.TH rdesktop 1 "October 2002" .SH NAME .I rdesktop \- Remote Desktop Protocol client .SH SYNOPSIS .B rdesktop [options] server .br .SH DESCRIPTION .I rdesktop is a client for Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server, Windows 2000 Terminal Services, Windows XP Remote Desktop, and possibly other Terminal Services products. rdesktop currently implements the RDP version 4 protocol. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR "-u " Username for authentication on the terminal server. .TP .BR "-d " Domain for authentication. .TP .BR "-s " Startup shell for the user - starts a specific application instead of Explorer. .TP .BR "-c " The initial working directory for the user. Often used in combination with -s to set up a fixed login environment. .TP .BR "-p " The password to authenticate with. Note that this may have no effect if "Always prompt for password" is enabled on the server. WARNING: if you specify a password on the command line it may be visible to other users when they use tools like ps. Use -p - to make rdesktop request a password at startup (from standard input). .TP .BR "-n " Client hostname. Normally rdesktop automatically obtains the hostname of the client. .TP .BR "-k " Keyboard layout on terminal server (us,sv,gr,etc.). This requires a corresponding keymap file to be installed (normally the keymaps are found in /usr/share/rdesktop/keymaps/ or /usr/local/share/rdesktop/keymaps/). .TP .BR "-g " Desktop geometry (WxH). .TP .BR "-f" Enable fullscreen mode. This overrides the window manager and causes the rdesktop window to fully cover the current screen. Fullscreen mode can be toggled at any time using Ctrl-Alt-Break. .TP .BR "-b" Force the server to send screen updates as bitmaps rather than using higher-level drawing operations. .TP .BR "-m" Do not send mouse motion events. This saves bandwidth, although some Windows applications may rely on receiving mouse motion. .TP .BR "-e" Disable encryption. This option is only needed (and will only work) if you have a French version of NT TSE. .TP .BR "-t " Connect to the specified TCP port instead of 3389. .TP .BR "-K" Do not override window manager key bindings. By default rdesktop attempts to grab all keyboard input when it is in focus. .TP .BR "-w " Window title. .PP .SH LINKS Main website of rdesktop .br \fIhttp://www.rdesktop.org/ .LP .PP