/* -*- c-basic-offset: 8 -*- rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client. Entrypoint and utility functions Copyright (C) Matthew Chapman 1999-2008 Copyright 2002-2011 Peter Astrand for Cendio AB Copyright 2010-2018 Henrik Andersson for Cendio AB Copyright 2017-2018 Alexander Zakharov This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include /* va_list va_start va_end */ #include /* read close getuid getgid getpid getppid gethostname */ #include /* open */ #include /* getpwuid */ #include /* tcgetattr tcsetattr */ #include /* stat */ #include /* gettimeofday */ #include /* times */ #include /* toupper */ #include #include #include #include "rdesktop.h" #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LANGINFO_H #include #endif #ifdef EGD_SOCKET #include #include /* socket connect */ #include /* sockaddr_un */ #endif #include "ssl.h" /* Reconnect timeout based on approximated cookie life-time */ #define RECONNECT_TIMEOUT (3600+600) #define RDESKTOP_LICENSE_STORE "/.local/share/rdesktop/licenses" uint8 g_static_rdesktop_salt_16[16] = { 0xb8, 0x82, 0x29, 0x31, 0xc5, 0x39, 0xd9, 0x44, 0x54, 0x15, 0x5e, 0x14, 0x71, 0x38, 0xd5, 0x4d }; char g_title[64] = ""; char *g_username; char g_password[64] = ""; char g_hostname[16] = ""; char g_keymapname[PATH_MAX] = ""; unsigned int g_keylayout = 0x409; /* Defaults to US keyboard layout */ int g_keyboard_type = 0x4; /* Defaults to US keyboard layout */ int g_keyboard_subtype = 0x0; /* Defaults to US keyboard layout */ int g_keyboard_functionkeys = 0xc; /* Defaults to US keyboard layout */ int g_dpi = 0; /* device DPI: default not set */ /* Following variables holds the requested width and height for a rdesktop window, this is sent upon connect and tells the server what size of session we want to have. Set to decent defaults. */ uint32 g_requested_session_width = 1024; uint32 g_requested_session_height = 768; window_size_type_t g_window_size_type = Fixed; int g_xpos = 0; int g_ypos = 0; int g_pos = 0; /* 0 position unspecified, 1 specified, 2 xpos neg, 4 ypos neg */ extern int g_tcp_port_rdp; int g_server_depth = -1; int g_win_button_size = 0; /* If zero, disable single app mode */ RD_BOOL g_network_error = False; RD_BOOL g_sendmotion = True; RD_BOOL g_bitmap_cache = True; RD_BOOL g_bitmap_cache_persist_enable = False; RD_BOOL g_bitmap_cache_precache = True; RD_BOOL g_use_ctrl = True; RD_BOOL g_encryption = True; RD_BOOL g_encryption_initial = True; RD_BOOL g_packet_encryption = True; RD_BOOL g_desktop_save = True; /* desktop save order */ RD_BOOL g_polygon_ellipse_orders = True; /* polygon / ellipse orders */ RD_BOOL g_fullscreen = False; RD_BOOL g_grab_keyboard = True; RD_BOOL g_local_cursor = False; RD_BOOL g_hide_decorations = False; RDP_VERSION g_rdp_version = RDP_V5; /* Default to version 5 */ RD_BOOL g_rdpclip = True; RD_BOOL g_console_session = False; RD_BOOL g_numlock_sync = False; RD_BOOL g_lspci_enabled = False; RD_BOOL g_owncolmap = False; RD_BOOL g_ownbackstore = True; /* We can't rely on external BackingStore */ RD_BOOL g_seamless_rdp = False; RD_BOOL g_use_password_as_pin = False; char g_seamless_shell[512]; char g_seamless_spawn_cmd[512]; char g_tls_version[4]; RD_BOOL g_seamless_persistent_mode = True; RD_BOOL g_user_quit = False; uint32 g_embed_wnd; uint32 g_rdp5_performanceflags = (PERF_DISABLE_FULLWINDOWDRAG | PERF_DISABLE_MENUANIMATIONS | PERF_ENABLE_FONT_SMOOTHING); /* Session Directory redirection */ RD_BOOL g_redirect = False; char *g_redirect_server; uint32 g_redirect_server_len; char *g_redirect_domain; uint32 g_redirect_domain_len; char *g_redirect_username; uint32 g_redirect_username_len; uint8 *g_redirect_lb_info; uint32 g_redirect_lb_info_len; uint8 *g_redirect_cookie; uint32 g_redirect_cookie_len; uint32 g_redirect_flags = 0; uint32 g_redirect_session_id = 0; uint32 g_reconnect_logonid = 0; char g_reconnect_random[16]; time_t g_reconnect_random_ts; RD_BOOL g_has_reconnect_random = False; RD_BOOL g_reconnect_loop = False; uint8 g_client_random[SEC_RANDOM_SIZE]; RD_BOOL g_pending_resize = False; RD_BOOL g_pending_resize_defer = True; struct timeval g_pending_resize_defer_timer = { 0 }; #ifdef WITH_RDPSND RD_BOOL g_rdpsnd = False; #endif char g_codepage[16] = ""; char *g_sc_csp_name = NULL; /* Smartcard CSP name */ char *g_sc_reader_name = NULL; char *g_sc_card_name = NULL; char *g_sc_container_name = NULL; extern RDPDR_DEVICE g_rdpdr_device[]; extern uint32 g_num_devices; extern char *g_rdpdr_clientname; /* Display usage information */ static void usage(char *program) { fprintf(stderr, "rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Version " PACKAGE_VERSION ". Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Matthew Chapman et al.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "See http://www.rdesktop.org/ for more information.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] server[:port]\n", program); fprintf(stderr, " -u: user name\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d: domain\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s: shell / seamless application to start remotely\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c: working directory\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p: password (- to prompt)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n: client hostname\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -k: keyboard layout on server (en-us, de, sv, etc.)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -g: desktop geometry (WxH[@DPI][+X[+Y]])\n"); #ifdef WITH_SCARD fprintf(stderr, " -i: enables smartcard authentication, password is used as pin\n"); #endif fprintf(stderr, " -f: full-screen mode\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -b: force bitmap updates\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -L: local codepage\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -A: path to SeamlessRDP shell, this enables SeamlessRDP mode\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -V: tls version (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, defaults to negotiation)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -B: use BackingStore of X-server (if available)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -e: disable encryption (French TS)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -E: disable encryption from client to server\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m: do not send motion events\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -M: use local mouse cursor\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -C: use private colour map\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -D: hide window manager decorations\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -K: keep window manager key bindings\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -S: caption button size (single application mode)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -T: window title\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t: disable use of remote ctrl\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -N: enable numlock synchronization\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -X: embed into another window with a given id.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -a: connection colour depth\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -z: enable rdp compression\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -x: RDP5 experience (m[odem 28.8], b[roadband], l[an] or hex nr.)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -P: use persistent bitmap caching\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r: enable specified device redirection (this flag can be repeated)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " '-r comport:COM1=/dev/ttyS0': enable serial redirection of /dev/ttyS0 to COM1\n"); fprintf(stderr, " or COM1=/dev/ttyS0,COM2=/dev/ttyS1\n"); fprintf(stderr, " '-r disk:floppy=/mnt/floppy': enable redirection of /mnt/floppy to 'floppy' share\n"); fprintf(stderr, " or 'floppy=/mnt/floppy,cdrom=/mnt/cdrom'\n"); fprintf(stderr, " '-r clientname=': Set the client name displayed\n"); fprintf(stderr, " for redirected disks\n"); fprintf(stderr, " '-r lptport:LPT1=/dev/lp0': enable parallel redirection of /dev/lp0 to LPT1\n"); fprintf(stderr, " or LPT1=/dev/lp0,LPT2=/dev/lp1\n"); fprintf(stderr, " '-r printer:mydeskjet': enable printer redirection\n"); fprintf(stderr, " or mydeskjet=\"HP LaserJet IIIP\" to enter server driver as well\n"); #ifdef WITH_RDPSND fprintf(stderr, " '-r sound:[local[:driver[:device]]|off|remote]': enable sound redirection\n"); fprintf(stderr, " remote would leave sound on server\n"); fprintf(stderr, " available drivers for 'local':\n"); rdpsnd_show_help(); #endif fprintf(stderr, " '-r clipboard:[off|PRIMARYCLIPBOARD|CLIPBOARD]': enable clipboard\n"); fprintf(stderr, " redirection.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 'PRIMARYCLIPBOARD' looks at both PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD\n"); fprintf(stderr, " when sending data to server.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 'CLIPBOARD' looks at only CLIPBOARD.\n"); #ifdef WITH_SCARD fprintf(stderr, " '-r scard[:\"Scard Name\"=\"Alias Name[;Vendor Name]\"[,...]]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " example: -r scard:\"eToken PRO 00 00\"=\"AKS ifdh 0\"\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \"eToken PRO 00 00\" -> Device in GNU/Linux and UNIX environment\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \"AKS ifdh 0\" -> Device shown in Windows environment \n"); fprintf(stderr, " example: -r scard:\"eToken PRO 00 00\"=\"AKS ifdh 0;AKS\"\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \"eToken PRO 00 00\" -> Device in GNU/Linux and UNIX environment\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \"AKS ifdh 0\" -> Device shown in Microsoft Windows environment \n"); fprintf(stderr, " \"AKS\" -> Device vendor name \n"); #endif fprintf(stderr, " -0: attach to console\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -4: use RDP version 4\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -5: use RDP version 5 (default)\n"); #ifdef WITH_SCARD fprintf(stderr, " -o: name=value: Adds an additional option to rdesktop.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " sc-csp-name Specifies the Crypto Service Provider name which\n"); fprintf(stderr, " is used to authenticate the user by smartcard\n"); fprintf(stderr, " sc-container-name Specifies the container name, this is usually the username\n"); fprintf(stderr, " sc-reader-name Smartcard reader name to use\n"); fprintf(stderr, " sc-card-name Specifies the card name of the smartcard to use\n"); #endif fprintf(stderr, " -v: enable verbose logging\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } static int handle_disconnect_reason(RD_BOOL deactivated, uint16 reason) { char *text; int retval; switch (reason) { case ERRINFO_NO_INFO: text = "No information available"; if (deactivated) retval = EX_OK; else retval = EXRD_UNKNOWN; break; case ERRINFO_RPC_INITIATED_DISCONNECT: text = "Administrator initiated disconnect"; retval = EXRD_DISCONNECT_BY_ADMIN; break; case ERRINFO_RPC_INITIATED_LOGOFF: text = "Administrator initiated logout"; retval = EXRD_LOGOFF_BY_ADMIN; break; case ERRINFO_IDLE_TIMEOUT: text = "Server idle session time limit reached"; retval = EXRD_IDLE_TIMEOUT; break; case ERRINFO_LOGON_TIMEOUT: text = "Server active session time limit reached"; retval = EXRD_LOGON_TIMEOUT; break; case ERRINFO_DISCONNECTED_BY_OTHERCONNECTION: text = "The session was replaced"; retval = EXRD_REPLACED; break; case ERRINFO_OUT_OF_MEMORY: text = "The server is out of memory"; retval = EXRD_OUT_OF_MEM; break; case ERRINFO_SERVER_DENIED_CONNECTION: text = "The server denied the connection"; retval = EXRD_DENIED; break; case ERRINFO_SERVER_DENIED_CONNECTION_FIPS: text = "The server denied the connection for security reasons"; retval = EXRD_DENIED_FIPS; break; case ERRINFO_SERVER_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES: text = "The user cannot connect to the server due to insufficient access privileges."; retval = EXRD_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES; break; case ERRINFO_SERVER_FRESH_CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED: text = "The server does not accept saved user credentials and requires that the user enter their credentials for each connection."; retval = EXRD_FRESH_CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED; break; case ERRINFO_RPC_INITIATED_DISCONNECT_BYUSER: text = "Disconnect initiated by user"; retval = EXRD_DISCONNECT_BY_USER; break; case ERRINFO_LOGOFF_BYUSER: text = "Logout initiated by user"; retval = EXRD_LOGOFF_BY_USER; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_INTERNAL: text = "Internal licensing error"; retval = EXRD_LIC_INTERNAL; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_NO_LICENSE_SERVER: text = "No license server available"; retval = EXRD_LIC_NOSERVER; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_NO_LICENSE: text = "No valid license available"; retval = EXRD_LIC_NOLICENSE; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_BAD_CLIENT_MSG: text = "Invalid licensing message from client"; retval = EXRD_LIC_MSG; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_HWID_DOESNT_MATCH_LICENSE: text = "The client license has been modified and does no longer match the hardware ID"; retval = EXRD_LIC_HWID; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_BAD_CLIENT_LICENSE: text = "The client license is in an invalid format"; retval = EXRD_LIC_CLIENT; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_CANT_FINISH_PROTOCOL: text = "Network error during licensing protocol"; retval = EXRD_LIC_NET; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_CLIENT_ENDED_PROTOCOL: text = "Licensing protocol was not completed"; retval = EXRD_LIC_PROTO; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_BAD_CLIENT_ENCRYPTION: text = "Incorrect client license encryption"; retval = EXRD_LIC_ENC; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_CANT_UPGRADE_LICENSE: text = "Can't upgrade or renew license"; retval = EXRD_LIC_UPGRADE; break; case ERRINFO_LICENSE_NO_REMOTE_CONNECTIONS: text = "The server is not licensed to accept remote connections"; retval = EXRD_LIC_NOREMOTE; break; case ERRINFO_CB_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND: text = "The target endpoint chosen by the broker could not be found"; retval = EXRD_CB_DEST_NOT_FOUND; break; case ERRINFO_CB_LOADING_DESTINATION: text = "The target endpoint is disconnecting from the broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_DEST_LOADING; break; case ERRINFO_CB_REDIRECTING_TO_DESTINATION: text = "Error occurred while being redirected by broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_REDIR_DEST; break; case ERRINFO_CB_SESSION_ONLINE_VM_WAKE: text = "Error while the endpoint VM was being awakened by the broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_VM_WAKE; break; case ERRINFO_CB_SESSION_ONLINE_VM_BOOT: text = "Error while the endpoint VM was being started by the broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_VM_BOOT; break; case ERRINFO_CB_SESSION_ONLINE_VM_NO_DNS: text = "The IP address of the endpoint VM could not be determined by the broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_VM_NODNS; break; case ERRINFO_CB_DESTINATION_POOL_NOT_FREE: text = "No available endpoints in the connection broker pool"; retval = EXRD_CB_DEST_POOL_NOT_FREE; break; case ERRINFO_CB_CONNECTION_CANCELLED: text = "Connection processing cancelled by the broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_CONNECTION_CANCELLED; break; case ERRINFO_CB_CONNECTION_ERROR_INVALID_SETTINGS: text = "The connection settings could not be validated by the broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_INVALID_SETTINGS; break; case ERRINFO_CB_SESSION_ONLINE_VM_BOOT_TIMEOUT: text = "Timeout while the endpoint VM was being started by the broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_VM_BOOT_TIMEOUT; break; case ERRINFO_CB_SESSION_ONLINE_VM_SESSMON_FAILED: text = "Session monitoring error while the endpoint VM was being started by the broker"; retval = EXRD_CB_VM_BOOT_SESSMON_FAILED; break; case ERRINFO_REMOTEAPPSNOTENABLED: text = "The server can only host Remote Applications"; retval = EXRD_RDP_REMOTEAPPSNOTENABLED; break; case ERRINFO_UPDATESESSIONKEYFAILED: text = "Update of session keys failed"; retval = EXRD_RDP_UPDATESESSIONKEYFAILED; break; case ERRINFO_DECRYPTFAILED: text = "Decryption or session key creation failed"; retval = EXRD_RDP_DECRYPTFAILED; break; case ERRINFO_ENCRYPTFAILED: text = "Encryption failed"; retval = EXRD_RDP_ENCRYPTFAILED; break; default: text = "Unknown reason"; retval = EXRD_UNKNOWN; } if (reason > 0x1000 && reason < 0x7fff && retval == EXRD_UNKNOWN) { fprintf(stderr, "Internal protocol error: %x", reason); } else if (reason != ERRINFO_NO_INFO) { fprintf(stderr, "disconnect: %s.\n", text); } return retval; } static void rdesktop_reset_state(void) { g_pending_resize_defer = True; rdp_reset_state(); #ifdef WITH_SCARD scard_reset_state(); #endif #ifdef WITH_RDPSND rdpsnd_reset_state(); #endif } static RD_BOOL read_password(char *password, int size) { struct termios tios; RD_BOOL ret = False; int istty = 0; const char *prompt; char *p; if (g_use_password_as_pin) { prompt = "Smart card PIN: "; } else { prompt = "Password: "; } if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &tios) == 0) { fputs(prompt, stderr); tios.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tios); istty = 1; } if (fgets(password, size, stdin) != NULL) { ret = True; /* strip final newline */ p = strchr(password, '\n'); if (p != NULL) *p = 0; } if (istty) { tios.c_lflag |= ECHO; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tios); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } return ret; } static void parse_server_and_port(char *server) { char *p; #ifdef IPv6 int addr_colons; #endif #ifdef IPv6 p = server; addr_colons = 0; while (*p) if (*p++ == ':') addr_colons++; if (addr_colons >= 2) { /* numeric IPv6 style address format - [1:2:3::4]:port */ p = strchr(server, ']'); if (*server == '[' && p != NULL) { if (*(p + 1) == ':' && *(p + 2) != '\0') g_tcp_port_rdp = strtol(p + 2, NULL, 10); /* remove the port number and brackets from the address */ *p = '\0'; strncpy(server, server + 1, strlen(server)); } } else { /* DNS name or IPv4 style address format - server.example.com:port or */ p = strchr(server, ':'); if (p != NULL) { g_tcp_port_rdp = strtol(p + 1, NULL, 10); *p = 0; } } #else /* no IPv6 support */ p = strchr(server, ':'); if (p != NULL) { g_tcp_port_rdp = strtol(p + 1, NULL, 10); *p = 0; } #endif /* IPv6 */ } // [WxH|P%|W%xH%][@DPI][+X[+Y]]|workarea int parse_geometry_string(const char *optarg) { sint32 value; const char *ps; char *pe; /* special keywords */ if (strcmp(optarg, "workarea") == 0) { g_window_size_type = Workarea; return 0; } /* parse first integer */ ps = optarg; value = strtol(ps, &pe, 10); if (ps == pe || value <= 0) { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, expected positive integer for width"); return -1; } g_requested_session_width = value; ps = pe; /* expect % or x */ if (*ps != '%' && *ps != 'x') { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, expected '%%' or 'x' after width"); return -1; } if (*ps == '%') { g_window_size_type = PercentageOfScreen; ps++; pe++; } if (*ps == 'x') { ps++; value = strtol(ps, &pe, 10); if (ps == pe || value <= 0) { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, expected positive integer for height"); return -1; } g_requested_session_height = value; ps = pe; if (*ps == '%' && g_window_size_type == Fixed) { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, unexpected '%%' after height"); return -1; } if (g_window_size_type == PercentageOfScreen) { if (*ps != '%') { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, expected '%%' after height"); return -1; } ps++; pe++; } } else { if (g_window_size_type == PercentageOfScreen) { /* percentage of screen used for both width and height */ g_requested_session_height = g_requested_session_width; } else { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, missing height (WxH)"); return -1; } } /* parse optional dpi */ if (*ps == '@') { ps++; pe++; value = strtol(ps, &pe, 10); if (ps == pe || value <= 0) { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, expected positive integer for DPI"); return -1; } g_dpi = value; ps = pe; } /* parse optional window position */ if (*ps == '+' || *ps == '-') { /* parse x position */ value = strtol(ps, &pe, 10); if (ps == pe) { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, expected an integer for X position"); return -1; } g_pos |= (value < 0) ? 2 : 1; g_xpos = value; ps = pe; } if (*ps == '+' || *ps == '-') { /* parse y position */ value = strtol(ps, &pe, 10); if (ps == pe) { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, expected an integer for Y position"); return -1; } g_pos |= (value < 0) ? 4 : 1; g_ypos = value; ps = pe; } if (*pe != '\0') { logger(Core, Error, "invalid geometry, unexpected characters at end of string"); return -1; } return 0; } static void setup_user_requested_session_size() { switch (g_window_size_type) { case Fullscreen: ui_get_screen_size(&g_requested_session_width, &g_requested_session_height); break; case Workarea: ui_get_workarea_size(&g_requested_session_width, &g_requested_session_height); break; case Fixed: break; case PercentageOfScreen: ui_get_screen_size_from_percentage(g_requested_session_width, g_requested_session_height, &g_requested_session_width, &g_requested_session_height); break; } } /* Client program */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char server[256]; char fullhostname[64]; char domain[256]; char shell[256]; char directory[256]; RD_BOOL prompt_password, deactivated; struct passwd *pw; uint32 flags, ext_disc_reason = 0; char *p; int c; char *locale = NULL; int username_option = 0; RD_BOOL geometry_option = False; #ifdef WITH_RDPSND char *rdpsnd_optarg = NULL; #endif /* setup debug logging from environment */ logger_set_subjects(getenv("RDESKTOP_DEBUG")); #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H /* Set locale according to environment */ locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); if (locale) { locale = xstrdup(locale); } #endif /* Ignore SIGPIPE, since we are using popen() */ struct sigaction act; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL); /* setup default flags for TS_INFO_PACKET */ flags = RDP_INFO_MOUSE | RDP_INFO_DISABLECTRLALTDEL | RDP_INFO_UNICODE | RDP_INFO_MAXIMIZESHELL | RDP_INFO_ENABLEWINDOWSKEY; prompt_password = False; g_seamless_spawn_cmd[0] = g_tls_version[0] = domain[0] = g_password[0] = shell[0] = directory[0] = 0; g_embed_wnd = 0; g_num_devices = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "A:V:u:L:d:s:c:p:n:k:g:o:fbBeEitmMzCDKS:T:NX:a:x:Pr:045vh?")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'A': g_seamless_rdp = True; STRNCPY(g_seamless_shell, optarg, sizeof(g_seamless_shell)); break; case 'V': STRNCPY(g_tls_version, optarg, sizeof(g_tls_version)); break; case 'u': g_username = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(optarg) + 1); strcpy(g_username, optarg); username_option = 1; break; case 'L': STRNCPY(g_codepage, optarg, sizeof(g_codepage)); break; case 'd': STRNCPY(domain, optarg, sizeof(domain)); break; case 's': STRNCPY(shell, optarg, sizeof(shell)); g_seamless_persistent_mode = False; break; case 'c': STRNCPY(directory, optarg, sizeof(directory)); break; case 'p': if ((optarg[0] == '-') && (optarg[1] == 0)) { prompt_password = True; break; } STRNCPY(g_password, optarg, sizeof(g_password)); flags |= RDP_INFO_AUTOLOGON; /* try to overwrite argument so it won't appear in ps */ p = optarg; while (*p) *(p++) = 'X'; break; #ifdef WITH_SCARD case 'i': flags |= RDP_INFO_PASSWORD_IS_SC_PIN; g_use_password_as_pin = True; break; #endif case 't': g_use_ctrl = False; break; case 'n': STRNCPY(g_hostname, optarg, sizeof(g_hostname)); break; case 'k': STRNCPY(g_keymapname, optarg, sizeof(g_keymapname)); break; case 'g': geometry_option = True; g_fullscreen = False; if (parse_geometry_string(optarg) != 0) { return EX_USAGE; } break; case 'f': g_window_size_type = Fullscreen; g_fullscreen = True; break; case 'b': g_bitmap_cache = False; break; case 'B': g_ownbackstore = False; break; case 'e': g_encryption_initial = g_encryption = False; break; case 'E': g_packet_encryption = False; break; case 'm': g_sendmotion = False; break; case 'M': g_local_cursor = True; break; case 'C': g_owncolmap = True; break; case 'D': g_hide_decorations = True; break; case 'K': g_grab_keyboard = False; break; case 'S': if (!strcmp(optarg, "standard")) { g_win_button_size = 18; break; } g_win_button_size = strtol(optarg, &p, 10); if (*p) { logger(Core, Error, "invalid button size"); return EX_USAGE; } break; case 'T': STRNCPY(g_title, optarg, sizeof(g_title)); break; case 'N': g_numlock_sync = True; break; case 'X': g_embed_wnd = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'a': g_server_depth = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if (g_server_depth != 8 && g_server_depth != 16 && g_server_depth != 15 && g_server_depth != 24 && g_server_depth != 32) { logger(Core, Error, "Invalid server colour depth specified"); return EX_USAGE; } break; case 'z': logger(Core, Debug, "rdp compression enabled"); flags |= (RDP_INFO_COMPRESSION | RDP_INFO_COMPRESSION2); break; case 'x': if (str_startswith(optarg, "m")) /* modem */ { g_rdp5_performanceflags = (PERF_DISABLE_CURSOR_SHADOW | PERF_DISABLE_WALLPAPER | PERF_DISABLE_FULLWINDOWDRAG | PERF_DISABLE_MENUANIMATIONS | PERF_DISABLE_THEMING); } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "b")) /* broadband */ { g_rdp5_performanceflags = (PERF_DISABLE_WALLPAPER | PERF_ENABLE_FONT_SMOOTHING); } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "l")) /* LAN */ { g_rdp5_performanceflags = PERF_ENABLE_FONT_SMOOTHING; } else { g_rdp5_performanceflags = strtol(optarg, NULL, 16); } break; case 'P': g_bitmap_cache_persist_enable = True; break; case 'r': if (str_startswith(optarg, "sound")) { optarg += 5; if (*optarg == ':') { optarg++; while ((p = next_arg(optarg, ','))) { if (str_startswith(optarg, "remote")) flags |= RDP_INFO_REMOTE_CONSOLE_AUDIO; if (str_startswith(optarg, "local")) #ifdef WITH_RDPSND { rdpsnd_optarg = next_arg(optarg, ':'); g_rdpsnd = True; } #else logger(Core, Warning, "Not compiled with sound support"); #endif if (str_startswith(optarg, "off")) #ifdef WITH_RDPSND g_rdpsnd = False; #else logger(Core, Warning, "Not compiled with sound support"); #endif optarg = p; } } else { #ifdef WITH_RDPSND g_rdpsnd = True; #else logger(Core, Warning, "Not compiled with sound support"); #endif } } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "disk")) { /* -r disk:h:=/mnt/floppy */ disk_enum_devices(&g_num_devices, optarg + 4); } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "comport")) { serial_enum_devices(&g_num_devices, optarg + 7); } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "lspci")) { g_lspci_enabled = True; } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "lptport")) { parallel_enum_devices(&g_num_devices, optarg + 7); } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "printer")) { printer_enum_devices(&g_num_devices, optarg + 7); } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "clientname")) { g_rdpdr_clientname = xmalloc(strlen(optarg + 11) + 1); strcpy(g_rdpdr_clientname, optarg + 11); } else if (str_startswith(optarg, "clipboard")) { optarg += 9; if (*optarg == ':') { optarg++; if (str_startswith(optarg, "off")) g_rdpclip = False; else cliprdr_set_mode(optarg); } else g_rdpclip = True; } else if (strncmp("scard", optarg, 5) == 0) { #ifdef WITH_SCARD scard_enum_devices(&g_num_devices, optarg + 5); #else logger(Core, Warning, "Not compiled with smartcard support\n"); #endif } else { logger(Core, Warning, "Unknown -r argument '%s'. Possible arguments are: comport, disk, lptport, printer, sound, clipboard, scard", optarg); } break; case '0': g_console_session = True; break; case '4': g_rdp_version = RDP_V4; break; case '5': g_rdp_version = RDP_V5; break; #if WITH_SCARD case 'o': { char *p = strchr(optarg, '='); if (p == NULL) { logger(Core, Warning, "Skipping specified option '%s', lacks name=value format", optarg); continue; } if (strncmp(optarg, "sc-csp-name", strlen("sc-scp-name")) == 0) g_sc_csp_name = strdup(p + 1); else if (strncmp (optarg, "sc-reader-name", strlen("sc-reader-name")) == 0) g_sc_reader_name = strdup(p + 1); else if (strncmp (optarg, "sc-card-name", strlen("sc-card-name")) == 0) g_sc_card_name = strdup(p + 1); else if (strncmp (optarg, "sc-container-name", strlen("sc-container-name")) == 0) g_sc_container_name = strdup(p + 1); } break; #endif case 'v': logger_set_verbose(1); break; case 'h': case '?': default: usage(argv[0]); return EX_USAGE; } } if (argc - optind != 1) { usage(argv[0]); return EX_USAGE; } if (g_local_cursor) { /* there is no point wasting bandwidth on cursor shadows * that we're just going to throw out anyway */ g_rdp5_performanceflags |= PERF_DISABLE_CURSOR_SHADOW; } STRNCPY(server, argv[optind], sizeof(server)); parse_server_and_port(server); if (g_seamless_rdp) { if (shell[0]) STRNCPY(g_seamless_spawn_cmd, shell, sizeof(g_seamless_spawn_cmd)); STRNCPY(shell, g_seamless_shell, sizeof(shell)); if (g_win_button_size) { logger(Core, Error, "You cannot use -S and -A at the same time"); return EX_USAGE; } g_rdp5_performanceflags &= ~PERF_DISABLE_FULLWINDOWDRAG; if (geometry_option) { logger(Core, Error, "You cannot use -g and -A at the same time"); return EX_USAGE; } if (g_fullscreen) { logger(Core, Error, "You cannot use -f and -A at the same time"); return EX_USAGE; } if (g_hide_decorations) { logger(Core, Error, "You cannot use -D and -A at the same time"); return EX_USAGE; } if (g_embed_wnd) { logger(Core, Error, "You cannot use -X and -A at the same time"); return EX_USAGE; } if (g_rdp_version < RDP_V5) { logger(Core, Error, "You cannot use -4 and -A at the same time"); return EX_USAGE; } g_window_size_type = Fullscreen; g_grab_keyboard = False; } if (!username_option) { pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if ((pw == NULL) || (pw->pw_name == NULL)) { logger(Core, Error, "could not determine username, use -u to set one"); return EX_OSERR; } /* +1 for trailing \0 */ int pwlen = strlen(pw->pw_name) + 1; g_username = (char *) xmalloc(pwlen); STRNCPY(g_username, pw->pw_name, pwlen); } if (g_codepage[0] == 0) { if (setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")) { STRNCPY(g_codepage, nl_langinfo(CODESET), sizeof(g_codepage)); } else { STRNCPY(g_codepage, DEFAULT_CODEPAGE, sizeof(g_codepage)); } } if (g_hostname[0] == 0) { if (gethostname(fullhostname, sizeof(fullhostname)) == -1) { logger(Core, Error, "could not determine local hostname, use -n\n"); return EX_OSERR; } p = strchr(fullhostname, '.'); if (p != NULL) *p = 0; STRNCPY(g_hostname, fullhostname, sizeof(g_hostname)); } if (g_keymapname[0] == 0) { if (locale && xkeymap_from_locale(locale)) { logger(Core, Notice, "Autoselecting keyboard map '%s' from locale", g_keymapname); } else { STRNCPY(g_keymapname, "en-us", sizeof(g_keymapname)); } } if (locale) xfree(locale); if (prompt_password) { if (read_password(g_password, sizeof(g_password))) { flags |= RDP_INFO_AUTOLOGON; } else { logger(Core, Error, "Failed to read password or pin from stdin"); return EX_OSERR; } } if (g_title[0] == 0) { strcpy(g_title, "rdesktop - "); strncat(g_title, server, sizeof(g_title) - sizeof("rdesktop - ")); } /* Only startup ctrl functionality is seamless are used for now. */ if (g_use_ctrl && g_seamless_rdp) { if (ctrl_init(server, domain, g_username) < 0) { logger(Core, Error, "Failed to initialize ctrl mode"); exit(1); } if (ctrl_is_slave()) { logger(Core, Notice, "rdesktop in slave mode sending command to master process"); if (g_seamless_spawn_cmd[0]) return ctrl_send_command("seamless.spawn", g_seamless_spawn_cmd); logger(Core, Notice, "No command specified to be spawned in seamless mode"); return EX_USAGE; } } if (!ui_init()) return EX_OSERR; #ifdef WITH_RDPSND if (!rdpsnd_init(rdpsnd_optarg)) logger(Core, Warning, "Initializing sound-support failed"); #endif if (g_lspci_enabled) lspci_init(); rdpdr_init(); dvc_init(); rdpedisp_init(); setup_user_requested_session_size(); g_reconnect_loop = False; while (1) { rdesktop_reset_state(); if (g_redirect) { STRNCPY(domain, g_redirect_domain, sizeof(domain)); xfree(g_username); g_username = (char *) xmalloc(strlen(g_redirect_username) + 1); strcpy(g_username, g_redirect_username); STRNCPY(server, g_redirect_server, sizeof(server)); flags |= RDP_INFO_AUTOLOGON; logger(Core, Notice, "Redirected to %s@%s session %d.", g_redirect_username, g_redirect_server, g_redirect_session_id); /* A redirect on SSL from a 2003 WTS will result in a 'connection reset by peer' and therefor we just clear this error before we connect to redirected server. */ g_network_error = False; } utils_apply_session_size_limitations(&g_requested_session_width, &g_requested_session_height); if (!rdp_connect (server, flags, domain, g_password, shell, directory, g_reconnect_loop)) { g_network_error = False; if (g_reconnect_loop == False) return EX_PROTOCOL; /* check if auto reconnect cookie has timed out */ if (time(NULL) - g_reconnect_random_ts > RECONNECT_TIMEOUT) { logger(Core, Notice, "Tried to reconnect for %d minutes, giving up.", RECONNECT_TIMEOUT / 60); return EX_PROTOCOL; } sleep(4); continue; } if (g_redirect) { rdp_disconnect(); continue; } /* By setting encryption to False here, we have an encrypted login packet but unencrypted transfer of other packets */ if (!g_packet_encryption) g_encryption_initial = g_encryption = False; logger(Core, Verbose, "Connection successful"); rd_create_ui(); tcp_run_ui(True); deactivated = False; g_reconnect_loop = False; ext_disc_reason = ERRINFO_UNSET; rdp_main_loop(&deactivated, &ext_disc_reason); tcp_run_ui(False); logger(Core, Verbose, "Disconnecting..."); rdp_disconnect(); /* Version <= Windows 2008 server have a different behaviour for user initiated disconnected. Lets translate this specific behaviour into the same as for later versions for proper handling. */ if (deactivated == True && ext_disc_reason == ERRINFO_NO_INFO) { deactivated = 0; ext_disc_reason = ERRINFO_LOGOFF_BYUSER; } else if (ext_disc_reason == 0) { /* We do not know how to handle error info value of 0 */ ext_disc_reason = ERRINFO_UNSET; } /* Handler disconnect */ if (g_user_quit || deactivated == True || ext_disc_reason != ERRINFO_UNSET) { /* We should exit the rdesktop instance */ break; } else { /* We should handle a reconnect for any reason */ if (g_redirect) { logger(Core, Verbose, "Redirect reconnect loop triggered."); } else if (g_network_error) { if (g_reconnect_random_ts == 0) { /* If there is no auto reconnect cookie available for reconnect, do not enter reconnect loop. Windows 2016 server does not send any for unknown reasons. */ logger(Core, Notice, "Disconnected due to network error, exiting..."); break; } /* handle network error and start autoreconnect */ logger(Core, Notice, "Disconnected due to network error, retrying to reconnect for %d minutes.", RECONNECT_TIMEOUT / 60); g_network_error = False; g_reconnect_loop = True; } else if (g_pending_resize) { /* Enter a reconnect loop if we have a pending resize request */ logger(Core, Verbose, "Resize reconnect loop triggered, new size %dx%d", g_requested_session_width, g_requested_session_height); g_pending_resize = False; g_reconnect_loop = True; ui_seamless_end(); ui_destroy_window(); } else { logger(Core, Debug, "Unhandled reconnect reason, exiting..."); break; } } } ui_seamless_end(); ui_destroy_window(); cache_save_state(); ui_deinit(); if (g_user_quit) return EXRD_WINDOW_CLOSED; return handle_disconnect_reason(deactivated, ext_disc_reason); if (g_redirect_username) xfree(g_redirect_username); xfree(g_username); } #ifdef EGD_SOCKET /* Read 32 random bytes from PRNGD or EGD socket (based on OpenSSL RAND_egd) */ static RD_BOOL generate_random_egd(uint8 * buf) { struct sockaddr_un addr; RD_BOOL ret = False; int fd; fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) return False; addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; memcpy(addr.sun_path, EGD_SOCKET, sizeof(EGD_SOCKET)); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1) goto err; /* PRNGD and EGD use a simple communications protocol */ buf[0] = 1; /* Non-blocking (similar to /dev/urandom) */ buf[1] = 32; /* Number of requested random bytes */ if (write(fd, buf, 2) != 2) goto err; if ((read(fd, buf, 1) != 1) || (buf[0] == 0)) /* Available? */ goto err; if (read(fd, buf, 32) != 32) goto err; ret = True; err: close(fd); return ret; } #endif /* Generate a 32-byte random for the secure transport code. */ void generate_random(uint8 * random) { struct stat st; struct tms tmsbuf; RDSSL_MD5 md5; uint32 *r; int fd, n; /* If we have a kernel random device, try that first */ if (((fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)) != -1) || ((fd = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY)) != -1)) { n = read(fd, random, 32); close(fd); if (n == 32) return; } #ifdef EGD_SOCKET /* As a second preference use an EGD */ if (generate_random_egd(random)) return; #endif /* Otherwise use whatever entropy we can gather - ideas welcome. */ r = (uint32 *) random; r[0] = (getpid()) | (getppid() << 16); r[1] = (getuid()) | (getgid() << 16); r[2] = times(&tmsbuf); /* system uptime (clocks) */ gettimeofday((struct timeval *) &r[3], NULL); /* sec and usec */ stat("/tmp", &st); r[5] = st.st_atime; r[6] = st.st_mtime; r[7] = st.st_ctime; /* Hash both halves with MD5 to obscure possible patterns */ rdssl_md5_init(&md5); rdssl_md5_update(&md5, random, 16); rdssl_md5_final(&md5, random); rdssl_md5_update(&md5, random + 16, 16); rdssl_md5_final(&md5, random + 16); } /* malloc; exit if out of memory */ void * xmalloc(int size) { void *mem = malloc(size); if (mem == NULL) { logger(Core, Error, "xmalloc, failed to allocate %d bytes", size); exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE); } return mem; } /* Exit on NULL pointer. Use to verify result from XGetImage etc */ void exit_if_null(void *ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) { logger(Core, Error, "unexpected null pointer. Out of memory?"); exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE); } } /* strdup */ char * xstrdup(const char *s) { char *mem = strdup(s); if (mem == NULL) { logger(Core, Error, "xstrdup(), strdup() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE); } return mem; } /* realloc; exit if out of memory */ void * xrealloc(void *oldmem, size_t size) { void *mem; if (size == 0) size = 1; mem = realloc(oldmem, size); if (mem == NULL) { logger(Core, Error, "xrealloc, failed to reallocate %ld bytes", size); exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE); } return mem; } /* free */ void xfree(void *mem) { free(mem); } /* produce a hex dump */ void hexdump(unsigned char *p, unsigned int len) { unsigned char *line = p; unsigned offset = 0; int i, thisline; while (offset < len) { printf("%04x ", offset); thisline = len - offset; if (thisline > 16) thisline = 16; for (i = 0; i < thisline; i++) printf("%02x ", line[i]); for (; i < 16; i++) printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < thisline; i++) printf("%c", (line[i] >= 0x20 && line[i] < 0x7f) ? line[i] : '.'); printf("\n"); offset += thisline; line += thisline; } } /* input: src is the string we look in for needle. Needle may be escaped by a backslash, in that case we ignore that particular needle. return value: returns next src pointer, for successive executions, like in a while loop if retval is 0, then there are no more args. pitfalls: src is modified. 0x00 chars are inserted to terminate strings. return val, points on the next val chr after ins 0x00 example usage: while( (pos = next_arg( optarg, ',')) ){ printf("%s\n",optarg); optarg=pos; } */ char * next_arg(char *src, char needle) { char *nextval; char *p; char *mvp = 0; /* EOS */ if (*src == (char) 0x00) return 0; p = src; /* skip escaped needles */ while ((nextval = strchr(p, needle))) { mvp = nextval - 1; /* found backslashed needle */ if (*mvp == '\\' && (mvp > src)) { /* move string one to the left */ while (*(mvp + 1) != (char) 0x00) { *mvp = *(mvp + 1); mvp++; } *mvp = (char) 0x00; p = nextval; } else { p = nextval + 1; break; } } /* more args available */ if (nextval) { *nextval = (char) 0x00; return ++nextval; } /* no more args after this, jump to EOS */ nextval = src + strlen(src); return nextval; } void toupper_str(char *p) { while (*p) { if ((*p >= 'a') && (*p <= 'z')) *p = toupper((int) *p); p++; } } RD_BOOL str_startswith(const char *s, const char *prefix) { return (strncmp(s, prefix, strlen(prefix)) == 0); } /* Split input into lines, and call linehandler for each line. Incomplete lines are saved in the rest variable, which should initially point to NULL. When linehandler returns False, stop and return False. Otherwise, return True. */ RD_BOOL str_handle_lines(const char *input, char **rest, str_handle_lines_t linehandler, void *data) { char *buf, *p; char *oldrest; size_t inputlen; size_t buflen; size_t restlen = 0; RD_BOOL ret = True; /* Copy data to buffer */ inputlen = strlen(input); if (*rest) restlen = strlen(*rest); buflen = restlen + inputlen + 1; buf = (char *) xmalloc(buflen); buf[0] = '\0'; if (*rest) STRNCPY(buf, *rest, buflen); strncat(buf, input, buflen); p = buf; while (1) { char *newline = strchr(p, '\n'); if (newline) { *newline = '\0'; if (!linehandler(p, data)) { p = newline + 1; ret = False; break; } p = newline + 1; } else { break; } } /* Save in rest */ oldrest = *rest; restlen = buf + buflen - p; *rest = (char *) xmalloc(restlen); STRNCPY((*rest), p, restlen); xfree(oldrest); xfree(buf); return ret; } /* Execute the program specified by argv. For each line in stdout/stderr output, call linehandler. Returns false on failure. */ RD_BOOL subprocess(char *const argv[], str_handle_lines_t linehandler, void *data) { pid_t child; int fd[2]; int n = 1; char output[256]; char *rest = NULL; if (pipe(fd) < 0) { logger(Core, Error, "subprocess(), pipe() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return False; } if ((child = fork()) < 0) { logger(Core, Error, "subprocess(), fork() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return False; } /* Child */ if (child == 0) { /* Close read end */ close(fd[0]); /* Redirect stdout and stderr to pipe */ dup2(fd[1], 1); dup2(fd[1], 2); /* Execute */ execvp(argv[0], argv); logger(Core, Error, "subprocess(), execvp() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); _exit(128); } /* Parent. Close write end. */ close(fd[1]); while (n > 0) { n = read(fd[0], output, 255); output[n] = '\0'; str_handle_lines(output, &rest, linehandler, data); } xfree(rest); return True; } /* not all clibs got ltoa */ #define LTOA_BUFSIZE (sizeof(long) * 8 + 1) char * l_to_a(long N, int base) { static char ret[LTOA_BUFSIZE]; char *head = ret, buf[LTOA_BUFSIZE], *tail = buf + sizeof(buf); register int divrem; if (base > 36 || 2 > base) base = 10; if (N < 0) { *head++ = '-'; N = -N; } tail = buf + sizeof(buf); *--tail = 0; do { divrem = N % base; *--tail = (divrem <= 9) ? divrem + '0' : divrem + 'a' - 10; N /= base; } while (N); strcpy(head, tail); return ret; } int load_licence(unsigned char **data) { uint8 ho[20], hi[16]; char *home, path[PATH_MAX], hash[41]; struct stat st; int fd, length; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) return -1; memset(hi, 0, sizeof(hi)); snprintf((char *) hi, 16, "%s", g_hostname); sec_hash_sha1_16(ho, hi, g_static_rdesktop_salt_16); sec_hash_to_string(hash, sizeof(hash), ho, sizeof(ho)); snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s" RDESKTOP_LICENSE_STORE "/%s.cal", home, hash); path[sizeof(path) - 1] = '\0'; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { /* fallback to try reading old license file */ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.rdesktop/license.%s", home, g_hostname); path[sizeof(path) - 1] = '\0'; if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1) return -1; } if (fstat(fd, &st)) { close(fd); return -1; } *data = (uint8 *) xmalloc(st.st_size); length = read(fd, *data, st.st_size); close(fd); return length; } void save_licence(unsigned char *data, int length) { uint8 ho[20], hi[16]; char *home, path[PATH_MAX], tmppath[PATH_MAX], hash[41]; int fd; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) return; snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s" RDESKTOP_LICENSE_STORE, home); path[sizeof(path) - 1] = '\0'; if (utils_mkdir_p(path, 0700) == -1) { logger(Core, Error, "save_license(), utils_mkdir_p() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } memset(hi, 0, sizeof(hi)); snprintf((char *) hi, 16, "%s", g_hostname); sec_hash_sha1_16(ho, hi, g_static_rdesktop_salt_16); sec_hash_to_string(hash, sizeof(hash), ho, sizeof(ho)); /* write licence to {sha1}.cal.new, then atomically rename to {sha1}.cal */ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s" RDESKTOP_LICENSE_STORE "/%s.cal", home, hash); path[sizeof(path) - 1] = '\0'; snprintf(tmppath, PATH_MAX, "%s.new", path); path[sizeof(path) - 1] = '\0'; fd = open(tmppath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600); if (fd == -1) { logger(Core, Error, "save_license(), open() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } if (write(fd, data, length) != length) { logger(Core, Error, "save_license(), write() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); unlink(tmppath); } else if (rename(tmppath, path) == -1) { logger(Core, Error, "save_license(), rename() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); unlink(tmppath); } close(fd); } /* create rdesktop ui */ void rd_create_ui() { if (!ui_have_window()) { /* create a window if we don't have one initialized */ if (!ui_create_window(g_requested_session_width, g_requested_session_height)) exit(EX_OSERR); } else { /* reset clipping if we already have a window */ ui_reset_clip(); } } /* TODO: Replace with recursive mkdir */ RD_BOOL rd_certcache_mkdir(void) { char *home; char certcache_dir[PATH_MAX]; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) return False; snprintf(certcache_dir, sizeof(certcache_dir) - 1, "%s/%s", home, ".local"); if ((mkdir(certcache_dir, S_IRWXU) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { logger(Core, Error, "%s: mkdir() failed: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); return False; } snprintf(certcache_dir, sizeof(certcache_dir) - 1, "%s/%s", home, ".local/share"); if ((mkdir(certcache_dir, S_IRWXU) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { logger(Core, Error, "%s: mkdir() failed: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); return False; } snprintf(certcache_dir, sizeof(certcache_dir) - 1, "%s/%s", home, ".local/share/rdesktop"); if ((mkdir(certcache_dir, S_IRWXU) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { logger(Core, Error, "%s: mkdir() failed: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); return False; } snprintf(certcache_dir, sizeof(certcache_dir) - 1, "%s/%s", home, ".local/share/rdesktop/certs"); if ((mkdir(certcache_dir, S_IRWXU) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { logger(Core, Error, "%s: mkdir() failed: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); return False; } return True; } /* Create the bitmap cache directory */ RD_BOOL rd_pstcache_mkdir(void) { char *home; char bmpcache_dir[256]; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) return False; sprintf(bmpcache_dir, "%s/%s", home, ".rdesktop"); if ((mkdir(bmpcache_dir, S_IRWXU) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { logger(Core, Error, "rd_pstcache_mkdir(), mkdir() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return False; } sprintf(bmpcache_dir, "%s/%s", home, ".rdesktop/cache"); if ((mkdir(bmpcache_dir, S_IRWXU) == -1) && errno != EEXIST) { logger(Core, Error, "rd_pstcache_mkdir(), mkdir() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return False; } return True; } /* open a file in the .rdesktop directory */ int rd_open_file(char *filename) { char *home; char fn[256]; int fd; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) return -1; sprintf(fn, "%s/.rdesktop/%s", home, filename); fd = open(fn, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd == -1) logger(Core, Error, "rd_open_file(), open() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return fd; } /* close file */ void rd_close_file(int fd) { close(fd); } /* read from file*/ int rd_read_file(int fd, void *ptr, int len) { return read(fd, ptr, len); } /* write to file */ int rd_write_file(int fd, void *ptr, int len) { return write(fd, ptr, len); } /* move file pointer */ int rd_lseek_file(int fd, int offset) { return lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET); } /* do a write lock on a file */ RD_BOOL rd_lock_file(int fd, int start, int len) { struct flock lock; lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = start; lock.l_len = len; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &lock) == -1) return False; return True; }