_pages: Clean up a bit

This commit is contained in:
Stig-Ørjan Smelror 2024-02-03 15:46:49 +01:00
parent c3a871e210
commit eeacbcb465

View File

@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ function _pages() {
# Read template once
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Reading Pages template into pages_tpl"
local pages_tpl="$(<${pages})"
_msg std "Generating Page: ${pages_in_array%.*}.html"
@ -379,60 +379,60 @@ function _pages() {
# Remove the #title line from the buffer. No longer needed.
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Removing #title line from page_content"
local page_content=$( echo ${page_content} | grep -v \#title )
page_content=$( echo ${page_content} | grep -v \#title )
# HTML'ify the page content
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Running engine on ${pages_in_array}"
if [[ ${file_ext} == "tpl" ]]; then
local page_content=$( ${engine} "$page_content" )
page_content=$( ${engine} "$page_content" )
# Look for links, images and videos and convert them if present.
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Checking for #link, #showimg and #ytvideo in page_content"
if [[ $( echo ${page_content} | grep \#link ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: #link is present, run _link: page_content"
local page_content=$( _link "${page_content}" )
page_content=$( _link "${page_content}" )
if [[ $( echo ${page_content} | grep \#showimg ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: #showimg is present, run _image: page_content"
local page_content=$( _image "${page_content}" )
page_content=$( _image "${page_content}" )
if [[ $( echo ${page_content} | grep \#ytvideo ) ]]; then
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: #ytvideo is present, run _youtube: page_content"
local page_content=$( _youtube "${page_content}" )
page_content=$( _youtube "${page_content}" )
elif [[ ${file_ext} == "md" ]]; then
local page_content=$(echo "$page_content" | ${engine})
page_content=$(echo "$page_content" | ${engine})
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Replacing BODY with page_content in pages_tpl"
# Use Perl for multi-line and special character handling
local pages_tpl=$( awk -v new_body="$page_content" '{sub(/BODY/, new_body)} 1' <(echo "${pages_tpl}") )
# Use awk for multi-line and special character handling
pages_tpl=$( awk -v new_body="$page_content" '{sub(/BODY/, new_body)} 1' <(echo "${pages_tpl}") )
# Replace every #pagetitle in pages_tpl
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Replacing #pagetitle in pages_tpl"
local pages_tpl="${pages_tpl//#pagetitle/$page_title}"
#local pages_tpl=$( echo ${pages_tpl} | perl -pe "s|#pagetitle|${page_title}|gs" )
# Replace every #tagline in pages_tpl
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Replacing tagline"
local pages_tpl="${pages_tpl//#tagline/$site_tagline}"
#local pages_tpl=$( echo ${pages_tpl} | perl -pe "s|#tagline|${site_tagline}|gs" )
# Replace every #sitename in pages_tpl
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Replacing sitename"
local pages_tpl="${pages_tpl//#sitename/$site_name}"
#local pages_tpl=$( echo ${pages_tpl} | perl -pe "s|#sitename|${site_name}|gs" )
# Replace #updated with today's date and #version with Name and Version to footer
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: _last_updated in pages_tpl"
local pages_tpl=$( _last_updated ${pages_tpl} )
pages_tpl=$( _last_updated ${pages_tpl} )
# Always use lowercase for file names
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Lowercase filnames, always"
local pages_title_lower=$( _file_to_lower "${pages_in_array}" )
pages_title_lower=$( _file_to_lower "${pages_in_array}" )
# Clean up unused tags, if any
if (${debug}) _msg debug "_pages: Running _cleanup"
local pages_tpl=$( _cleanup "${pages_tpl}" )
pages_tpl=$( _cleanup "${pages_tpl}" )
# Write pages_tpl to disk
# _msg std "Writing ${www_root}/${pages_title_lower%.*}.html to disk."