; case SERIAL_CLR_DTR: pser_inf->dtr = 0; set_termios(pser_inf, handle); break; case SERIAL_SET_RTS: pser_inf->rts = 1; set_termios(pser_inf, handle); break; case SERIAL_CLR_RTS: pser_inf->rts = 0; set_termios(pser_inf, handle); break; case SERIAL_GET_MODEMSTATUS: out_uint32_le(out, 0); /* Errors */ break; case SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS: out_uint32_le(out, 0); /* Errors */ out_uint32_le(out, 0); /* Hold reasons */ out_uint32_le(out, 0); /* Amount in in queue */ out_uint32_le(out, 0); /* Amount in out queue */ out_uint8(out, 0); /* EofReceived */ out_uint8(out, 0); /* WaitForImmediate */ break; #if 0 case SERIAL_PURGE: printf("SERIAL_PURGE\n"); in_uint32(in, purge_mask); if (purge_mask & 0x04) flush_mask |= TCOFLUSH; if (purge_mask & 0x08) flush_mask |= TCIFLUSH; if (flush_mask != 0) tcflush(handle, flush_mask); if (purge_mask & 0x01) rdpdr_abort_io(handle, 4, STATUS_CANCELLED); if (purge_mask & 0x02) rdpdr_abort_io(handle, 3, STATUS_CANCELLED); break; case SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK: /* XXX implement me */ out_uint32_le(out, pser_inf->wait_mask); break; case SERIAL_SET_BREAK_ON: tcsendbreak(serial_fd, 0); break; case SERIAL_RESET_DEVICE: case SERIAL_SET_BREAK_OFF: case SERIAL_SET_XOFF: case SERIAL_SET_XON: /* ignore */ break; #endif default: unimpl("SERIAL IOCTL %d\n", request); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Read timeout for a given file descripter (device) when adding fd's to select() */ BOOL serial_get_timeout(HANDLE handle, uint32 length, uint32 * timeout, uint32 * itv_timeout) { int index; SERIAL_DEVICE *pser_inf; index = get_device_index(handle); if (index < 0) return True; if (g_rdpdr_device[index].device_type != DEVICE_TYPE_SERIAL) { return False; } pser_inf = (SERIAL_DEVICE *) g_rdpdr_device[index].pdevice_data; *timeout = pser_inf->read_total_timeout_multiplier * length + pser_inf->read_total_timeout_constant; *itv_timeout = pser_inf->read_interval_timeout; return True; } DEVICE_FNS serial_fns = { serial_create, serial_close, serial_read, serial_write, serial_device_control };