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The keymaps are line based. There are three different types of lines:
1) include-lines
include <another-map-file>
2) map-lines
map <hex-number>
Map-lines specifies how the remote RDP server should interpret the
sent scancodes.
3) Translation-lines
<keysym-name> <scancode> [flags..]
The scancode can be found in scancodes.h. Note: The scancode value for
extended keys can be calculated by OR:ing with 0x80. Example: The
Delete key have the scancode sequence 0xe0, 0x52. You can get the
scancode value to put into the map file by running:
python -c "print hex(0x80 | 0x52)"
If flags are "altgr", "shift", "numlock", the scancode sent for this
keysym will be prefix with AltGr, Shift or Numlock.
If flags include "addupper", an translation for this keysyms uppercase
name will as well, in addition to the non-uppercase name. Example:
x 2d addupper
...will add an translation for "X" automatically, just like if you
would specify:
X 2d shift
If flags include "localstate", the modifier to send will be determined
by the local modifier state.
4) enable_compose
If any line starts with the keyword "enable_compose", rdesktop will
enable local Compose/Multi_key handling. Enabling this will often make
it impossible to compose characters with dead keys (on the remote
side). This is because when local compose support is enabled, dead
keys will not be sent to the remote side.
Suggested X11 keysym mapping on PCs
Unfortunately, there is no standard for which keysyms a given key
should generate. If you have a PC-keyboard with Windows keys, I suggest this mapping:
Keyboard keys:
CtrlLeft WinLeft AltLeft Space AltGr WinRight Menu CtrlRight
...should generate keysyms:
Control_L Hyper_L Alt_L space Mode_switch Hyper_R Menu Control_R
Shift-Alt should produce Meta_L
Shift-AltGr should produce Multi_Key.
Use a modifier-map like this:
shift Shift_L (0x32), Shift_R (0x3e)
lock Caps_Lock (0x25)
control Control_L (0x42), Control_R (0x6d)
mod1 Alt_L (0x40)
mod2 Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod3 Mode_switch (0x71)
mod4 Hyper_L (0x73), Hyper_R (0x74)
mod5 Scroll_Lock (0x4e)