/* -*- c-basic-offset: 8 -*- rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client. Sound Channel Process Functions Copyright (C) Matthew Chapman 2003 Copyright (C) GuoJunBo guojunbo@ict.ac.cn 2003 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "rdesktop.h" #include "rdpsnd.h" #include "rdpsnd_dsp.h" #define RDPSND_CLOSE 1 #define RDPSND_WRITE 2 #define RDPSND_SET_VOLUME 3 #define RDPSND_UNKNOWN4 4 #define RDPSND_COMPLETION 5 #define RDPSND_SERVERTICK 6 #define RDPSND_NEGOTIATE 7 #define MAX_FORMATS 10 #define MAX_QUEUE 10 BOOL g_dsp_busy = False; int g_dsp_fd; static VCHANNEL *rdpsnd_channel; static struct audio_driver *drivers = NULL; struct audio_driver *current_driver = NULL; static BOOL device_open; static WAVEFORMATEX formats[MAX_FORMATS]; static unsigned int format_count; static unsigned int current_format; unsigned int queue_hi, queue_lo, queue_pending; struct audio_packet packet_queue[MAX_QUEUE]; void (*wave_out_play) (void); static void rdpsnd_queue_write(STREAM s, uint16 tick, uint8 index); static void rdpsnd_queue_init(void); static void rdpsnd_queue_complete_pending(void); static long rdpsnd_queue_next_completion(void); static STREAM rdpsnd_init_packet(uint16 type, uint16 size) { STREAM s; s = channel_init(rdpsnd_channel, size + 4); out_uint16_le(s, type); out_uint16_le(s, size); return s; } static void rdpsnd_send(STREAM s) { #ifdef RDPSND_DEBUG printf("RDPSND send:\n"); hexdump(s->channel_hdr + 8, s->end - s->channel_hdr - 8); #endif channel_send(s, rdpsnd_channel); } static void rdpsnd_send_completion(uint16 tick, uint8 packet_index) { STREAM s; s = rdpsnd_init_packet(RDPSND_COMPLETION, 4); out_uint16_le(s, tick); out_uint8(s, packet_index); out_uint8(s, 0); s_mark_end(s); rdpsnd_send(s); } static void rdpsnd_process_negotiate(STREAM in) { unsigned int in_format_count, i; WAVEFORMATEX *format; STREAM out; BOOL device_available = False; int readcnt; int discardcnt; in_uint8s(in, 14); /* flags, volume, pitch, UDP port */ in_uint16_le(in, in_format_count); in_uint8s(in, 4); /* pad, status, pad */ if (current_driver->wave_out_open()) { current_driver->wave_out_close(); device_available = True; } format_count = 0; if (s_check_rem(in, 18 * in_format_count)) { for (i = 0; i < in_format_count; i++) { format = &formats[format_count]; in_uint16_le(in, format->wFormatTag); in_uint16_le(in, format->nChannels); in_uint32_le(in, format->nSamplesPerSec); in_uint32_le(in, format->nAvgBytesPerSec); in_uint16_le(in, format->nBlockAlign); in_uint16_le(in, format->wBitsPerSample); in_uint16_le(in, format->cbSize); /* read in the buffer of unknown use */ readcnt = format->cbSize; discardcnt = 0; if (format->cbSize > MAX_CBSIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "cbSize too large for buffer: %d\n", format->cbSize); readcnt = MAX_CBSIZE; discardcnt = format->cbSize - MAX_CBSIZE; } in_uint8a(in, format->cb, readcnt); in_uint8s(in, discardcnt); if (device_available && current_driver->wave_out_format_supported(format)) { format_count++; if (format_count == MAX_FORMATS) break; } } } out = rdpsnd_init_packet(RDPSND_NEGOTIATE | 0x200, 20 + 18 * format_count); out_uint32_le(out, 3); /* flags */ out_uint32(out, 0xffffffff); /* volume */ out_uint32(out, 0); /* pitch */ out_uint16(out, 0); /* UDP port */ out_uint16_le(out, format_count); out_uint8(out, 0x95); /* pad? */ out_uint16_le(out, 2); /* status */ out_uint8(out, 0x77); /* pad? */ for (i = 0; i < format_count; i++) { format = &formats[i]; out_uint16_le(out, format->wFormatTag); out_uint16_le(out, format->nChannels); out_uint32_le(out, format->nSamplesPerSec); out_uint32_le(out, format->nAvgBytesPerSec); out_uint16_le(out, format->nBlockAlign); out_uint16_le(out, format->wBitsPerSample); out_uint16(out, 0); /* cbSize */ } s_mark_end(out); rdpsnd_send(out); } static void rdpsnd_process_servertick(STREAM in) { uint16 tick1, tick2; STREAM out; /* in_uint8s(in, 4); unknown */ in_uint16_le(in, tick1); in_uint16_le(in, tick2); out = rdpsnd_init_packet(RDPSND_SERVERTICK | 0x2300, 4); out_uint16_le(out, tick1); out_uint16_le(out, tick2); s_mark_end(out); rdpsnd_send(out); } static void rdpsnd_process(STREAM s) { uint8 type; uint16 datalen; uint32 volume; static uint16 tick, format; static uint8 packet_index; static BOOL awaiting_data_packet; static unsigned char missing_bytes[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #ifdef RDPSND_DEBUG printf("RDPSND recv:\n"); hexdump(s->p, s->end - s->p); #endif if (awaiting_data_packet) { if (format >= MAX_FORMATS) { error("RDPSND: Invalid format index\n"); return; } if (!device_open || (format != current_format)) { if (!device_open && !current_driver->wave_out_open()) { rdpsnd_send_completion(tick, packet_index); return; } if (!current_driver->wave_out_set_format(&formats[format])) { rdpsnd_send_completion(tick, packet_index); current_driver->wave_out_close(); device_open = False; return; } device_open = True; current_format = format; } /* Insert the 4 missing bytes retrieved from last RDPSND_WRITE */ memcpy(s->data, missing_bytes, 4); rdpsnd_queue_write(rdpsnd_dsp_process (s, current_driver, &formats[current_format]), tick, packet_index); awaiting_data_packet = False; return; } in_uint8(s, type); in_uint8s(s, 1); /* unknown? */ in_uint16_le(s, datalen); switch (type) { case RDPSND_WRITE: in_uint16_le(s, tick); in_uint16_le(s, format); in_uint8(s, packet_index); /* Here are our lost bytes, but why? */ memcpy(missing_bytes, s->end - 4, 4); awaiting_data_packet = True; break; case RDPSND_CLOSE: current_driver->wave_out_close(); device_open = False; break; case RDPSND_NEGOTIATE: rdpsnd_process_negotiate(s); break; case RDPSND_SERVERTICK: rdpsnd_process_servertick(s); break; case RDPSND_SET_VOLUME: in_uint32(s, volume); if (device_open) { current_driver->wave_out_volume((volume & 0xffff), (volume & 0xffff0000) >> 16); } break; default: unimpl("RDPSND packet type %d\n", type); break; } } static BOOL rdpsnd_auto_open(void) { static BOOL failed = False; if (!failed) { struct audio_driver *auto_driver = current_driver; current_driver = drivers; while (current_driver != NULL) { DEBUG(("trying %s...\n", current_driver->name)); if (current_driver->wave_out_open()) { DEBUG(("selected %s\n", current_driver->name)); return True; } g_dsp_fd = 0; current_driver = current_driver->next; } warning("no working audio-driver found\n"); failed = True; current_driver = auto_driver; } return False; } static void rdpsnd_register_drivers(char *options) { struct audio_driver **reg; /* The order of registrations define the probe-order when opening the device for the first time */ reg = &drivers; #if defined(RDPSND_ALSA) *reg = alsa_register(options); assert(*reg); reg = &((*reg)->next); #endif #if defined(RDPSND_SUN) *reg = sun_register(options); assert(*reg); reg = &((*reg)->next); #endif #if defined(RDPSND_OSS) *reg = oss_register(options); assert(*reg); reg = &((*reg)->next); #endif #if defined(RDPSND_SGI) *reg = sgi_register(options); assert(*reg); reg = &((*reg)->next); #endif #if defined(RDPSND_LIBAO) *reg = libao_register(options); assert(*reg); reg = &((*reg)->next); #endif } BOOL rdpsnd_init(char *optarg) { static struct audio_driver auto_driver; struct audio_driver *pos; char *driver = NULL, *options = NULL; drivers = NULL; rdpsnd_channel = channel_register("rdpsnd", CHANNEL_OPTION_INITIALIZED | CHANNEL_OPTION_ENCRYPT_RDP, rdpsnd_process); if (rdpsnd_channel == NULL) { error("channel_register\n"); return False; } rdpsnd_queue_init(); if (optarg != NULL && strlen(optarg) > 0) { driver = options = optarg; while (*options != '\0' && *options != ':') options++; if (*options == ':') { *options = '\0'; options++; } if (*options == '\0') options = NULL; } rdpsnd_register_drivers(options); if (!driver) { auto_driver.wave_out_open = &rdpsnd_auto_open; current_driver = &auto_driver; return True; } pos = drivers; while (pos != NULL) { if (!strcmp(pos->name, driver)) { DEBUG(("selected %s\n", pos->name)); current_driver = pos; return True; } pos = pos->next; } return False; } void rdpsnd_show_help(void) { struct audio_driver *pos; rdpsnd_register_drivers(NULL); pos = drivers; while (pos != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " %s:\t%s\n", pos->name, pos->description); pos = pos->next; } } void rdpsnd_play(void) { current_driver->wave_out_play(); } void rdpsnd_add_fds(int *n, fd_set * rfds, fd_set * wfds, struct timeval *tv) { long next_pending; if (g_dsp_busy) { FD_SET(g_dsp_fd, wfds); *n = (g_dsp_fd > *n) ? g_dsp_fd : *n; } next_pending = rdpsnd_queue_next_completion(); if (next_pending >= 0) { long cur_timeout; cur_timeout = tv->tv_sec * 1000000 + tv->tv_usec; if (cur_timeout > next_pending) { tv->tv_sec = next_pending / 1000000; tv->tv_usec = next_pending % 1000000; } } } void rdpsnd_check_fds(fd_set * rfds, fd_set * wfds) { rdpsnd_queue_complete_pending(); if (g_dsp_busy && FD_ISSET(g_dsp_fd, wfds)) rdpsnd_play(); } static void rdpsnd_queue_write(STREAM s, uint16 tick, uint8 index) { struct audio_packet *packet = &packet_queue[queue_hi]; unsigned int next_hi = (queue_hi + 1) % MAX_QUEUE; if (next_hi == queue_pending) { error("No space to queue audio packet\n"); return; } queue_hi = next_hi; packet->s = *s; packet->tick = tick; packet->index = index; gettimeofday(&packet->arrive_tv, NULL); if (!g_dsp_busy) current_driver->wave_out_play(); } struct audio_packet * rdpsnd_queue_current_packet(void) { return &packet_queue[queue_lo]; } BOOL rdpsnd_queue_empty(void) { return (queue_lo == queue_hi); } static void rdpsnd_queue_init(void) { queue_pending = queue_lo = queue_hi = 0; } void rdpsnd_queue_next(unsigned long completed_in_us) { struct audio_packet *packet; assert(!rdpsnd_queue_empty()); packet = &packet_queue[queue_lo]; gettimeofday(&packet->completion_tv, NULL); packet->completion_tv.tv_usec += completed_in_us; packet->completion_tv.tv_sec += packet->completion_tv.tv_usec / 1000000; packet->completion_tv.tv_usec %= 1000000; queue_lo = (queue_lo + 1) % MAX_QUEUE; rdpsnd_queue_complete_pending(); } int rdpsnd_queue_next_tick(void) { if (((queue_lo + 1) % MAX_QUEUE) != queue_hi) { return packet_queue[(queue_lo + 1) % MAX_QUEUE].tick; } else { return (packet_queue[queue_lo].tick + 65535) % 65536; } } static void rdpsnd_queue_complete_pending(void) { struct timeval now; long elapsed; struct audio_packet *packet; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); while (queue_pending != queue_lo) { packet = &packet_queue[queue_pending]; if (now.tv_sec < packet->completion_tv.tv_sec) break; if ((now.tv_sec == packet->completion_tv.tv_sec) && (now.tv_usec < packet->completion_tv.tv_usec)) break; elapsed = (packet->completion_tv.tv_sec - packet->arrive_tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (packet->completion_tv.tv_usec - packet->arrive_tv.tv_usec); xfree(packet->s.data); rdpsnd_send_completion((packet->tick + elapsed) % 65536, packet->index); queue_pending = (queue_pending + 1) % MAX_QUEUE; } } static long rdpsnd_queue_next_completion(void) { struct audio_packet *packet; long remaining; struct timeval now; if (queue_pending == queue_lo) return -1; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); packet = &packet_queue[queue_pending]; remaining = (packet->completion_tv.tv_sec - now.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (packet->completion_tv.tv_usec - now.tv_usec); if (remaining < 0) return 0; return remaining; }