/* -*- c-basic-offset: 8 -*- rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client. User interface services - QT Window System Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "../rdesktop.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qtwin.h" #include // gethostname #include // getpwuid #include // va_list va_start va_end #include #include /* rdesktop globals */ extern int g_tcp_port_rdp; int g_use_rdp5 = 1; char g_hostname[16]; char g_username[64]; int g_height = 600; int g_width = 800; int g_server_bpp = 8; int g_encryption = 1; int g_desktop_save = 1; int g_polygon_ellipse_orders = 0; int g_bitmap_cache = 1; int g_bitmap_cache_persist_enable = False; int g_bitmap_cache_precache = True; int g_bitmap_compression = 1; int g_rdp5_performanceflags = 0; int g_console_session = 0; int g_keylayout = 0x409; /* Defaults to US keyboard layout */ /* hack globals */ static int g_argc = 0; static char ** g_argv = 0; static int g_UpAndRunning = 0; static int g_sock = 0; static int g_deactivated = 0; static uint32 g_ext_disc_reason = 0; static char g_servername[128]; static char g_title[128] = ""; static int g_flags = RDP_LOGON_NORMAL; #ifdef WITH_RDPSND extern int g_dsp_busy; extern int g_dsp_fd; static int g_rdpsnd = 0; static QSocketNotifier * g_SoundNotifier = 0; #endif /* qt globals */ static QSocketNotifier * g_SocketNotifier = 0; static QApplication * g_App = 0; static QMyMainWindow * g_MW = 0; static QMyScrollView * g_SV = 0; static QPixmap * g_BS = 0; static QPixmap * g_DS = 0; static QPainter * g_P1 = 0; static QPainter * g_P2 = 0; static QColor g_Color1; static QColor g_Color2; struct QColorMap { uint32 RGBColors[256]; int NumColors; }; static struct QColorMap * g_CM = 0; static QRegion * g_ClipRect; static Qt::RasterOp g_OpCodes[16] = { Qt::ClearROP, // BLACKNESS 0 Qt::NorROP, // NOTSRCERASE DSon Qt::NotAndROP, // DSna Qt::NotCopyROP, // NOTSRCCOPY Sn Qt::AndNotROP, // SRCERASE SDna Qt::NotROP, // DSTINVERT Dn Qt::XorROP, // SRCINVERT DSx Qt::NandROP, // DSan Qt::AndROP, // SRCAND DSa Qt::NotXorROP, // DSxn Qt::NopROP, // D Qt::NotOrROP, // MERGEPAINT DSno Qt::CopyROP, // SRCCOPY S Qt::OrNotROP, // SDno Qt::OrROP, // SRCPAINT DSo Qt::SetROP}; // WHITENESS 1 //***************************************************************************** uint32 Color15to32(uint32 InColor) { uint32 r, g, b; r = (InColor & 0x7c00) >> 10; r = (r * 0xff) / 0x1f; g = (InColor & 0x03e0) >> 5; g = (g * 0xff) / 0x1f; b = (InColor & 0x001f); b = (b * 0xff) / 0x1f; return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } //***************************************************************************** uint32 Color16to32(uint32 InColor) { uint32 r, g, b; r = (InColor & 0xf800) >> 11; r = (r * 0xff) / 0x1f; g = (InColor & 0x07e0) >> 5; g = (g * 0xff) / 0x3f; b = (InColor & 0x001f); b = (b * 0xff) / 0x1f; return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } //***************************************************************************** uint32 Color24to32(uint32 InColor) { return ((InColor & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) | ((InColor & 0x000000ff) << 16) | (InColor & 0x0000ff00); } //***************************************************************************** void SetColorx(QColor * Color, uint32 InColor) { switch (g_server_bpp) { case 8: if (g_CM == NULL || InColor > 255) { Color->setRgb(0); return; } Color->setRgb(g_CM->RGBColors[InColor]); break; case 15: Color->setRgb(Color15to32(InColor)); break; case 16: Color->setRgb(Color16to32(InColor)); break; case 24: Color->setRgb(Color24to32(InColor)); break; default: Color->setRgb(0); } } //***************************************************************************** void SetOpCode(int opcode) { if (opcode >= 0 && opcode < 16) { Qt::RasterOp op = g_OpCodes[opcode]; if (op != Qt::CopyROP) { g_P1->setRasterOp(op); g_P2->setRasterOp(op); } } } //***************************************************************************** void ResetOpCode(int opcode) { if (opcode >= 0 && opcode < 16) { Qt::RasterOp op = g_OpCodes[opcode]; if (op != Qt::CopyROP) { g_P1->setRasterOp(Qt::CopyROP); g_P2->setRasterOp(Qt::CopyROP); } } } /*****************************************************************************/ QMyMainWindow::QMyMainWindow(): QWidget() { } /*****************************************************************************/ QMyMainWindow::~QMyMainWindow() { } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (!g_UpAndRunning) { return; } rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_MOVE, e->x(), e->y()); } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (!g_UpAndRunning) { return; } if (e->button() == LeftButton) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_DOWN | MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON1, e->x(), e->y()); } else if (e->button() == RightButton) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_DOWN | MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON2, e->x(), e->y()); } else if (e->button() == MidButton) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_DOWN | MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON3, e->x(), e->y()); } } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (!g_UpAndRunning) { return; } if (e->button() == LeftButton) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON1, e->x(), e->y()); } else if (e->button() == RightButton) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON2, e->x(), e->y()); } else if (e->button() == MidButton) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON3, e->x(), e->y()); } } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent * e) { if (!g_UpAndRunning) { return; } if (e->delta() > 0) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON4, e->x(), e->y()); } else if (e->delta() < 0) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSE_FLAG_BUTTON5, e->x(), e->y()); } } //***************************************************************************** int GetScanCode(QKeyEvent* e) { int Key = e->key(); int ScanCode = 0; Qt::ButtonState bs = e->state(); if (!(bs & Qt::ShiftButton)) // shift is not down { if (Key == 42) // * return 0x37; if (Key == 43) // + return 0x4e; } switch (Key) { case 4100: ScanCode = 0x1c; break; // enter case 4101: ScanCode = 0x1c; break; case 4117: ScanCode = 0xd0; break; // down arrow case 4115: ScanCode = 0xc8; break; // up arrow case 4114: ScanCode = 0xcb; break; // left arrow case 4116: ScanCode = 0xcd; break; // right arrow case 4112: ScanCode = 0xc7; break; // home case 4113: ScanCode = 0xcf; break; // end case 4102: ScanCode = 0xd2; break; // insert case 4103: ScanCode = 0xd3; break; // delete case 4118: ScanCode = 0xc9; break; // page up case 4119: ScanCode = 0xd1; break; // page down case 4143: ScanCode = 0x00; break; // num lock case 47: ScanCode = 0x35; break; // / case 42: ScanCode = 0x37; break; // * case 45: ScanCode = 0x0c; break; // - case 95: ScanCode = 0x0c; break; // _ case 43: ScanCode = 0x0d; break; // + case 46: ScanCode = 0x34; break; // . case 48: ScanCode = 0x0b; break; // 0 case 41: ScanCode = 0x0b; break; // ) case 49: ScanCode = 0x02; break; // 1 case 33: ScanCode = 0x02; break; // ! case 50: ScanCode = 0x03; break; // 2 case 64: ScanCode = 0x03; break; // @ case 51: ScanCode = 0x04; break; // 3 case 35: ScanCode = 0x04; break; // # case 52: ScanCode = 0x05; break; // 4 case 36: ScanCode = 0x05; break; // $ case 53: ScanCode = 0x06; break; // 5 case 37: ScanCode = 0x06; break; // % case 54: ScanCode = 0x07; break; // 6 case 94: ScanCode = 0x07; break; // ^ case 55: ScanCode = 0x08; break; // 7 case 38: ScanCode = 0x08; break; // & case 56: ScanCode = 0x09; break; // 8 case 57: ScanCode = 0x0a; break; // 9 case 40: ScanCode = 0x0a; break; // ( case 61: ScanCode = 0x0d; break; // = case 65: ScanCode = 0x1e; break; // a case 66: ScanCode = 0x30; break; // b case 67: ScanCode = 0x2e; break; // c case 68: ScanCode = 0x20; break; // d case 69: ScanCode = 0x12; break; // e case 70: ScanCode = 0x21; break; // f case 71: ScanCode = 0x22; break; // g case 72: ScanCode = 0x23; break; // h case 73: ScanCode = 0x17; break; // i case 74: ScanCode = 0x24; break; // j case 75: ScanCode = 0x25; break; // k case 76: ScanCode = 0x26; break; // l case 77: ScanCode = 0x32; break; // m case 78: ScanCode = 0x31; break; // n case 79: ScanCode = 0x18; break; // o case 80: ScanCode = 0x19; break; // p case 81: ScanCode = 0x10; break; // q case 82: ScanCode = 0x13; break; // r case 83: ScanCode = 0x1f; break; // s case 84: ScanCode = 0x14; break; // t case 85: ScanCode = 0x16; break; // u case 86: ScanCode = 0x2f; break; // v case 87: ScanCode = 0x11; break; // w case 88: ScanCode = 0x2d; break; // x case 89: ScanCode = 0x15; break; // y case 90: ScanCode = 0x2c; break; // z case 32: ScanCode = 0x39; break; // space case 44: ScanCode = 0x33; break; // , case 60: ScanCode = 0x33; break; // < case 62: ScanCode = 0x34; break; // > case 63: ScanCode = 0x35; break; // ? case 92: ScanCode = 0x2b; break; // backslash case 124: ScanCode = 0x2b; break; // bar case 4097: ScanCode = 0x0f; break; // tab case 4132: ScanCode = 0x3a; break; // caps lock case 4096: ScanCode = 0x01; break; // esc case 59: ScanCode = 0x27; break; // ; case 58: ScanCode = 0x27; break; // : case 39: ScanCode = 0x28; break; // ' case 34: ScanCode = 0x28; break; // " case 91: ScanCode = 0x1a; break; // [ case 123: ScanCode = 0x1a; break; // { case 93: ScanCode = 0x1b; break; // ] case 125: ScanCode = 0x1b; break; // } case 4144: ScanCode = 0x3b; break; // f1 case 4145: ScanCode = 0x3c; break; // f2 case 4146: ScanCode = 0x3d; break; // f3 case 4147: ScanCode = 0x3e; break; // f4 case 4148: ScanCode = 0x3f; break; // f5 case 4149: ScanCode = 0x40; break; // f6 case 4150: ScanCode = 0x41; break; // f7 case 4151: ScanCode = 0x42; break; // f8 case 4152: ScanCode = 0x43; break; // f9 case 4153: ScanCode = 0x44; break; // f10 case 4154: ScanCode = 0x57; break; // f11 case 4155: ScanCode = 0x58; break; // f12 case 4128: ScanCode = 0x2a; break; // shift case 4131: ScanCode = 0x38; break; // alt case 4129: ScanCode = 0x1d; break; // ctrl case 96: ScanCode = 0x29; break; // ` case 126: ScanCode = 0x29; break; // ~ case 4099: ScanCode = 0x0e; break; // backspace } // if (ScanCode == 0) // printf("key %d scancode %d\n", Key, ScanCode); return ScanCode; } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { if (!g_UpAndRunning) return; int ScanCode = GetScanCode(e); if (ScanCode != 0) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_SCANCODE, RDP_KEYPRESS, ScanCode, 0); e->accept(); } } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { if (!g_UpAndRunning) { return; } int ScanCode = GetScanCode(e); if (ScanCode != 0) { rdp_send_input(0, RDP_INPUT_SCANCODE, RDP_KEYRELEASE, ScanCode, 0); e->accept(); } } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pe) { QRect Rect; Rect = pe->rect(); bitBlt(this, Rect.left(), Rect.top(), g_BS, Rect.left(), Rect.top(), Rect.width(), Rect.height()); } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { e->accept(); } //***************************************************************************** bool QMyMainWindow::event(QEvent * e) { return QWidget::event(e); } //***************************************************************************** void QMyMainWindow::dataReceived() { if (!rdp_loop(&g_deactivated, &g_ext_disc_reason)) { g_SV->close(); } #ifdef WITH_RDPSND if (g_dsp_busy) { if (g_SoundNotifier == 0) { g_SoundNotifier = new QSocketNotifier(g_dsp_fd, QSocketNotifier::Write, g_MW); g_MW->connect(g_SoundNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), g_MW, SLOT(soundSend())); } else { if (!g_SoundNotifier->isEnabled()) { g_SoundNotifier->setEnabled(true); } } } #endif } /******************************************************************************/ void QMyMainWindow::soundSend() { #ifdef WITH_RDPSND g_SoundNotifier->setEnabled(false); wave_out_play(); if (g_dsp_busy) { g_SoundNotifier->setEnabled(true); } #endif } //***************************************************************************** void QMyScrollView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e) { g_MW->keyPressEvent(e); } //***************************************************************************** void QMyScrollView::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent * e) { g_MW->keyReleaseEvent(e); } //***************************************************************************** void ui_begin_update(void) { g_P1->begin(g_MW); g_P2->begin(g_BS); } //***************************************************************************** void ui_end_update(void) { g_P1->end(); g_P2->end(); } /*****************************************************************************/ int ui_init(void) { g_App = new QApplication(g_argc, g_argv); return 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_deinit(void) { delete g_App; } /*****************************************************************************/ int ui_create_window(void) { int w, h; QPainter * painter; QWidget * desktop; g_MW = new QMyMainWindow(); g_SV = new QMyScrollView(); g_SV->addChild(g_MW); g_BS = new QPixmap(g_width, g_height); painter = new QPainter(g_BS); painter->fillRect(0, 0, g_width, g_height, QBrush(QColor("white"))); painter->fillRect(0, 0, g_width, g_height, QBrush(QBrush::CrossPattern)); delete painter; g_DS = new QPixmap(480, 480); g_P1 = new QPainter(); g_P2 = new QPainter(); g_ClipRect = new QRegion(0, 0, g_width, g_height); desktop = QApplication::desktop(); w = desktop->width(); // returns screen width h = desktop->height(); // returns screen height g_MW->resize(g_width, g_height); if (w < g_width || h < g_height) { g_SV->resize(w, h); } else { g_SV->resize(g_width + 4, g_height + 4); } g_SV->setMaximumWidth(g_width + 4); g_SV->setMaximumHeight(g_height + 4); g_App->setMainWidget(g_SV); g_SV->show(); g_MW->setMouseTracking(true); if (g_title[0] != 0) { g_SV->setCaption(g_title); } /* XGrayKey(0, 64, AnyModifie, SV->winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrayKey(0, 113, AnyModifie, SV->winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrayKey(0, 37, AnyModifie, SV-winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrayKey(0, 109, AnyModifie, SV->winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrayKey(0, 115, AnyModifie, SV->winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrayKey(0, 116, AnyModifie, SV->winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrayKey(0, 117, AnyModifie, SV->winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrayKey(0, 62, AnyModifie, SV->winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrayKey(0, 50, AnyModifie, SV->winId(), 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);*/ return 1; } //***************************************************************************** void ui_main_loop(void) { #ifdef WITH_RDPSND // init sound if (g_rdpsnd) { rdpsnd_init(); } #endif // connect if (!rdp_connect(g_servername, g_flags, "", "", "", "")) { return; } // start notifier g_SocketNotifier = new QSocketNotifier(g_sock, QSocketNotifier::Read, g_MW); g_MW->connect(g_SocketNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), g_MW, SLOT(dataReceived())); g_UpAndRunning = 1; // app main loop g_App->exec(); } //***************************************************************************** void ui_destroy_window(void) { delete g_MW; delete g_SV; delete g_BS; delete g_DS; delete g_P1; delete g_P2; delete g_ClipRect; } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_bell(void) { } /*****************************************************************************/ int ui_select(int in_val) { if (g_sock == 0) { g_sock = in_val; } return 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_destroy_cursor(void * cursor) { QCursor * Cursor; Cursor = (QCursor*)cursor; if (Cursor != NULL) { delete Cursor; } } /*****************************************************************************/ void* ui_create_glyph(int width, int height, uint8 * data) { QBitmap * Bitmap; Bitmap = new QBitmap(width, height, data); Bitmap->setMask(*Bitmap); return (HGLYPH)Bitmap; } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_destroy_glyph(void * glyph) { QBitmap* Bitmap; Bitmap = (QBitmap*)glyph; delete Bitmap; } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_destroy_bitmap(void * bmp) { QPixmap * Pixmap; Pixmap = (QPixmap*)bmp; delete Pixmap; } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_reset_clip(void) { g_P1->setClipRect(0, 0, g_width, g_height); g_P2->setClipRect(0, 0, g_width, g_height); delete g_ClipRect; g_ClipRect = new QRegion(0, 0, g_width, g_height); } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_set_clip(int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { g_P1->setClipRect(x, y, cx, cy); g_P2->setClipRect(x, y, cx, cy); delete g_ClipRect; g_ClipRect = new QRegion(x, y, cx, cy); } /*****************************************************************************/ void * ui_create_colourmap(COLOURMAP * colours) { QColorMap* LCM; int i, r, g, b; LCM = (QColorMap*)malloc(sizeof(QColorMap)); memset(LCM, 0, sizeof(QColorMap)); i = 0; while (i < colours->ncolours && i < 256) { r = colours->colours[i].red; g = colours->colours[i].green; b = colours->colours[i].blue; LCM->RGBColors[i] = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; i++; } LCM->NumColors = colours->ncolours; return LCM; } //***************************************************************************** // todo, does this leak at end of program void ui_destroy_colourmap(HCOLOURMAP map) { QColorMap * LCM; LCM = (QColorMap*)map; if (LCM == NULL) return; free(LCM); } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_set_colourmap(void * map) { // destoy old colormap ui_destroy_colourmap(g_CM); g_CM = (QColorMap*)map; } /*****************************************************************************/ HBITMAP ui_create_bitmap(int width, int height, uint8 * data) { QImage * Image = NULL; QPixmap * Pixmap; uint32 * d = NULL; uint16 * s; int i; switch (g_server_bpp) { case 8: Image = new QImage(data, width, height, 8, (QRgb*)&g_CM->RGBColors, g_CM->NumColors, QImage::IgnoreEndian); break; case 15: d = (uint32*)malloc(width * height * 4); s = (uint16*)data; for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { d[i] = Color15to32(s[i]); } Image = new QImage((uint8*)d, width, height, 32, NULL, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); break; case 16: d = (uint32*)malloc(width * height * 4); s = (uint16*)data; for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { d[i] = Color16to32(s[i]); } Image = new QImage((uint8*)d, width, height, 32, NULL, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); break; case 24: d = (uint32*)malloc(width * height * 4); memset(d, 0, width * height * 4); for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { memcpy(d + i, data + i * 3, 3); } Image = new QImage((uint8*)d, width, height, 32, NULL, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); break; } if (Image == NULL) { return NULL; } Pixmap = new QPixmap(); Pixmap->convertFromImage(*Image); delete Image; if (d != NULL) { free(d); } return (HBITMAP)Pixmap; } //****************************************************************************** // adjust coordinates for cliping rect int WarpCoords(int * x, int * y, int * cx, int * cy, int * srcx, int * srcy) { int dx, dy; QRect InRect(*x, *y, *cx, *cy); QRect OutRect; QRect CRect = g_ClipRect->boundingRect(); OutRect = InRect.intersect(CRect); if (OutRect.isEmpty()) { return False; } dx = OutRect.x() - InRect.x(); dy = OutRect.y() - InRect.y(); *x = OutRect.x(); *y = OutRect.y(); *cx = OutRect.width(); *cy = OutRect.height(); *srcx = *srcx + dx; *srcy = *srcy + dy; return True; } //****************************************************************************** // needed because bitBlt don't seem to care about clipping rects // also has 2 dsts and src can be null void bitBltClip(QPaintDevice * dst1, QPaintDevice * dst2, int dx, int dy, QPaintDevice * src, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, Qt::RasterOp rop, bool im) { if (WarpCoords(&dx, &dy, &sw, &sh, &sx, &sy)) { if (dst1 != NULL) { if (src == NULL) { bitBlt(dst1, dx, dy, dst1, sx, sy, sw, sh, rop, im); } else { bitBlt(dst1, dx, dy, src, sx, sy, sw, sh, rop, im); } } if (dst2 != NULL) { if (src == NULL) { bitBlt(dst2, dx, dy, dst2, sx, sy, sw, sh, rop, im); } else { bitBlt(dst2, dx, dy, src, sx, sy, sw, sh, rop, im); } } } } #define DO_GLYPH(ttext,idx) \ { \ glyph = cache_get_font (font, ttext[idx]); \ if (!(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X)) \ { \ xyoffset = ttext[++idx]; \ if ((xyoffset & 0x80)) \ { \ if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL) \ y += ttext[idx+1] | (ttext[idx+2] << 8); \ else \ x += ttext[idx+1] | (ttext[idx+2] << 8); \ idx += 2; \ } \ else \ { \ if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL) \ y += xyoffset; \ else \ x += xyoffset; \ } \ } \ if (glyph != NULL) \ { \ g_P2->drawPixmap(x + glyph->offset, y + glyph->baseline, \ *((QBitmap*)glyph->pixmap)); \ if (flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X) \ x += glyph->width; \ } \ } //***************************************************************************** void ui_draw_text(uint8 font, uint8 flags, uint8 opcode, int mixmode, int x, int y, int clipx, int clipy, int clipcx, int clipcy, int boxx, int boxy, int boxcx, int boxcy, BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour, uint8 * text, uint8 length) { FONTGLYPH * glyph; int i, j, xyoffset; DATABLOB * entry; SetColorx(&g_Color1, fgcolour); SetColorx(&g_Color2, bgcolour); g_P2->setBackgroundColor(g_Color2); g_P2->setPen(g_Color1); if (boxcx > 1) { g_P2->fillRect(boxx, boxy, boxcx, boxcy, QBrush(g_Color2)); } else if (mixmode == MIX_OPAQUE) { g_P2->fillRect(clipx, clipy, clipcx, clipcy, QBrush(g_Color2)); } /* Paint text, character by character */ for (i = 0; i < length;) { switch (text[i]) { case 0xff: if (i + 2 < length) { cache_put_text(text[i + 1], text, text[i + 2]); } else { error("this shouldn't be happening\n"); exit(1); } /* this will move pointer from start to first character after FF command */ length -= i + 3; text = &(text[i + 3]); i = 0; break; case 0xfe: entry = cache_get_text(text[i + 1]); if (entry != NULL) { if ((((uint8 *) (entry->data))[1] == 0) && (!(flags & TEXT2_IMPLICIT_X))) { if (flags & TEXT2_VERTICAL) { y += text[i + 2]; } else { x += text[i + 2]; } } for (j = 0; j < entry->size; j++) { DO_GLYPH(((uint8 *) (entry->data)), j); } } if (i + 2 < length) { i += 3; } else { i += 2; } length -= i; /* this will move pointer from start to first character after FE command */ text = &(text[i]); i = 0; break; default: DO_GLYPH(text, i); i++; break; } } if (boxcx > 1) { bitBltClip(g_MW, NULL, boxx, boxy, g_BS, boxx, boxy, boxcx, boxcy, Qt::CopyROP, true); } else { bitBltClip(g_MW, NULL, clipx, clipy, g_BS, clipx, clipy, clipcx, clipcy, Qt::CopyROP, true); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_line(uint8 opcode, int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, PEN * pen) { SetColorx(&g_Color1, pen->colour); SetOpCode(opcode); g_P1->setPen(g_Color1); g_P1->moveTo(startx, starty); g_P1->lineTo(endx, endy); g_P2->setPen(g_Color1); g_P2->moveTo(startx, starty); g_P2->lineTo(endx, endy); ResetOpCode(opcode); } /*****************************************************************************/ // not used void ui_triblt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HBITMAP src, int srcx, int srcy, BRUSH* brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_memblt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HBITMAP src, int srcx, int srcy) { QPixmap* Pixmap; Pixmap = (QPixmap*)src; if (Pixmap != NULL) { SetOpCode(opcode); g_P1->drawPixmap(x, y, *Pixmap, srcx, srcy, cx, cy); g_P2->drawPixmap(x, y, *Pixmap, srcx, srcy, cx, cy); ResetOpCode(opcode); } } //****************************************************************************** void CommonDeskSave(QPixmap* Pixmap1, QPixmap* Pixmap2, int Offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int dir) { int lx; int ly; int x1; int y1; int width; int lcx; int right; int bottom; lx = Offset % 480; ly = Offset / 480; y1 = y; right = x + cx; bottom = y + cy; while (y1 < bottom) { x1 = x; lcx = cx; while (x1 < right) { width = 480 - lx; if (width > lcx) width = lcx; if (dir == 0) bitBlt(Pixmap1, lx, ly, Pixmap2, x1, y1, width, 1, Qt::CopyROP, true); else bitBlt(Pixmap2, x1, y1, Pixmap1, lx, ly, width, 1, Qt::CopyROP, true); lx = lx + width; if (lx >= 480) { lx = 0; ly++; if (ly >= 480) ly = 0; } lcx = lcx - width; x1 = x1 + width; } y1++; } } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_desktop_restore(uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { QPixmap * Pixmap; Pixmap = new QPixmap(cx, cy); CommonDeskSave(g_DS, Pixmap, offset, 0, 0, cx, cy, 1); bitBltClip(g_MW, g_BS, x, y, Pixmap, 0, 0, cx, cy, Qt::CopyROP, true); delete Pixmap; } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_desktop_save(uint32 offset, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { CommonDeskSave(g_DS, g_BS, offset, x, y, cx, cy, 0); } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_rect(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int colour) { SetColorx(&g_Color1, colour); g_P1->fillRect(x, y, cx, cy, QBrush(g_Color1)); g_P2->fillRect(x, y, cx, cy, QBrush(g_Color1)); } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_screenblt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx, int srcy) { SetOpCode(opcode); bitBltClip(g_MW, g_BS, x, y, NULL, srcx, srcy, cx, cy, Qt::CopyROP, true); ResetOpCode(opcode); } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_patblt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, BRUSH* brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { QBitmap* Bitmap; QBrush* Brush; uint8 ipattern[8], i; SetOpCode(opcode); switch (brush->style) { case 0: SetColorx(&g_Color1, fgcolour); g_P2->fillRect(x, y, cx, cy, QBrush(g_Color1)); break; case 3: SetColorx(&g_Color1, fgcolour); SetColorx(&g_Color2, bgcolour); for (i = 0; i != 8; i++) { ipattern[7 - i] = ~brush->pattern[i]; } Bitmap = new QBitmap(8, 8, ipattern); Brush = new QBrush(g_Color1, *Bitmap); g_P2->setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode); g_P2->setBrushOrigin(brush->xorigin, brush->yorigin); g_P2->setBackgroundColor(g_Color2); g_P2->fillRect(x, y, cx, cy, *Brush); delete Brush; delete Bitmap; g_P2->setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode); g_P2->setBrushOrigin(0, 0); break; } ResetOpCode(opcode); bitBltClip(g_MW, NULL, x, y, g_BS, x, y, cx, cy, Qt::CopyROP, true); } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_destblt(uint8 opcode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { SetOpCode(opcode); g_P1->fillRect(x, y, cx, cy, QBrush(QColor("black"))); g_P2->fillRect(x, y, cx, cy, QBrush(QColor("black"))); ResetOpCode(opcode); } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_move_pointer(int x, int y) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_set_null_cursor(void) { g_MW->setCursor(10); // Qt::BlankCursor } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_paint_bitmap(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int width, int height, uint8* data) { QImage * Image = NULL; QPixmap * Pixmap; uint32 * d = NULL; uint16 * s; int i; switch (g_server_bpp) { case 8: Image = new QImage(data, width, height, 8, (QRgb*)&g_CM->RGBColors, g_CM->NumColors, QImage::IgnoreEndian); break; case 15: d = (uint32*)malloc(width * height * 4); s = (uint16*)data; for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { d[i] = Color15to32(s[i]); } Image = new QImage((uint8*)d, width, height, 32, NULL, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); break; case 16: d = (uint32*)malloc(width * height * 4); s = (uint16*)data; for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { d[i] = Color16to32(s[i]); } Image = new QImage((uint8*)d, width, height, 32, NULL, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); break; case 24: d = (uint32*)malloc(width * height * 4); memset(d, 0, width * height * 4); for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { memcpy(d + i, data + i * 3, 3); } Image = new QImage((uint8*)d, width, height, 32, NULL, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); break; } if (Image == NULL) { return; } Pixmap = new QPixmap(); Pixmap->convertFromImage(*Image); g_P1->drawPixmap(x, y, *Pixmap, 0, 0, cx, cy); g_P2->drawPixmap(x, y, *Pixmap, 0, 0, cx, cy); delete Image; delete Pixmap; if (d != NULL) { free(d); } } //****************************************************************************** int Is24On(uint8* Data, int X, int Y) { uint8 R, G, B; int Start; Start = Y * 32 * 3 + X * 3; R = Data[Start]; G = Data[Start + 1]; B = Data[Start + 2]; return !((R == 0) && (G == 0) && (B == 0)); } //****************************************************************************** int Is1On(uint8* Data, int X, int Y) { int Start; int Shift; Start = (Y * 32) / 8 + X / 8; Shift = X % 8; return (Data[Start] & (0x80 >> Shift)) == 0; } //****************************************************************************** void Set1(uint8* Data, int X, int Y) { int Start; int Shift; Start = (Y * 32) / 8 + X / 8; Shift = X % 8; Data[Start] = Data[Start] | (0x80 >> Shift); } //****************************************************************************** void FlipOver(uint8* Data) { uint8 AData[128]; int Index; memcpy(AData, Data, 128); for (Index = 0; Index <= 31; Index++) { Data[127 - (Index * 4 + 3)] = AData[Index * 4]; Data[127 - (Index * 4 + 2)] = AData[Index * 4 + 1]; Data[127 - (Index * 4 + 1)] = AData[Index * 4 + 2]; Data[127 - Index * 4] = AData[Index * 4 + 3]; } } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_set_cursor(HCURSOR cursor) { QCursor* Cursor; Cursor = (QCursor*)cursor; if (Cursor != NULL) g_MW->setCursor(*Cursor); } /*****************************************************************************/ HCURSOR ui_create_cursor(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int width, int height, uint8* andmask, uint8* xormask) { uint8 AData[128]; uint8 AMask[128]; QBitmap* DataBitmap; QBitmap* MaskBitmap; QCursor* Cursor; int I1, I2, BOn, MOn; if (width != 32 || height != 32) { return 0; } memset(AData, 0, 128); memset(AMask, 0, 128); for (I1 = 0; I1 <= 31; I1++) { for (I2 = 0; I2 <= 31; I2++) { MOn = Is24On(xormask, I1, I2); BOn = Is1On(andmask, I1, I2); if (BOn ^ MOn) // xor { Set1(AData, I1, I2); if (!MOn) { Set1(AMask, I1, I2); } } if (MOn) { Set1(AMask, I1, I2); } } } FlipOver(AData); FlipOver(AMask); DataBitmap = new QBitmap(32, 32, AData); MaskBitmap = new QBitmap(32, 32, AMask); Cursor = new QCursor(*DataBitmap, *MaskBitmap, x, y); delete DataBitmap; delete MaskBitmap; return Cursor; } /*****************************************************************************/ uint16 ui_get_numlock_state(uint32 state) { return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ uint32 read_keyboard_state(void) { return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_resize_window(void) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_polygon(uint8 opcode, uint8 fillmode, POINT * point, int npoints, BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { } /*****************************************************************************/ /* todo, use qt function for this (QPainter::drawPolyline) */ void ui_polyline(uint8 opcode, POINT * points, int npoints, PEN * pen) { int i, x, y, dx, dy; if (npoints > 0) { x = points[0].x; y = points[0].y; for (i = 1; i < npoints; i++) { dx = points[i].x; dy = points[i].y; ui_line(opcode, x, y, x + dx, y + dy, pen); x = x + dx; y = y + dy; } } } /*****************************************************************************/ void ui_ellipse(uint8 opcode, uint8 fillmode, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, BRUSH * brush, int bgcolour, int fgcolour) { } /*****************************************************************************/ void generate_random(uint8 * random) { QFile File("/dev/random"); File.open(IO_ReadOnly); if (File.readBlock((char*)random, 32) == 32) { return; } warning("no /dev/random\n"); memcpy(random, "12345678901234567890123456789012", 32); } /*****************************************************************************/ void save_licence(uint8 * data, int length) { char * home, * path, * tmppath; int fd; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { return; } path = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(home) + strlen(g_hostname) + sizeof("/.rdesktop/licence.")); sprintf(path, "%s/.rdesktop", home); if ((mkdir(path, 0700) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { perror(path); return; } /* write licence to licence.hostname.new, then atomically rename to licence.hostname */ sprintf(path, "%s/.rdesktop/licence.%s", home, g_hostname); tmppath = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(path) + sizeof(".new")); strcpy(tmppath, path); strcat(tmppath, ".new"); fd = open(tmppath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600); if (fd == -1) { perror(tmppath); return; } if (write(fd, data, length) != length) { perror(tmppath); unlink(tmppath); } else if (rename(tmppath, path) == -1) { perror(path); unlink(tmppath); } close(fd); xfree(tmppath); xfree(path); } /*****************************************************************************/ int load_licence(uint8 ** data) { char * home, * path; struct stat st; int fd, length; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { return -1; } path = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(home) + strlen(g_hostname) + sizeof("/.rdesktop/licence.")); sprintf(path, "%s/.rdesktop/licence.%s", home, g_hostname); fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { return -1; } if (fstat(fd, &st)) { return -1; } *data = (uint8 *) xmalloc(st.st_size); length = read(fd, *data, st.st_size); close(fd); xfree(path); return length; } /*****************************************************************************/ void* xrealloc(void * in_val, int size) { return realloc(in_val, size); } /*****************************************************************************/ void* xmalloc(int size) { return malloc(size); } /*****************************************************************************/ void xfree(void * in_val) { if (in_val != NULL) { free(in_val); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void warning(char * format, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: "); va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, ap); va_end(ap); } /*****************************************************************************/ void unimpl(char * format, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: "); va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, ap); va_end(ap); } /*****************************************************************************/ void error(char * format, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "); va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, ap); va_end(ap); } /*****************************************************************************/ void out_params(void) { fprintf(stderr, "rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Version " VERSION ". Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Matt Chapman.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "QT uiport by Jay Sorg\n"); fprintf(stderr, "See http://www.rdesktop.org/ for more information.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: qtrdesktop [options] server\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -g WxH: desktop geometry\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -4: use RDP version 4\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -5: use RDP version 5 (default)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t 3389: tcp port)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -a 8|16|24: connection colour depth\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -T title: window title\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -P: use persistent bitmap caching\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -0: attach to console\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -z: enable rdp compression\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r sound: enable sound\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* produce a hex dump */ void hexdump(uint8 * p, uint32 len) { uint8 * line = p; int i, thisline; uint32 offset = 0; while (offset < len) { printf("%04x ", offset); thisline = len - offset; if (thisline > 16) { thisline = 16; } for (i = 0; i < thisline; i++) { printf("%02x ", line[i]); } for (; i < 16; i++) { printf(" "); } for (i = 0; i < thisline; i++) { printf("%c", (line[i] >= 0x20 && line[i] < 0x7f) ? line[i] : '.'); } printf("\n"); offset += thisline; line += thisline; } } /*****************************************************************************/ int rd_pstcache_mkdir(void) { char * home; char bmpcache_dir[256]; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { return False; } sprintf(bmpcache_dir, "%s/%s", home, ".rdesktop"); if ((mkdir(bmpcache_dir, S_IRWXU) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { perror(bmpcache_dir); return False; } sprintf(bmpcache_dir, "%s/%s", home, ".rdesktop/cache"); if ((mkdir(bmpcache_dir, S_IRWXU) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { perror(bmpcache_dir); return False; } return True; } /*****************************************************************************/ int rd_open_file(char * filename) { char * home; char fn[256]; int fd; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { return -1; } sprintf(fn, "%s/.rdesktop/%s", home, filename); fd = open(fn, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd == -1) { perror(fn); } return fd; } /*****************************************************************************/ void rd_close_file(int fd) { close(fd); } /*****************************************************************************/ int rd_read_file(int fd, void * ptr, int len) { return read(fd, ptr, len); } /*****************************************************************************/ int rd_write_file(int fd, void * ptr, int len) { return write(fd, ptr, len); } /*****************************************************************************/ int rd_lseek_file(int fd, int offset) { return lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET); } /*****************************************************************************/ int rd_lock_file(int fd, int start, int len) { struct flock lock; lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = start; lock.l_len = len; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &lock) == -1) { return False; } return True; } /*****************************************************************************/ void get_username_and_hostname(void) { char fullhostname[64]; char * p; struct passwd * pw; STRNCPY(g_username, "unknown", sizeof(g_username)); STRNCPY(g_hostname, "unknown", sizeof(g_hostname)); pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw != NULL && pw->pw_name != NULL) { STRNCPY(g_username, pw->pw_name, sizeof(g_username)); } if (gethostname(fullhostname, sizeof(fullhostname)) != -1) { p = strchr(fullhostname, '.'); if (p != NULL) { *p = 0; } STRNCPY(g_hostname, fullhostname, sizeof(g_hostname)); } } /*****************************************************************************/ int parse_parameters(int in_argc, char ** in_argv) { int i; char * p; if (in_argc <= 1) { out_params(); return 0; } g_argc = in_argc; g_argv = in_argv; for (i = 1; i < in_argc; i++) { strcpy(g_servername, in_argv[i]); if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-g") == 0) { g_width = strtol(in_argv[i + 1], &p, 10); if (g_width <= 0) { error("invalid geometry\n"); return 0; } if (*p == 'x') { g_height = strtol(p + 1, NULL, 10); } if (g_height <= 0) { error("invalid geometry\n"); return 0; } g_width = (g_width + 3) & ~3; } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-T") == 0) { strcpy(g_title, in_argv[i + 1]); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-4") == 0) { g_use_rdp5 = 0; } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-5") == 0) { g_use_rdp5 = 1; } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-a") == 0) { g_server_bpp = strtol(in_argv[i + 1], &p, 10); if (g_server_bpp != 8 && g_server_bpp != 15 && g_server_bpp != 16 && g_server_bpp != 24) { error("invalid bpp\n"); return 0; } } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-t") == 0) { g_tcp_port_rdp = strtol(in_argv[i + 1], &p, 10); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-P") == 0) { g_bitmap_cache_persist_enable = 1; } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-0") == 0) { g_console_session = 1; } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-z") == 0) { g_flags |= (RDP_LOGON_COMPRESSION | RDP_LOGON_COMPRESSION2); } else if (strcmp(in_argv[i], "-r") == 0) { if (strcmp(in_argv[i + 1], "sound") == 0) { #ifdef WITH_RDPSND g_rdpsnd = 1; #endif } } } return 1; } /*****************************************************************************/ int main(int in_argc, char** in_argv) { get_username_and_hostname(); if (!parse_parameters(in_argc, in_argv)) { return 0; } if (!ui_init()) { return 1; } if (!ui_create_window()) { return 1; } ui_main_loop(); ui_destroy_window(); ui_deinit(); return 0; }