Quick Site Generator 2 is a static website generator inspired by [Nikola](https://github.com/getnikola/nikola) and written for [Zsh](https://zsh.sourceforge.io/).
It all started with a simple script I wrote that I called ```myjourney``` to write about a journey I was on. It worked well enough, but soon I wanted to create something else and something more complex.
Then this script was born. It has the same ideas as the first two, but is an almost complete rewrite of ```generate```. It does, however, use some of the same functions and is also more portable. The next steps is to try to use more of the Zsh modules instead of always relying on external tools like Perl, sed and awk. In other words, a work in progress.
```qsgen2``` is capable of creating static HTML pages using the native ```_html``` engine that uses ```QStags``` (that I'll describe in detail later) or by writing your pages and blogs in Markdown. It uses [Pandoc](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases), mostly because it's the most compete tool for the job. Not all Linux distributions have it, so you can just download the binaries and place them where it suits you the best.
You cannot mix native and Markdown when creating your projects.
## What it's not!
```Quick Site Generator 2``` is not easy. It's not bug free. It's not a professional product. It's not really production ready, although it works great for me.
```qsgen``` uses templates that reside in ```$project_dir/themes/<themename>```.
The theme consists of 4 files:
* blogs.tpl
* pages.tpl
* blog_index.tpl
* blog_list.tpl
### Blogs
The file ```blogs.tpl``` is used to create the blog posts that will reside in ```$www_root/blogs/year/mon/date/title-of-blog-post.html```.
```qsgen2``` will list all the files in ```blog/*.blog``` and do its magic before the word/tag ```BODY``` in the blogs.tpl file is replaced with the HTML formatted content and then the file will be written to disk.
Other tags/words that are replaced are:
Then the footer of the document is updated with today's date and the name and version of the script.
The themes engine is not 100% complete because there still are some static text that could or should be replaced. It is, however, quite easy.
#### Blog Index
There is an option in the file ```config``` if you want to show the blog on the front page or not. If set to false, it will write a file in ```$www_root/blog/index.html``` that contains, in reverse order, the blogs written.
To do this it uses the file ```blog_list.tpl``` as a template for how to format this list and then it inserts this into the file ```blog_index.tpl``` which then is written to disk.
### Pages
The process of creating pages is almost the same as with blogs, but with fewer, and other, replacements.
Tags replaced are:
And then the footer gets the same touch as the blog posts.